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LB1576 .P75 2017 : Primary English for trainee teachers / [edited by] David Waugh, Wendy Jolliffe and Kate Allott.; BJL     
      Primary English for trainee teachers / [edited by] David Waugh, Wendy Jolliffe and Kate Allott. BJL  BOOK 2017
LB 1576 P8    
      Practical ways to teach writing / edited by Bridie Raban. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Talk back : an antidote to the worst excesses of educational reform. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Teaching language and literature in elementary classrooms : a resource book for professional developm BJL  BOOK 2005
LB 1576 P9    
      Encouraging writing. BJL  BOOK 1983
      Primary English in the national curriculum / edited by Morag Hunter-Carsch, Sue Beverton and Doug Den BJL  BOOK 1990
      Primary English : knowledge and understanding. BJL  BOOK 2012
      Primary English : knowledge and understanding. BJL  BOOK 2014
5 additional entries    
LB 1576 Q1 / q : Target setting and assessment in the National Literacy Strategy.; BJL     
      Target setting and assessment in the National Literacy Strategy. BJL  BOOK 1999
LB 1576 Q5 : Teach now! English : becoming a great English teacher / Alex Quigley.; BJL     
      Teach now! English : becoming a great English teacher / Alex Quigley. BJL  BOOK 2014
LB 1576 R1    
      A-Z of key concepts in primary English / Elizabeth Randall and Averill Hardman. BJL  BOOK 2002
      Raising standards in literacy / edited by Ros Fisher, Greg Brooks, and Maureen Lewis. BJL  BOOK 2002
LB 1576 R2 : Reassessing language and literacy / edited by Mike Hayhoe and Stephen Parker.; BJL     
      Reassessing language and literacy / edited by Mike Hayhoe and Stephen Parker. BJL  BOOK 1992
LB 1576 R5 : Language and literacy 3-7 : creative approaches to teaching / Jeni Riley.; BJL     
      Language and literacy 3-7 : creative approaches to teaching / Jeni Riley. BJL  BOOK 2006
LB 1576 R8    
      The RoutledgeFalmer reader in language and literacy / edited by Teresa Grainger. BJL  BOOK 2004
      The story road to literacy. BJL  BOOK 2006
LB 1576 R9 : Teaching children to read and write : becoming an effective literacy teacher.; BJL     
      Teaching children to read and write : becoming an effective literacy teacher. BJL  BOOK c2005
LB 1576 S4 : 100 ideas for teaching literacy / Fred Sedgwick.; BJL     
      100 ideas for teaching literacy / Fred Sedgwick. BJL  BOOK 2010
LB 1576 S5 : Cognition, computers and creative writing.; BJL     
      Cognition, computers and creative writing. BJL  BOOK 1985
LB 1576 S6 : Towards an analysis of discourse : the English used by teachers and pupils : based on a report submitted to the Social Science Research Council / J. McH. Sinclair and R. M. Coulthard.; BJL     
      Towards an analysis of discourse : the English used by teachers and pupils : based on a report submit BJL  BOOK 1975
LB 1576 S7    
      Speaking and listening : activities in cross-curricular contexts : ages 7-9 / Eleanor Gavienas ... [e BJL  BOOK c2004
      Speaking and listening : activities in cross-curricular contexts : Ages 9-11. BJL  BOOK c2004
LB 1576 S9    
      Language, schools and classrooms. BJL  BOOK 1983
      Language, schools and classrooms. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Really writing : ready-to-use writing process activities for the elementary grades / Cherlyn Sunflowe BJL  BOOK 2006
LB 1576 T1 : Talking to some purpose : explorations of the role of talk in pupils' learning together with strategies for encouraging effective talk in classrooms / by Barrie Wade ... [et al.] ; edited by Barrie Wade.; BJL     
