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LC 4096 G7 U3 : Social disadvantage and educational opportunity : a study of fifty individual cases from two working class neighbourhoods in Holland; BJL     
      Social disadvantage and educational opportunity : a study of fifty individual cases from two working BJL  BOOK 1972
LC4096.G7 V59 2009 : Meeting the needs of disaffected students : engaging students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties / Dave Vizard.; BJL     
      Meeting the needs of disaffected students : engaging students with social, emotional and behavioural BJL  BOOK c2009
LC 4096 G7 W6 : Reducing educational disadvantage.; BJL     
      Reducing educational disadvantage. BJL  BOOK 1986
LC 4096 G72 C8 / p : Raising standards : parental involvement programmes and the language performance of children, a report on a sample of primary schools taking part in reading and language programmes initiated by Coventry's Community Education Project / by Paul Widlake, Flora Macleod ; preface by Eric Midwinter.; BJL     
      Raising standards : parental involvement programmes and the language performance of children, a repor BJL  BOOK 1984
LC 4096 G72 L2 : Working with disaffected students : why students lose interest in school and what we can do about it / Kathryn A. Riley and Elle Rustique-Forrester with Mary Fuller ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Working with disaffected students : why students lose interest in school and what we can do about it BJL  BOOK 2002
LC 4096 G72 P8 : The life and times of John Pounds of Portsmouth : originator of Ragged Schools / editors, Paul Quin and Geoff Worthington.; BJL     
      The life and times of John Pounds of Portsmouth : originator of Ragged Schools / editors, Paul Quin a BJL  BOOK 2007
LC 4099 T4 : Schooling the rustbelt kids : making the difference in changing times / Pat Thomson.; BJL     
      Schooling the rustbelt kids : making the difference in changing times / Pat Thomson. BJL  BOOK 2002
LC 4165 A6 : Troubled children / troubled systems / Steven J. Apter.; BJL     
      Troubled children / troubled systems / Steven J. Apter. BJL  BOOK 1982
LC 4169 T7 : Educating disturbed adolescents : theory and practice.; BJL     
      Educating disturbed adolescents : theory and practice. BJL  BOOK 1981
LC 4184 G7 H9 / q : Care and control guidelines.; BJL     
      Care and control guidelines. BJL  BOOK 1994
LC 4184 G7 L8 / q : Supporting pupils with emotional difficulties : creating a caring environment for all / Rob Long and Jonathan Fogell.; BJL     
      Supporting pupils with emotional difficulties : creating a caring environment for all / Rob Long and BJL  BOOK 1999
LC 4215 H3 : The education of children with motor and neurological disabilities / S.H. Haskell and E.K. Barrett.; BJL     
      The education of children with motor and neurological disabilities / S.H. Haskell and E.K. Barrett. BJL  BOOK 1992
LC 4215 N6 : Early learning, step by step in children with vision impairment and multiple disabilities.; BJL     
      Early learning, step by step in children with vision impairment and multiple disabilities. BJL  BOOK 1997
LC 4215 O7 / p : The child with a medical problem in the ordinary school.; BJL     
      The child with a medical problem in the ordinary school. BJL  BOOK 1979
LC 4219 E6 : Epilepsy and education : a medical symposium on changing attitudes to epilepsy in education : proceedings of a symposium ... held at the Royal College of Physicians, London, 20 May 1986 / editors, Jolyon Oxley, Gregory Stores.; BJL     
      Epilepsy and education : a medical symposium on changing attitudes to epilepsy in education : procee BJL  BOOK 1987
LC 4219 F7 : Including children 3-11 with physical disabilities : practical guidance for mainstream schools / Mark Fox.; BJL     
      Including children 3-11 with physical disabilities : practical guidance for mainstream schools / Mark BJL  BOOK c2003
LC 4236 G7 D4 / q : Developing school provision for children with dyspraxia : a practical guide / edited by Nichola Jones.; BJL     
      Developing school provision for children with dyspraxia : a practical guide / edited by Nichola Jones BJL  BOOK 2005
LC 4236 G7 R5    
      Disability equality in the classroom : a human rights issue / Richard Rieser and Micheline Mason. BJL  BOOK 1990
      Disability equality in the classroom : a human rights issue / Richard Rieser and Micheline Mason. BJL  BOOK 1992
LC 4236 G7 W8 / q : Within reach : access for disabled children to mainstream education.; BJL     
      Within reach : access for disabled children to mainstream education. BJL  BOOK 1993
LC 4301 : The care of young blind children.; BJL     
      The care of young blind children. BJL  BOOK  
LC 4401 M7 : Learning, teaching and assessment : a good practice guide for staff teaching d/Deaf students in art, design and communication / Judith Mole, Diane Peacock.; BJL     
      Learning, teaching and assessment : a good practice guide for staff teaching d/Deaf students in art, BJL  BOOK 2002
LC 4564 G7 D4 / q : Access to education for children and young people with medical needs : guidance.; BJL     
      Access to education for children and young people with medical needs : guidance. BJL  BOOK  
LC 4564 G7 O4 : Teaching teenagers with chronic illnesses : a secondary teacher's guide / Jenny Ollerenshaw.; BJL     
      Teaching teenagers with chronic illnesses : a secondary teacher's guide / Jenny Ollerenshaw. BJL  BOOK 2014
