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KJC 5132 A52 E88(74) : Sutter case : 1. Decision of 29 June 1982 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) ; 2. Judgment of 22 February 1984.; BJL     
      Sutter case : 1. Decision of 29 June 1982 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) ; 2. Judgment of 22 Februa BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(75) : Luberti case : judgment of 23 February 1984.; BJL     
      Luberti case : judgment of 23 February 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(76) : Goddi case : judgment of 9 April 1984.; BJL     
      Goddi case : judgment of 9 April 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(77) : Case of de Jong, Baljet and van den Brink : judgment of 22 May 1984.; BJL     
      Case of de Jong, Baljet and van den Brink : judgment of 22 May 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(78) : Case of van der Sluijs, Zuiderveld and Klappe : judgment of 22 May 1984.; BJL     
      Case of van der Sluijs, Zuiderveld and Klappe : judgment of 22 May 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(79) : Cases of Duinhof and Duijf : judgment of 22 May 1984.; BJL     
      Cases of Duinhof and Duijf : judgment of 22 May 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(8) : "Neumeister" case : judgment of 27th June, 1968.; BJL     
      "Neumeister" case : judgment of 27th June, 1968. BJL  BOOK 1968
KJC 5132 A52 E88(80) : Case of Campbell and Fell : judgment of 28 June 1984.; BJL     
      Case of Campbell and Fell : judgment of 28 June 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(81) : Guincho case : judgment of 10 July 1984.; BJL     
      Guincho case : judgment of 10 July 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(82) : Malone case : 1. Decision of 27 October 1983 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 2 August 1984 (merits); 3. Decision of 2 August 1984 (Article 50-reference back to the Chamber).; BJL     
      Malone case : 1. Decision of 27 October 1983 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 2 Augus BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(83) : Skoogstrom case : judgment of 2 October 1984 ; McGoff case : judgment of 26 October 1984.; BJL     
      Skoogstrom case : judgment of 2 October 1984 ; McGoff case : judgment of 26 October 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(84) : Sramek case : 1. Decision of 26 January 1984 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 22 October 1984.; BJL     
      Sramek case : 1. Decision of 26 January 1984 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 22 Octo BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(85) : Öztürk case : 1. Decision of 21 February 1984 (reference back to the Chamber); Decision of 21 February 1984 (procedure); 3. Judgment of 23 October 1984 (Article 50); Piersack case : judgment of 26 October 1984 (Article 50).; BJL     
      Öztürk case : 1. Decision of 21 February 1984 (reference back to the Chamber); Decision o BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(86) : De Cubber case : judgment of 26 October 1984.; BJL     
      De Cubber case : judgment of 26 October 1984. BJL  BOOK 1984
KJC 5132 A52 E88(87) : Rasmussen case : judgment of 28 November 1984.; BJL     
      Rasmussen case : judgment of 28 November 1984. BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(88) : Case of Sporrong and Lönnroth : judgment of 18 December 1984 (Article 50).; BJL     
      Case of Sporrong and Lönnroth : judgment of 18 December 1984 (Article 50). BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(89) : Case of Colozza and Rubinat : 1. Decision of 26 September 1984 (severance); 2. Colozza judgment of 12 February 1985; 3. Rubinat judgment of 12 February 1985.; BJL     
      Case of Colozza and Rubinat : 1. Decision of 26 September 1984 (severance); 2. Colozza judgment of 12 BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(9) : Stögmüller case : judgment of 10th November 1969.; BJL     
      Stögmüller case : judgment of 10th November 1969. BJL  BOOK 1969
KJC 5132 A52 E88(90) : Barthold case : judgment of 25 March 1985.; BJL     
      Barthold case : judgment of 25 March 1985. BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(91) : Case of X and Y v. The Netherlands : judgment of 26 March 1983.; BJL     
      Case of X and Y v. The Netherlands : judgment of 26 March 1983. BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(92) : Bönisch case : judgment of 6 May 1985 (merits).; BJL     
      Bönisch case : judgment of 6 May 1985 (merits). BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(93) : Ashingdane case : judgment of 28 May 1985.; BJL     
      Ashingdane case : judgment of 28 May 1985. BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(94) : Case of Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali : 1. Decision of 22 May 1984 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 28 May 1985.; BJL     
