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PA 8310 F8 Z5 : The letters and poems of Fulbert of Chartres / edited and translated by F. Behrends.; BJL     
      The letters and poems of Fulbert of Chartres / edited and translated by F. Behrends. BJL  BOOK 1976
PA 8310 G4 V8    
      Galfridi de Monemuta : Vita Merlini : Vie de Merlin / publiees par F. Michel et T. Wright. BJL  BOOK 1837
      The Vita Merlini edited by J.J. Parry. BJL  BOOK 1925
PA 8310 G425 O8 : Otia imperialia : recreation for an emperor / edited and translated by S.E. Banks and J.W. Binns.; BJL     
      Otia imperialia : recreation for an emperor / edited and translated by S.E. Banks and J.W. Binns. BJL  BOOK 2002
PA 8310 G55 A7 : Ars poetica.; BJL     
      Ars poetica. BJL  BOOK 1965
PA 8330 G63 V8 : La "Vita Dominici Siliensis" de Grimaldo : estudio, edicion critica y traduccion.; BJL     
      La "Vita Dominici Siliensis" de Grimaldo : estudio, edicion critica y traduccion. BJL  BOOK 1982
PA 8330 G85 H9 : Hystoria Constantinopolitana; BJL     
      The capture of Constantinople : the Hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of Pairis / edited and tr BJL  BOOK 1997
PA 8330 G85 Z67 : Dissertation critique sur le poeme latin du Ligurinus attribue a Gunther.; BJL     
      Dissertation critique sur le poeme latin du Ligurinus attribue a Gunther. BJL  BOOK 1872
PA 8330 H3 A3 : The shorter Latin poems relating to England.; BJL     
      The shorter Latin poems relating to England. BJL  BOOK 1935
PA 8330 H3 Z6    
      The grammatical works of master Henry of Avranches. BJL  BOOK  
      Magister Henricus de Abrincis, Archipoeta. BJL  BOOK 1928
      Two types of thirteenth century grammatical poems. BJL  BOOK 1929
PA 8330 H75 B8 : Historia Meriadoci and De ortu Waluuanii : two Arthurian romances of the XIII th century in Latin prose / edited by J. D. Bruce.; BJL     
      Historia Meriadoci and De ortu Waluuanii : two Arthurian romances of the XIII th century in Latin pro BJL  BOOK 1913
PA 8340 A1 B3 : Sämtliche Dichtungen of Hrosvitha von Gandersheim.; BJL     
      Sämtliche Dichtungen of Hrosvitha von Gandersheim. BJL  BOOK 1966
PA 8340 A2 S1 : The plays of Roswitha.; BJL     
      The plays of Roswitha. BJL  BOOK 1923
PA 8340 A2 W7    
      Hrotsvit of Gandersheim : a florilegium of her works / translated with introduction, interpretative e BJL  BOOK 1998
      The plays of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim / translated by Katharine Wilson. BJL  BOOK 1989
PA 8340 Z6 N1 : Hrotsvit von Gandersheim.; BJL     
      Hrotsvit von Gandersheim. BJL  BOOK 1965
PA 8347 I8 Z62 : Recherches sur l'"Ysengrimus" : traduction et etude litteraire.; BJL     
      Recherches sur l'"Ysengrimus" : traduction et etude litteraire. BJL  BOOK 1983
PA 8360 J15 E9    
      Die Exampla aus den Sermones feriales et communes des Jakob von Vitry. BJL  BOOK 1914
      The exempla, or Illustrative stories from the Sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry. BJL  BOOK 1971
PA 8360 J15 Z63 : Die Exampla des Jacob von Vitry : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Erzählungsliteratur des Mittelalters.; BJL     
      Die Exampla des Jacob von Vitry : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Erzählungsliteratur des Mittel BJL  BOOK 1914
