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PC 2112 C3 / q : The languages toolkit / Nicole Catani.; BJL     
      The languages toolkit / Nicole Catani. BJL  BOOK 2000
PC2112 .C56 2014 : Schaum's outline of French grammar; BJL     
      French grammar / Mary E. Coffman Crocker. BJL  BOOK 2014
PC 2112 C9 : Mille et un points : French grammar revision / Neil Creighton.; BJL     
      Mille et un points : French grammar revision / Neil Creighton. BJL  BOOK 1984
PC 2112 D8 : Precis complet d'analyse grammaticale avec preface methodologie.; BJL     
      Precis complet d'analyse grammaticale avec preface methodologie. BJL  BOOK 1958
PC 2112 D9    
      Cric crac! : teaching and learning French through story-telling. BJL  BOOK 1997
      De l'analyse grammaticale a l'analyse litteraire. BJL  BOOK 1962
PC 2112 E3    
      Élan 1 / Danièle Bourdais ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Élan 1 : teacher's book / Angela Wigmore ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Élan : grammar workbook / Marion Jones, Gill Maynard. BJL  BOOK 2001
PC 2112 E9    
      Je jou avec Albert. Education Resources  BOOK 1996
      Jeux faciles en Francais. Education Resources  BOOK 1994
      l'universe de Gu. Education Resources  BOOK 1996
PC 2112 F8    
      Le francais elementaire. BJL  BOOK 1954
      Le francais fondamental. BJL  BOOK 1960
      Le francais fondamental (1st degre). BJL  BOOK 1959
PC 2112 G5 : Panorama de la langue française 4 : Livre du professeur / Jacky Girardet.; BJL     
      Panorama de la langue française 4 : Livre du professeur / Jacky Girardet. BJL  BOOK c1999
PC 2112 G6 / q : Fascinating ideas for flummoxed French teachers / S. Goodman & J. Lucas.; Education Resources     
      Fascinating ideas for flummoxed French teachers / S. Goodman & J. Lucas. Education Resources  BOOK 1991
PC 2112 G7 : Reflex French : a comprehensive course in modern French usage / E.J.H. Greene, Manoël Faucher, Dennis M. Healy.; BJL     
      Reflex French : a comprehensive course in modern French usage / E.J.H. Greene, Manoël Faucher, BJL  BOOK 1962
PC 2112 H2 / q : French festivals and traditions : activities and teaching ideas for primary schools / Nicolette Hannam and Michelle Williams.; BJL     
      French festivals and traditions : activities and teaching ideas for primary schools / Nicolette Hanna BJL  BOOK c2009
PC 2112 H3    
      French grammar and usage / Roger Hawkins, Richard Towell. BJL  BOOK 1996
      French grammar and usage / Roger Hawkins, Richard Towell ; native speaker consultant Marie-Noël BJL  BOOK 2010
      French grammar and usage / Roger Hawkins and Richard Towell. BJL  BOOK 2015
      Practising French grammar : a workbook / Roger Hawkins, Richard Towell and Marie-Noëlle Lamy. BJL  BOOK 2015
PC 2112 J5    
      Spirale 1 : livre de l'élève / Jacqueline Jenkins avec Barry Jones ; avec l'assistance de Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1991
      Spirale 2 : livre de l'élève / Jacqueline Jenkins, Barry Jones ; avec l'assistance de Hel Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1992
      Spirale 3 : livre de l'élève / Jacqueline Jenkins, Barry Jones. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1994
PC 2112 J8 : A reference grammar of modern French / A. Judge, F.G. Healey.; BJL     
      A reference grammar of modern French / A. Judge, F.G. Healey. BJL  BOOK 1983
PC 2112 J9    
      French grammar in context / Margaret Jubb and Annie Rouxeville. BJL  BOOK 2014
      French grammar in context : analysis and practice / Margaret Jubb and Annie Rouxeville. BJL  BOOK 2003
PC 2112 K4 : Patterns of French.; BJL     
      Patterns of French. BJL  BOOK 1975
PC 2112 K8 : On course French / Janine Kopp.; BJL     
      On course French / Janine Kopp. BJL  BOOK 2005
PC 2112 M1    
      Collins French club : fun, active learning. Book 2 / Rosi McNab. Education Resources  BOOK 2009
      French club : fun, active learning. Book 1 / Rosi McNab. Education Resources  BOOK 2009
      French grammar made easy / Rosi McNab. BJL  BOOK 2005
PC 2112 M2    
      A grammar of present-day French. BJL  BOOK 1986
      Porte ouverte / Tony Mais, Alan Proffitt, Helen Silverstone. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1987
PC 2112 M3 : Help yourself to French grammar : a grammar reference and workbook post-GCSE/Advanced level / Thalia Marriott and Mireille Ribiere.; BJL     