      Talking to some purpose : explorations of the role of talk in pupils' learning together with strategi BJL  BOOK 1985
LB 1576 T2    
      50 shared texts : photocopiable texts for shared reading : year 2, Scottish primary 3 / Sue Taylor. BJL  BOOK c2004
      Teaching literacy effectively in the primary school / David Wray ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2000
      The teaching of writing : eighty-fifth yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education : BJL  BOOK 1986
      Teaching standard English in the inner city / edited by Ralph W. Fasold and Roger W. Shuy. BJL  BOOK 1970
LB 1576 T4    
      Grammar and punctuation : Ages 7-8 : term-by-term photocopiables / [Huw Thomas]. BJL  BOOK c1999
      Grammar and punctuation : Ages 8-9 : term-by-term photocopiables / [Huw Thomas]. BJL  BOOK c1999
      Grammar and punctuation : Ages 9-10 : term-by-term photocopiables / [Huw Thomas]. BJL  BOOK c1999
      Grammar and punctuation : Ages 10-11 : term-by-term photocopiables / [Huw Thomas]. BJL  BOOK c1999
LB 1576 T5 : Teaching writing : the development of written language skills.; BJL     
      Teaching writing : the development of written language skills. BJL  BOOK 1980
LB 1576 T6    
      Language arts essentials. BJL  BOOK c2006
      Language arts : patterns of practice. BJL  BOOK c2005
LB 1576 T9 : Coordinating English at key stage 1 / Jenny Tyrrell and Narinderjit Gill.; BJL     
      Coordinating English at key stage 1 / Jenny Tyrrell and Narinderjit Gill. BJL  BOOK 2000
LB 1576 U5    
      Unlocking speaking and listening / edited by Deborah Jones and Pamela Hodson. BJL  BOOK 2012
      Unlocking writing : a guide for teachers / edited by Mary Williams. BJL  BOOK 2002
LB 1576 U7 : Five-minute activities : a resource book of short activities / Penny Ur, Andrew Wright.; BJL     
      Five-minute activities : a resource book of short activities / Penny Ur, Andrew Wright. BJL  BOOK 1992
LB 1576 U8 : Use of language across the primary curriculum / edited by Eve Bearne.; BJL     
      Use of language across the primary curriculum / edited by Eve Bearne. BJL  BOOK 1998
LB 1576 W1 / q : Reading learning centers for primary grades : monthly theme units, activities, and games.; BJL     
      Reading learning centers for primary grades : monthly theme units, activities, and games. BJL  BOOK 2005
LB 1576 W2 : Ways of teaching primary English.; BJL     
      Ways of teaching primary English. BJL  BOOK 1989
LB1576 .W29 2016 : English 5-11 : a guide for teachers / David Waugh, Wendy Jolliffe.; Online materials     
      English 5-11 : a guide for teachers / David Waugh, Wendy Jolliffe. Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
LB 1576 W3    
      100 literacy homework activities : year 4. BJL  BOOK 2001
      100 literacy hours : year four / Chris Webster. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Coordinating English at key stage 2 / M. Waters and T. Martin. BJL  BOOK 1998
      English 3-11 : a guide for teachers / David Waugh and Wendy Jolliffe. BJL  BOOK 2008
8 additional entries    
LB 1576 W5 / q : Developing literacy skills in the early years : a practical guide.; BJL     
      Developing literacy skills in the early years : a practical guide. BJL  BOOK 2005
LB 1576 W6 : The quality of writing.; BJL     
      The quality of writing. BJL  BOOK 1986
LB 1576 W7    
      Language knowledge for primary teachers / Angela Wilson. BJL  BOOK 2004
      Language knowledge for primary teachers : a guide to textual, grammatical and lexical study. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Supporting reading / Angela Wilson and Julie Scanlon. BJL  BOOK c2004
      Write on target / by Ros Wilson. BJL  BOOK 2008?