PA 8360 J17 L5    
      Lombardica historia que a plerisq[ue] Aurea legenda sanctoru[m] appellatur. BJL  BOOK 1502
      Legenda aurea / recensuit Th. Graesse. BJL  BOOK 1965
      The golden legend of Jacobus de Vorgine. BJL  BOOK 1969
      The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints / as Englished by William Caxton; ed. by F.S. Ellis. BJL  BOOK 1900
      La légende dorée / édition critique, dans la révision de 1476 par Jean Batall BJL  BOOK 1997
PA 8360 J17 Z61 : La legende dorée : le systeme narratif de Jacques de Voragine ... / preface de J. Le Goff.; BJL     
      La legende dorée : le systeme narratif de Jacques de Voragine ... / preface de J. Le Goff. BJL  BOOK 1984
PA 8360 J5 S8 : The Stella Maris / edited by E.F.Wilson.; BJL     
      The Stella Maris / edited by E.F.Wilson. BJL  BOOK 1946
PA 8360 J67 E6 : Entheticus de dogmate philosophorum. English & Latin; BJL     
      John of Salisbury's Entheticus maior and minor / edited by Jan van Laarhovan. Vol.1, Introduction, te BJL  BOOK 1987
PA 8370 Z6 B4 : Lupus of Ferrieres as scribe and text critic : a study of his autography copy of Cicerois De oratore.; BJL     
      Lupus of Ferrieres as scribe and text critic : a study of his autography copy of Cicerois De oratore. BJL  BOOK 1930
PA 8380 D2 J2    
      De nugis curialium / tr. by M.R. James with historical notes by J.E. LLoyd ed. by E.S. Hartland. BJL  BOOK 1923
      De nugis curialium = Courtiers' trifles. BJL  BOOK 1983
PA 8380 D2 T9 : Master Walter Map's book. De nugis curialium (Courtier's trifles).; BJL     
      Master Walter Map's book. De nugis curialium (Courtier's trifles). BJL  BOOK 1924
PA 8385 M643 Z63 : The Montecassiono Passion and the poetics of Medieval drama.; BJL     
      The Montecassiono Passion and the poetics of Medieval drama. BJL  BOOK 1977
PA 8385 M8 E1 : Ecerinide : tragedia.; BJL     
      Ecerinide : tragedia. BJL  BOOK 1969
PA 8385 M8 Z6 : Il Mussato preumanista 1261-1329 : L'ambiente e l'opera.; BJL     
      Il Mussato preumanista 1261-1329 : L'ambiente e l'opera. BJL  BOOK 1964
PA 8395 P47 D2 : Un traite de l'amour du XIIe siecle / publie par M.M. Davy.; BJL     
      Un traite de l'amour du XIIe siecle / publie par M.M. Davy. BJL  BOOK 1932
PA 8395 P47 Z5 : The later letters of Peter of Blois / edited by E. Revell.; BJL     
      The later letters of Peter of Blois / edited by E. Revell. BJL  BOOK 1993
PA 8405 P3 Z68 : El Poema de Almeria y la epica romanica.; BJL     
      El Poema de Almeria y la epica romanica. BJL  BOOK 1975
PA 8405 P6 M5    
      Histori Karoli Magni etRotholandi ou Chranique du pseudo-Turpin. BJL  BOOK 1936
      Historia Karoli Magni et Rotholandi ou Chromque du Pseudo-Turpin / textes revus et publies par C. Mer BJL  BOOK 1972
PA 8405 P6 Z67 : De Pseudo-Turpino.; BJL     
      De Pseudo-Turpino. BJL  BOOK 1865
PA 8420 R19 C6 : The Latin poems of Richard Ledrede, O.F.M., Bishop of Ossory, 1317-1360 / edited from the Red Book of Ossory by Edmund Colledge.; BJL     
      The Latin poems of Richard Ledrede, O.F.M., Bishop of Ossory, 1317-1360 / edited from the Red Book of BJL  BOOK 1974
PA 8420 R19 G8 : Red Book of Ossory / edited by R.L. Greene.; BJL     
      Red Book of Ossory / edited by R.L. Greene. BJL  BOOK 1974
