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MT1 .M574 2019 : iPractice : technology in the 21st century music practice room / Jennifer Mishra, Barbara Fast.; Online materials     
      iPractice : technology in the 21st century music practice room / Jennifer Mishra, Barbara Fast. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
MT1 .M65 : iPractice : technology in the 21st century music practice room / Jennifer Mishra, Barbara Fast.; BJL     
      iPractice : technology in the 21st century music practice room / Jennifer Mishra, Barbara Fast. BJL  BOOK 2019
MT 1 M8 : The musical experience of the pre-school child.; BJL     
      The musical experience of the pre-school child. BJL  BOOK 1976
MT1 .M87 2016 : Music, technology and education : critical perspectives / edited by Andrew King and Evangelos Himonides.; Online materials     
      Music, technology and education : critical perspectives / edited by Andrew King and Evangelos Himonid Online materials  EBOOKS 2016
MT 1 M9    
      Music education and digital technology / edited by John Finney, Pamela Burnard. BJL  BOOK 2007
      Music education for changing times : guiding visions for practice / Thomas A. Regelski, J. Terry Gate BJL  BOOK c2009
MT1 .M98732 : Music, technology, and education : critical perspectives / edited by Andrew King and Evangelos Himonides.; BJL     
      Music, technology, and education : critical perspectives / edited by Andrew King and Evangelos Himoni BJL  BOOK 2017
MT 1 O1 : Teaching music.; BJL     
      Teaching music. BJL  BOOK 1983
MT 1 O9 : The Oxford handbook of music education / edited by Gary E. McPherson and Graham F. Welch.; BJL     
      The Oxford handbook of music education / edited by Gary E. McPherson and Graham F. Welch. BJL  BOOK  
MT 1 P3 : Sound and silence : classroom projects in creative music / John Paynter and Peter Aston.; BJL     
      Sound and silence : classroom projects in creative music / John Paynter and Peter Aston. BJL  BOOK 1970
MT 1 P4 : Music teaching and learning / G. David Peters, Robert F. Miller.; BJL     
      Music teaching and learning / G. David Peters, Robert F. Miller. BJL  BOOK 1982
MT1 .P5116 2008 : Exploring research in music education and music therapy / Kenneth H. Phillips.; BJL     
      Exploring research in music education and music therapy / Kenneth H. Phillips. BJL  BOOK c2008
MT 1 P7 : Music education in theory and practice.; BJL     
      Music education in theory and practice. BJL  BOOK 1991
MT 1 P8    
      Pop music in school / edited by Graham Vulliamy and Ed Lee. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Supporting musical development in the early years / Linda Pound and Chris Harrison. BJL  BOOK 2003
MT 1 P9    
      Music in the early years / Aelwyn and Lesley Pugh. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Praxial music education : reflections and dialogues / edited by David J. Elliott. BJL  BOOK 2009
MT 1 R1 / q : Complete theoretical writings.; BJL     
      Complete theoretical writings. BJL  BOOK 1967
MT 1 S2 : Creative music education : a handbook for the modern music teacher.; BJL     
      Creative music education : a handbook for the modern music teacher. BJL  BOOK 1976
MT 1 S5    
      Children discover music and dance. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Music in the primary school. BJL  BOOK 1952
MT 1 S6 : A compendium of practical music in five parts.; BJL     
      A compendium of practical music in five parts. BJL  BOOK 1970
MT 1 S9    
      A basis for music education. BJL  BOOK 1992
      Kodaly's principles in practice : an approach to music education through the Kodaly method. BJL  BOOK 1973
      Popular music and the teacher. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Teaching music musically / Keith Swanwick. BJL  BOOK 2012
MT 1 T2    
      Teaching music / edited by Gary Spruce. BJL  BOOK 1996
      Teaching music in the primary school : a guide for primary teachers / edited by Joanna Glover and Ste BJL  BOOK 1993
MT1 .W55 2021 : Performing music research : methods in music education, psychology, and performance science / Aaron Williamon, [and three others].; Online materials     
      Performing music research : methods in music education, psychology, and performance science / Aaron W Online materials  EBOOKS 2021
MT1 .W674 : Performing music research : methods in music education, psychology, and performance science / Aaron Williamon, Jane Ginsborg, Rosie Perkins, George Waddell.; BJL     
      Performing music research : methods in music education, psychology, and performance science / Aaron W BJL  BOOK 2021
MT 1 .Y655 2009 : Music 3-5 / Susan Young.; BJL     
      Music 3-5 / Susan Young. BJL  BOOK 2009
MT 1 Y7    
      Music and the young child. BJL  BOOK 1950
      Music in the early years / Susan Young, Joanna Glover. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Music with the under-fours / Susan Young. BJL  BOOK c2003
MT 2.5 F2 : Music-study in Germany.; BJL     
      Music-study in Germany. BJL  BOOK 1897
MT 3 A8 A8 / q : Asian music and dance : educational perspectives : a collection of papers given at the Asian Music and Dance Conference in Education in Singapore, March 16 - 19, 1997 / edited by Eugene Dairianathan.; South East Asian Collection     
