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KZ5645.5.A98 .M343 2020 : Autonomous weapon systems and the law of armed conflict : compatibility with international humanitarian law / Tim McFarland.; Online materials     
      Autonomous weapon systems and the law of armed conflict : compatibility with international humanitari Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
KZ5645.5.A98 S29 2022 : Fighting machines : autonomous weapons and human dignity / Dan Saxon.; Online materials     
      Fighting machines : autonomous weapons and human dignity / Dan Saxon. Online materials  EBOOKS 2022
KZ 5645.5 C58 B8 : Cluster munitions and international law : disarmament with a human face? / Alexander Breitegger.; BJL     
      Cluster munitions and international law : disarmament with a human face? / Alexander Breitegger. BJL  BOOK 2012
KZ 5646 A7 : Arms and disarmament : SIPRI findings / edited by Marek Thee.; BJL     
      Arms and disarmament : SIPRI findings / edited by Marek Thee. BJL  BOOK 1986
KZ 5665 A3 : The ABM treaty : to defend or not to defend? / edited by Walther Stützle, Bhupendra Jasani and Regina Cowen.; BJL     
      The ABM treaty : to defend or not to defend? / edited by Walther Stützle, Bhupendra Jasani and Regina BJL  BOOK 1987
KZ5665 .B66 : Nuclear weapons law : where are we now? / William H. Boothby (Geneva Centre for Security Policy), Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg ( Europa-Universität Frankfurt (Oder)).; BJL     
      Nuclear weapons law : where are we now? / William H. Boothby (Geneva Centre for Security Policy), Wol BJL  BOOK 2022
KZ 5665 N9 : Nuclear proliferation after the Cold War / edited by Mitchell Reiss and Robert S. Litwak.; BJL     
      Nuclear proliferation after the Cold War / edited by Mitchell Reiss and Robert S. Litwak. BJL  BOOK 1994
KZ 5675 A4 : Maritime counterproliferation operations and the rule of law / Craig H. Allen.; BJL     
      Maritime counterproliferation operations and the rule of law / Craig H. Allen. BJL  BOOK 2007
KZ 5675 J8 : International law and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction / Daniel H. Joyner.; BJL     
      International law and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction / Daniel H. Joyner. BJL  BOOK 2009
KZ 5675 N9 : Nuclear proliferation in the 1980s : perspectives and proposals / edited by William H. Kincade and Christoph Bertram.; BJL     
      Nuclear proliferation in the 1980s : perspectives and proposals / edited by William H. Kincade and Ch BJL  BOOK 1982
KZ 5830 S6 / q : International organization for chemical disarmament.; BJL     
      International organization for chemical disarmament. BJL  BOOK 1987
KZ 5832 C5 / q : Chemical weapon free zones? / edited by Ralf Trapp.; BJL     
      Chemical weapon free zones? / edited by Ralf Trapp. BJL  BOOK 1987
KZ 5967 S9 : Der Warschauer Vertrag und die nationale Volksarmee.; BJL     
      Der Warschauer Vertrag und die nationale Volksarmee. BJL  BOOK 1965
KZ 6010 I6    
      International conflict and security law : essays in memory of Hilaire McCoubrey / edited by Richard B BJL  BOOK 2005
      International organizations and international dispute settlement : trends and prospects / Laurence Bo BJL  BOOK 2002
KZ 6010 K2 : Peace through law / by Hans Kelsen.; BJL     
      Peace through law / by Hans Kelsen. BJL  BOOK 2000
KZ 6010 N8 : Enforcing international law : from self-help to self-contained regimes / Math Noortmann.; BJL     
      Enforcing international law : from self-help to self-contained regimes / Math Noortmann. BJL  BOOK c2005
KZ 6010 O7 : International dispute settlement in an evolving global society : constitutionalization, accessibility, privatization / Francisco Orrego Vicuña.; BJL     
      International dispute settlement in an evolving global society : constitutionalization, accessibility BJL  BOOK 2004
KZ 6010 R1 : Contemporary conflict resolution : the prevention, management and transformation of deadly conflicts / Oliver Ramsbotham, Tom Woodhouse and Hugh Miall.; BJL     
      Contemporary conflict resolution : the prevention, management and transformation of deadly conflicts BJL  BOOK 2005