      Case of Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali : 1. Decision of 22 May 1984 (relinquishment of jurisdictio BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(95) : Malone case : judgment of 26 April 1985 (Article 50); Vallon case : judgment of 3 June 1985.; BJL     
      Malone case : judgment of 26 April 1985 (Article 50); Vallon case : judgment of 3 June 1985. BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(96) : Can case : judgment of 30 September 1985.; BJL     
      Can case : judgment of 30 September 1985. BJL  BOOK 1985
KJC 5132 A52 E88(97) : Benthem case : 1. Decision of 22 May 1984 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 23 October 1985.; BJL     
      Benthem case : 1. Decision of 22 May 1984 (relinquishment of jurisdiction); 2. Judgment of 23 October BJL  BOOK 1986
KJC 5132 A52 E88(98) : Barthold case : judgment of 31 January 1986 (Article 50); Case of James and others : decision of 26 June 1985 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) : judgment of 21 February 1986.; BJL     
      Barthold case : judgment of 31 January 1986 (Article 50); Case of James and others : decision of 26 J BJL  BOOK 1986
KJC 5132 A52 E88(99) : Feldbrugge case : 1.Decision of 27 February 1985 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) ; 2.Judgment of 29 May 1986.; BJL     
      Feldbrugge case : 1.Decision of 27 February 1985 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) ; 2.Judgment of 29 BJL  BOOK 1986
KJC 5132 A52 E881 : Recueil des arrets et decisions = Reports of judgments and decisions.; BJL     
      Recueil des arrets et decisions = Reports of judgments and decisions. BJL  BOOK 2008
KJC 5132 A52 E882(1) : "Lawless" case.; BJL     
      "Lawless" case. BJL  BOOK 1961
KJC 5132 A52 E882(100) : Case of Ettl and others : Case of Erkner and Hofauer : Poiss case.; BJL     
      Case of Ettl and others : Case of Erkner and Hofauer : Poiss case. BJL  BOOK 1995
KJC 5132 A52 E882(101) : Case of Lechner and Hess.; BJL     
      Case of Lechner and Hess. BJL  BOOK 1995
KJC 5132 A52 E882(102) : Capuano case : Baggetta case : Milasi case.; BJL     
      Capuano case : Baggetta case : Milasi case. BJL  BOOK 1995
KJC 5132 A52 E882(103) : A - Case of O. v. The United Kingdom : B - Case of H. v. The United Kingdom.; BJL     
      A - Case of O. v. The United Kingdom : B - Case of H. v. The United Kingdom. BJL  BOOK 1995
KJC 5132 A52 E882(104) : A - Case of W. v. The United Kingdom : B - Case of B. v. The United Kingdom : C - Case of R. v. The United Kingdom.; BJL     
      A - Case of W. v. The United Kingdom : B - Case of B. v. The United Kingdom : C - Case of R. v. The U BJL  BOOK 1995
KJC 5132 A52 E882(11) : Ringeisen case.; BJL     
      Ringeisen case. BJL  BOOK 1972
KJC 5132 A52 E882(12) : De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp cases ("vagrancy" cases) : (question of the application of article 50 of the Convention).; BJL     
      De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp cases ("vagrancy" cases) : (question of the application of article 50 of th BJL  BOOK 1973
KJC 5132 A52 E882(13) : Ringeisen case : (question of the application of article 50 of the Convention).; BJL     
      Ringeisen case : (question of the application of article 50 of the Convention). BJL  BOOK 1973
KJC 5132 A52 E882(14) : Ringeisen case : (interpretation of the judgement of 22 June, 1972).; BJL     
      Ringeisen case : (interpretation of the judgement of 22 June, 1972). BJL  BOOK 1973
KJC 5132 A52 E882(15) : Neumeister case : question of the application of article 50 of the Convention.; BJL     
      Neumeister case : question of the application of article 50 of the Convention. BJL  BOOK 1974
KJC 5132 A52 E882(16) : Golder case.; BJL     
      Golder case. BJL  BOOK 1975
KJC 5132 A52 E882(17) : National Union of Belgian Police case, 1974-1975.; BJL     
      National Union of Belgian Police case, 1974-1975. BJL  BOOK 1976
KJC 5132 A52 E882(18) : Swedish Engine Driver's Union case : 1974-1975.; BJL     
      Swedish Engine Driver's Union case : 1974-1975. BJL  BOOK 1977
KJC 5132 A52 E882(19) : Schmidt and Dahlström case.; BJL     
      Schmidt and Dahlström case. BJL  BOOK 1977
KJC 5132 A52 E882(2) : "De Becker" case.; BJL     
      "De Becker" case. BJL  BOOK 1962
KJC 5132 A52 E882(20) : Case of Engel and others.; BJL     
      Case of Engel and others. BJL  BOOK 1977
KJC 5132 A52 E882(21) : Case of Kjeldsen, Busk Madsen and Pedersen.; BJL     
      Case of Kjeldsen, Busk Madsen and Pedersen. BJL  BOOK 1978
KJC 5132 A52 E882(22) : Handyside case.; BJL     
      Handyside case. BJL  BOOK 1979
KJC 5132 A52 E882(23,i-iii) : Case of Ireland against the United Kingdom : reference to the Court, 10 March, 1976 [to 18 Jan. 1978].; BJL     
      Case of Ireland against the United Kingdom : reference to the Court, 10 March, 1976 [to 18 Jan. 1978] BJL  BOOK 1981
KJC 5132 A52 E882(24) : Tyrer case.; BJL     
      Tyrer case. BJL  BOOK 1981
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