      Asian music and dance : educational perspectives : a collection of papers given at the Asian Music an South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1997
MT 3 E5 G7 : How popular musicians learn : a way ahead for music education.; BJL     
      How popular musicians learn : a way ahead for music education. BJL  BOOK 2002
MT 3 G3 S7 : Aufange institutioneller Musikerziehung in Deutschland 1800-1843.; BJL     
      Aufange institutioneller Musikerziehung in Deutschland 1800-1843. BJL  BOOK 1973
MT 3 G7 B4 : Children and music : a handbook for parents, teachers and others interested in the musical welfare of children.; BJL     
      Children and music : a handbook for parents, teachers and others interested in the musical welfare of BJL  BOOK 1979
MT 3 G7 B6 : Children making music.; BJL     
      Children making music. BJL  BOOK 1994
MT 3 G7 B7 : Music and the secondary school timetable.; BJL     
      Music and the secondary school timetable. BJL  BOOK 1970
MT 3 G7 C8 : A history of music education in England, 1872-1928.; BJL     
      A history of music education in England, 1872-1928. BJL  BOOK 1993
MT 3 G7 D4    
      Music for ages 5 to 14 : proposals of the Secretary of State for Education and Science and the Secret BJL  BOOK 1991
      Music in schools. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Music in the National Curriculum. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Music in the national curriculum (England). BJL  BOOK 1992
MT 3 G7 G7 : Music, informal learning and the school : a new classroom pedagogy / Lucy Green.; BJL     
      Music, informal learning and the school : a new classroom pedagogy / Lucy Green. BJL  BOOK c2008
MT 3 G7 H5 : Coordinating music across the primary school.; BJL     
      Coordinating music across the primary school. BJL  BOOK 1998
MT 3 G7 I1 : For joy that we are here : rural music schools, 1929-1950.; BJL     
      For joy that we are here : rural music schools, 1929-1950. BJL  BOOK 1977
MT 3 G7 L4    
      Learning to teach music in the secondary school : a companion to school experience / edited by Chris BJL  BOOK 2007
      Learning to teach music in the secondary school : a companion to school experience. BJL  BOOK 2016
MT 3 G7 M1 : Training and careers for the professional musician.; BJL     
      Training and careers for the professional musician. BJL  BOOK 1979
MT 3 G7 M2 : Making music in the primary school : whole class instrumental and vocal teaching / edited by Nick Beach, Julie Evans and Gary Spruce.; BJL     
      Making music in the primary school : whole class instrumental and vocal teaching / edited by Nick Bea BJL  BOOK 2011
MT3.G7 M35 2008 : Getting the buggers in tune / Ian McCormack and Jeanette Healey.; BJL     
      Getting the buggers in tune / Ian McCormack and Jeanette Healey. BJL  BOOK c2008
MT 3 G7 M6    
      Games, ideas and activities for primary music / Donna Minto. BJL  BOOK 2009
      Music in the primary school. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Music in the primary school / Janet Mills. BJL  BOOK 2009
MT3.G7 M87 2013eb : Music Education in Crisis : the Bernarr Rainbow Lectures and Other Assessments.; Online materials     
      Music Education in Crisis : the Bernarr Rainbow Lectures and Other Assessments. Online materials  EBOOKS 2013
MT 3 G7 M9    
      Music and the young school leaver : problems and opportunities. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Music education handbook : a directory of music education in Britain, with reference articles and tab BJL  BOOK 1976
      Music education in the 21st century in the United Kingdom : achievements, analysis and aspirations / BJL  BOOK 2010
      Music education review : a handbook for music teachers. Vol.2, 1979 / edited by Michael Burnett and I BJL  BOOK 1979
MT 3 G7 N2 / q : Interim report.; BJL     
      Interim report. BJL  BOOK 1991
MT 3 G7 P3    
      Music in the secondary school curriculum : trends and developments in class music teaching. BJL  BOOK 1982
      The musician's survival kit : how to get work with music. BJL  BOOK 1979
MT 3 G7 R1 : The land without music : musical education in England 1800-1860 and its continental antecedents.; BJL     
      The land without music : musical education in England 1800-1860 and its continental antecedents. BJL  BOOK 1967
MT 3 G7 T2    
      Music now : a guide to recent developments and current opportunities in music education. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Teaching music in the national curriculum / edited by George Pratt & John Stephens. BJL  BOOK 1995
MT 3 G7 T4 : Wind bands and brass bands in school and music centre.; BJL     
      Wind bands and brass bands in school and music centre. BJL  BOOK 1985
MT 3 G7 U3 / q : Music in action '85.; BJL     
      Music in action '85. BJL  BOOK 1985
MT 3 J3 E6 : The beginnings of western music in Meiji era Japan / Ury Eppstein.; BJL     
      The beginnings of western music in Meiji era Japan / Ury Eppstein. BJL  BOOK c1994
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