KZ 6010 W1 : Understanding conflict resolution : war, peace and the global system.; BJL     
      Understanding conflict resolution : war, peace and the global system. BJL  BOOK 2002
KZ6045 .K66 2018 : Negotiating peace [electronic resource] / a guide to the practice, politics, and law of international mediation / Sven M.G. Koopmans.; Online materials     
      Negotiating peace [electronic resource] / a guide to the practice, politics, and law of international Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
KZ 6115 A5 : Political and legal remedies for war / by Sheldon Amos.; BJL     
      Political and legal remedies for war / by Sheldon Amos. BJL  BOOK 1982
KZ 6148 P4 : Procedural law in international arbitration.; BJL     
      Procedural law in international arbitration. BJL  BOOK 2004
KZ 6250 H1 : The Hague : legal capital of the world / editors, Peter J. van Krieken, David McKay.; BJL     
      The Hague : legal capital of the world / editors, Peter J. van Krieken, David McKay. BJL  BOOK c2005
KZ 6250 L6 : Liber amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda / edited by Nisuke Ando, Edward McWhinney, Rüdiger Wolfrum.; BJL     
      Liber amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda / edited by Nisuke Ando, Edward McWhinney, Rüdiger Wolfrum. BJL  BOOK 2002
KZ 6250 S5 : The competing jurisdictions of international courts and tribunals / Yuval Shany.; BJL     
      The competing jurisdictions of international courts and tribunals / Yuval Shany. BJL  BOOK 2003
KZ 6260 S7 : International legal argument in the Permanent Court of International Justice : the rise of the international judiciary / by Ole Spiermann.; BJL     
      International legal argument in the Permanent Court of International Justice : the rise of the intern BJL  BOOK 2005
KZ 6275 H6 : The role of the International Court of Justice at the turn of the century : being the Presidential address of Her Excellency Judge Rosalyn Higgins, Judge of the International Court of Justice.; BJL     
      The role of the International Court of Justice at the turn of the century : being the Presidential ad BJL  BOOK 1999
KZ 6275 I1 : The ICJ and the evolution of international law : the enduring impact of the Corfu Channel case / edited by Karine Bannelier, Theodore Christakis and Sarah Heathcote.; BJL     
      The ICJ and the evolution of international law : the enduring impact of the Corfu Channel case / edit BJL  BOOK 2012
KZ 6275 R8 : Provisional measures in international law : the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / Shabtai Rosenne.; BJL     
      Provisional measures in international law : the International Court of Justice and the International BJL  BOOK 2005
KZ 6275 S3 : Compliance with decisions of the International Court of Justice.; BJL     
      Compliance with decisions of the International Court of Justice. BJL  BOOK 2004
KZ 6275 S7 : The Statute of the International Court of Justice : a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann ...[et al.].; BJL     
      The Statute of the International Court of Justice : a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann ...[e BJL  BOOK 2006
KZ 6275 T4 : The law and procedure of the International Court of Justice : fifty years of jurisprudence / Hugh Thirlway.; BJL     
      The law and procedure of the International Court of Justice : fifty years of jurisprudence / Hugh Thi BJL  BOOK 2013
KZ 6304 R8 : Routledge handbook of international criminal law / edited by William A. Schabas and Nadia Bernaz.; BJL     
      Routledge handbook of international criminal law / edited by William A. Schabas and Nadia Bernaz. BJL  BOOK 2011
KZ 6310 B8 : International justice and the International Criminal Court : between sovereignty and the rule of law.; BJL     
      International justice and the International Criminal Court : between sovereignty and the rule of law. BJL  BOOK 2003
KZ 6310 D7 : Droit pénal international dans le Pacifique : tentatives d'harmonisation régionale = Regionalising international criminal law in the Pacific / Neil Boister, Alberto Cosit, editors.; BJL     
      Droit pénal international dans le Pacifique : tentatives d'harmonisation régionale = Regionalising in BJL  BOOK 2006