LC 4564 G7 S9 / q : Supporting children with medical conditions / Hull Learning Services.; BJL     
      Supporting children with medical conditions / Hull Learning Services. BJL  BOOK c2004
LC 4580 A9 : Autistic children : teaching, community and research approaches / compiled and edited by Barbara Furneaux and Brian Roberts.; BJL     
      Autistic children : teaching, community and research approaches / compiled and edited by Barbara Furn BJL  BOOK 1977
LC 4580 J4 / p : Art & cerebral palsy.; BJL     
      Art & cerebral palsy. BJL  BOOK c1974
LC 4580 P6 / p : The child with cerebral palsy.; BJL     
      The child with cerebral palsy. BJL  BOOK 1973
LC 4580 U5 / p : Realistic educational planning for children with cerebral palsy.; BJL     
      Realistic educational planning for children with cerebral palsy. BJL  BOOK 1952
LC 4580 W7 : Children with cerebral palsy.; BJL     
      Children with cerebral palsy. BJL  BOOK 1970
LC 4599 G7 B8 : Dyspraxia / Geoff Brookes.; BJL     
      Dyspraxia / Geoff Brookes. BJL  BOOK c2005
LC 4599 G7 H9 / q : Supporting children with cerebral palsy / Hull Learning Services ; written by Jenny Fisher, Elizabeth Morling, Francesca Murray.; BJL     
      Supporting children with cerebral palsy / Hull Learning Services ; written by Jenny Fisher, Elizabeth BJL  BOOK c2004
LC 4600 H2 : Occupational efficiency of mentally defective.; BJL     
      Occupational efficiency of mentally defective. BJL  BOOK  
LC 4601 C4 : The special student : practical help for the classroom teacher / C. M. Charles, Ida M. Malian.; BJL     
      The special student : practical help for the classroom teacher / C. M. Charles, Ida M. Malian. BJL  BOOK 1980
LC 4601 M6 / q : Supporting children with Down's syndrome / [written by Susan Miller, Elizabeth Morling, Susan Wong].; BJL     
      Supporting children with Down's syndrome / [written by Susan Miller, Elizabeth Morling, Susan Wong]. BJL  BOOK c2004
LC 4602 B6 : Can we teach intelligence? : a comprehensive evaluation of Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment Program.; BJL     
      Can we teach intelligence? : a comprehensive evaluation of Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment Progr BJL  BOOK 1991
LC 4602 F4 : Instrumental enrichment : an intervention program for cognitive modifiability.; BJL     
      Instrumental enrichment : an intervention program for cognitive modifiability. BJL  BOOK 1980
LC 4602 M1 : Drama for mentally handicapped children.; BJL     
      Drama for mentally handicapped children. BJL  BOOK 1984
LC 4602 O5 : On Feuerstein's Instrumental enrichment : a collection / edited by Meir Ben-Hur.; BJL     
      On Feuerstein's Instrumental enrichment : a collection / edited by Meir Ben-Hur. BJL  BOOK 1994
LC 4603.3 B5 / q : Including children with Down's syndrome in the early years foundation stage / written by Clare Beswick ; illustrated by Martha Hardy.; BJL     
      Including children with Down's syndrome in the early years foundation stage / written by Clare Beswic BJL  BOOK 2009
LC 4604 S6 : Literacy beyond picture books : teaching secondary students with moderate to severe disabilities / Dorothy Dendy Smith, Jill Fisher DeMarco, Martha Worley.; BJL     
      Literacy beyond picture books : teaching secondary students with moderate to severe disabilities / Do BJL  BOOK c2009
LC 4606 E1 : Dyslexia and drama / Helen Eadon.; BJL     
      Dyslexia and drama / Helen Eadon. BJL  BOOK 2004
LC 4616 K2 / q : Talkabout : a social communication skills package.; BJL     
      Talkabout : a social communication skills package. BJL  BOOK 1996
LC 4631 S8 : Mainstreaming of children in schools : research and programmatic issues / Philip S. Strain and Mary Margaret Kerr.; BJL     
      Mainstreaming of children in schools : research and programmatic issues / Philip S. Strain and Mary M BJL  BOOK 1981
LC4636.G7 H3 : My child's different : the lessons learned from one family's struggle to unlock their son's potential / Elaine Halligan ; with contributions from Melissa Hood ; foreword by Dr Laura Markham.; BJL     
      My child's different : the lessons learned from one family's struggle to unlock their son's potential BJL  BOOK 2018
LC 4636 G7 T1 : Taking control : enabling people with learning difficulties.; BJL     
      Taking control : enabling people with learning difficulties. BJL  BOOK 1994
LC 4636 G7 T5 : Child development and teaching pupils with special educational needs / Christina Tilstone and Lyn Layton.; BJL     
      Child development and teaching pupils with special educational needs / Christina Tilstone and Lyn Lay BJL  BOOK 2004
LC 4636 G7 W8 : Working with Hannah : a special girl in a mainstream school / Liz Wise and Chris Glass.; BJL     
      Working with Hannah : a special girl in a mainstream school / Liz Wise and Chris Glass. BJL  BOOK 2000
LC 4661 H2 : Teaching children with learning and behaviour problems / Donald D. Hammill, Nettie R. Barrel.; BJL     
      Teaching children with learning and behaviour problems / Donald D. Hammill, Nettie R. Barrel. BJL  BOOK 1978
LC 4661 K8 : Educating children with learning and behavior problems.; BJL     
      Educating children with learning and behavior problems. BJL  BOOK 1974
LC 4661 M9 : Methods for learning disorders / Patricia I. Myers, Donald D. Hammill.; BJL     
      Methods for learning disorders / Patricia I. Myers, Donald D. Hammill. BJL  BOOK 1976
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