LB 1576 W9    
      English 7-11 : developing primary teaching skills. BJL  BOOK 1995
      English for primary teachers : an audit and self-study guide / David Wray and Jane Medwell. BJL  BOOK 1997
      Literacy and language in the primary years / David Wray and Jane Medwell. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Literacy in action / David Wray, Wendy Bloom, and Nigel Hall. BJL  BOOK 1989
7 additional entries    
LB 1576 Y3 : Language activities.; BJL     
      Language activities. BJL  BOOK 1990
LB1576.7 .A35 : Adaptive educational technologies for literacy instruction / edited by Scott A. Crossley and Danielle S. McNamara.; BJL     
      Adaptive educational technologies for literacy instruction / edited by Scott A. Crossley and Danielle BJL  BOOK 2017
LB 1576.7 B8 : Electronic quills : a situated evaluation of using computers for writing in classrooms / Bertram C. Bruce, Andee Rubin.; BJL     
      Electronic quills : a situated evaluation of using computers for writing in classrooms / Bertram C. B BJL  BOOK 1992
LB 1576.7 I3 : The impact of ICT on literacy education / edited by Richard Andrews.; BJL     
      The impact of ICT on literacy education / edited by Richard Andrews. BJL  BOOK c2004
LB 1576.7 I4 : Information technology and multimedia in English language teaching / Bruce Morrison ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Information technology and multimedia in English language teaching / Bruce Morrison ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1999
LB 1576.7 M6 / q : Interactive literacy : using ICT to advance literacy skills / Trevor Millum.; BJL     
      Interactive literacy : using ICT to advance literacy skills / Trevor Millum. BJL  BOOK c2005
LB 1576.7 M9 : Multimodal composing in classrooms : learning and teaching for the digital world / edited by Suzanne M. Miller and Mary B. McVee.; BJL     
      Multimodal composing in classrooms : learning and teaching for the digital world / edited by Suzanne BJL  BOOK 2012
LB 1576.7 T2 : Teaching primary literacy with ICT / edited by Moira Monteith.; BJL     
      Teaching primary literacy with ICT / edited by Moira Monteith. BJL  BOOK 2002
LB 1577 F75 Y8 / q : The Frisian language in primary education in Friesland, the Netherlands.; BJL     
      The Frisian language in primary education in Friesland, the Netherlands. BJL  BOOK 1986
LB 1578 C9 / q : Current research in language teaching and learning in the UK 1993-95 : results of a survey of research carried out between September and December 1995 / edited by Philippa Wright.; BJL     
      Current research in language teaching and learning in the UK 1993-95 : results of a survey of researc BJL  BOOK 1996
LB 1578 D7    
      Games & activities for primary modern foreign languages / Nicola Drinkwater. BJL  BOOK 2008
      The intercultural dimension : foreign language education in the primary school. BJL  BOOK c1999
LB 1578 F8 : Language in teaching and learning.; BJL     
      Language in teaching and learning. BJL  BOOK 1977
LB 1578 H7 : Modern languages in the primary school / Philip Hood and Kristina Tobutt.; BJL     
      Modern languages in the primary school / Philip Hood and Kristina Tobutt. BJL  BOOK 2009
LB 1578 J6 : Language teaching and skill learning.; BJL     
      Language teaching and skill learning. BJL  BOOK 1996
LB 1578 M3 : Primary languages : effective learning and teaching / Cynthia Martin.; BJL     
      Primary languages : effective learning and teaching / Cynthia Martin. BJL  BOOK 2008
LB 1578 N9 : The early teaching of modern languages : a report on the place of foreign language teaching in primary schools by a Nuffield Foundation Committee.; BJL     
      The early teaching of modern languages : a report on the place of foreign language teaching in primar BJL  BOOK 1977
LB 1578 S8    
      Foreign languages in primary education : the teaching of foreign or second languages to younger child BJL  BOOK 1967
      Languages and the young school child / with a Research Guide by J.B. Carroll. BJL  BOOK 1969
LB 1580 E8 E1 : An early start : young learners and modern languages in Europe and beyond / compiled and edited by Marianne Nikolov and Helena Curtain.; BJL     
      An early start : young learners and modern languages in Europe and beyond / compiled and edited by Ma BJL  BOOK c2000
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