KZ 6310 F9 : From Nuremberg to the Hague : the future of international criminal justice / edited by Philippe Sands.; BJL     
      From Nuremberg to the Hague : the future of international criminal justice / edited by Philippe Sands BJL  BOOK 2003
KZ 6310 I6    
      International crimes, peace, and human rights : the role of the International Criminal Court / edited BJL  BOOK c2000
      The International Criminal Court / edited by Olympia Bekou and Robert Cryer. BJL  BOOK c2004
      The International Criminal Court and national jurisdictions / edited by Mauro Politi and Federica Gio BJL  BOOK c2008
      The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 1994-1999 / André Klip and Göran Sluiter (eds.). BJL  BOOK 2003
6 additional entries    
KZ 6310 J7 : International criminal practice : the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the International Criminal Court, The Special Court for Sierra Leone, the East Timor Special Panel for Serious Crimes, war crimes prosecution in Kosovo / John Jones and Steven Powles.; BJL     
      International criminal practice : the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the BJL  BOOK 2003
KZ 6310 L4 : The law and practice of the International Criminal Court / edited by Carsten Stahn.; BJL     
      The law and practice of the International Criminal Court / edited by Carsten Stahn. BJL  BOOK 2015
KZ 6310 M2 : Man's inhumanity to man : essays on international law in honour of Antonio Cassese / edited by Lal Chand Vohrah ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Man's inhumanity to man : essays on international law in honour of Antonio Cassese / edited by Lal Ch BJL  BOOK c2003
KZ 6310 P4 : The permanent international criminal court : legal and policy issues / edited by Dominic McGoldrick, Peter Rowe and Eric Donnelly.; BJL     
      The permanent international criminal court : legal and policy issues / edited by Dominic McGoldrick, BJL  BOOK 2004
KZ 6310 P9 : The pursuit of international criminal justice : a world study on conflicts, victimization, and post-conflict justice / edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni.; BJL     
      The pursuit of international criminal justice : a world study on conflicts, victimization, and post-c BJL  BOOK 2010
KZ 6310 R3 : Reflections on the International Criminal Court : essays in honour of Adriaan Bos / edited by Herman A.M. von Hebel, Johan G. Lammers, Jolien Schukking.; BJL     
      Reflections on the International Criminal Court : essays in honour of Adriaan Bos / edited by Herman BJL  BOOK c1999
KZ 6310 R7    
      Designing criminal tribunals : sovereignty and international concerns in the protection of human righ BJL  BOOK 2006
      The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : a commentary / edited by Antonio Cassese, Paol BJL  BOOK 2002
KZ 6310 S1    
      The International Criminal Court and the transformation of international law : justice for the new mi BJL  BOOK c2002
      Towards an international criminal procedure. BJL  BOOK 2001
KZ 6310 S2 : The UN international criminal tribunals : the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone; BJL     
      The UN international criminal tribunals : the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone BJL  BOOK 2006
KZ 6310 S3 : Building the international criminal court / Benjamin N. Schiff.; BJL     
      Building the international criminal court / Benjamin N. Schiff. BJL  BOOK 2008
KZ 6310 S5 : Immunity and international criminal law.; BJL     
      Immunity and international criminal law. BJL  BOOK c2004
KZ 6311 B7 : Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes : nullum crimen sine lege and the subject matter jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.; BJL     
      Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes : nullum crimen sine lege and the subject matter jurisd BJL  BOOK 2002
KZ 6311 G5 : The International Criminal Court : a global civil society achievement.; Departmental Locations     
      The International Criminal Court : a global civil society achievement. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2006
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