PA 8420 R19 S8 : Red Book of Ossory.; BJL     
      Red Book of Ossory. BJL  BOOK 1975
PA 8420 R2 V8 : The Vita Sancti Malchi. / edition by L.R. Lind.; BJL     
      The Vita Sancti Malchi. / edition by L.R. Lind. BJL  BOOK 1942
PA 8420 R78 H6 : Historiae memorabiles : zur Dominikanerliteratur und Kultur-geschichte des 13 Jahrhundert / herausgegeben von E. Kleinschmidt.; BJL     
      Historiae memorabiles : zur Dominikanerliteratur und Kultur-geschichte des 13 Jahrhundert / herausgeg BJL  BOOK 1974
PA 8420 R9 F6 : The Ruodlieb : the first medieval epic of chivalry from eleventh-century Germany.; BJL     
      The Ruodlieb : the first medieval epic of chivalry from eleventh-century Germany. BJL  BOOK 1965
PA 8420 R9 S4 : Ruodlieb : der alteste Roman des Mittelalters, nebst Epigrammen / herausgegeben von F., Seiler.; BJL     
      Ruodlieb : der alteste Roman des Mittelalters, nebst Epigrammen / herausgegeben von F., Seiler. BJL  BOOK 1882
PA 8420 R9 Z 64 : Das Menschen-und Herrscherbild der Rex Maior im Ruodlieb : Studien zur Ethik und Anthroplogie im Ruodlieb.; BJL     
      Das Menschen-und Herrscherbild der Rex Maior im Ruodlieb : Studien zur Ethik und Anthroplogie im Ruod BJL  BOOK 1981
PA 8420 R9 Z4 : Ruodlieb : the earliest courtly novel (after 1050).; BJL     
      Ruodlieb : the earliest courtly novel (after 1050). BJL  BOOK 1959
PA 8420 R9 Z6 : Studien zum Ruodlieb,Ritterideal Erzählstruktur und Darstellungsstil.; BJL     
      Studien zum Ruodlieb,Ritterideal Erzählstruktur und Darstellungsstil. BJL  BOOK 1962
PA 8435 S67 / q : Speculum humanae salvationis.; BJL     
      Speculum humanae salvationis. BJL  BOOK  
PA 8442 V4 Z65 : Preface au Speculum maius de Vincent de Beauvais : refraction et diffraction.; BJL     
      Preface au Speculum maius de Vincent de Beauvais : refraction et diffraction. BJL  BOOK 1979
PA 8442 V5 P7 : The Poetria nova and its sources in early rhetorical doctrine.; BJL     
      The Poetria nova and its sources in early rhetorical doctrine. BJL  BOOK 1971
PA 8445 V35 Z65 : Étude critique de la vie latine de sainte-Genevieve de Paris, avec deux textes de cette vie.; BJL     
      Étude critique de la vie latine de sainte-Genevieve de Paris, avec deux textes de cette vie. BJL  BOOK 1881
PA 8445 V51 Z65 : Saint-Gilles : essai d'histoire litteraire.; BJL     
      Saint-Gilles : essai d'histoire litteraire. BJL  BOOK 1914
PA 8445 V8 Z63 : La rie de saint Samson : essai de critique hagiographique.; BJL     
      La rie de saint Samson : essai de critique hagiographique. BJL  BOOK 1912
PA 8445 W35 F1 : The fables of "Walter of England" / edited from Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Codex Guelferbytanus 185 Helmstadiensis by Aaron E. Wright.; BJL     
      The fables of "Walter of England" / edited from Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Codex G BJL  BOOK 1997
PA8445.W37 M67 1995 : Moriuht : a Norman Latin poem from the early eleventh century / Warner of Rouen, text, translation, commentary and introduction by Christopher J. McDonough.; BJL     
      Moriuht : a Norman Latin poem from the early eleventh century / Warner of Rouen, text, translation, c BJL  BOOK c1995
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