      Help yourself to French grammar : a grammar reference and workbook post-GCSE/Advanced level / Thalia BJL  BOOK 1990
PC 2112 M6 / q : Fêtes et festivals : French language activities for young learners based on festivals in France / illustrations by June Pryce.; Education Resources     
      Fêtes et festivals : French language activities for young learners based on festivals in France Education Resources  BOOK 2001
PC 2112 M8 : A new French grammar for G.C.E. candidates, with exercises / A.H.G. Morle and J.R.J. Jammes.; BJL     
      A new French grammar for G.C.E. candidates, with exercises / A.H.G. Morle and J.R.J. Jammes. BJL  BOOK 1960
PC 2112 N6 / q : Entrez dans la classe! : comprehensive resources to introduce French at KS2 or P6 & 7 in Scotland.; Education Resources     
      Entrez dans la classe! : comprehensive resources to introduce French at KS2 or P6 & 7 in Scotland. Education Resources  BOOK 2002
PC 2112 S1    
      Salut! 1 : pupil's book. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1984
      Salut! 2 : course book / edited by Heather Rendall. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1988
PC 2112 S4    
      Le francais en faculte : audio course : student's workbook / prepared by J. Devereux, B. Farrington, BJL  BOOK 1980
      Le francais en faculte : cours de base / prepared by Robin Adamson... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1980
PC 2112 S6 : Toutes directions.; Education Resources     
      Toutes directions. Education Resources  BOOK 1985
PC 2112 S7    
      Francoscope : French for GCSE. Education Resources  BOOK 1987
      La grammaire et le francais / par A. Souche et J. Lamaison. BJL  BOOK 1953
PC 2112 T1 : Le francais parle contemporain.; BJL     
      Le francais parle contemporain. BJL  BOOK 1972
PC 2112 T2 : Countdown to GCSE : French and German.; BJL     
      Countdown to GCSE : French and German. BJL  BOOK 1986
PC2112 .T49 2013 : Essential French grammar / Mike Thacker, Casimir D'Angelo.; BJL     
      Essential French grammar / Mike Thacker, Casimir D'Angelo. BJL  BOOK 2013
PC 2112 T7    
      Tour de France : 1. Education Resources  BOOK 1981
      Tour de France : 2. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1983
      Tour de France : 3. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1983
      Tour de France : 4. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1985
      Tour de France : 5. Education Resources  TAPE WITH BOOK 1986
PC 2112 T9 : Action grammaire! / Phil Turk & Geneviève García Vandaele.; BJL     
      Action grammaire! / Phil Turk & Geneviève García Vandaele. BJL  BOOK 2000
PC 2112 W6 : French for beginners.; Education Resources     
      French for beginners. Education Resources  BOOK 2001
PC 2112.5 M6 / q : Surf's up! : website workbook for basic French / by Linda Moehle-Vieregge ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Surf's up! : website workbook for basic French / by Linda Moehle-Vieregge ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1997
PC 2112.7 C3 : First French flashcards [flash card] / illustrated by Stephen Cartwright.; Education Resources     
      First French flashcards [flash card] / illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. Education Resources  BOOK 2002
PC 2112.7 E5 : Ensemble : a combined BBC television and radio course for beginners in French, by J.Ross et al.; BJL     
      Ensemble : a combined BBC television and radio course for beginners in French, by J.Ross et al. BJL  BOOK 1975
PC 2112.7 H6 : Les chansons et les raps de monsieur X [electronic resource] : songs and raps for the primary French classroom.; Education Resources     
      Les chansons et les raps de monsieur X [electronic resource] : songs and raps for the primary French Education Resources  COMPUTER FILE 2002
PC 2115 B3 : "Lisons!" : Lecons de lecture et de langage a l'usage des ecoles primaires / par J. Baudrillard et M. Kuhn.; BJL     
      "Lisons!" : Lecons de lecture et de langage a l'usage des ecoles primaires / par J. Baudrillard et M. BJL  BOOK 1936
PC 2115 H3 : Brush up your French, second series.; BJL     
      Brush up your French, second series. BJL  BOOK 1932
PC 2115 U5 : A l'ečole = School / Fiona Undrill.; Education Resources     
      A l'ečole = School / Fiona Undrill. Education Resources  BOOK c2007
PC 2117 J2 : Twentieth-century French reader.; BJL     
      Twentieth-century French reader. BJL  BOOK 1965
PC 2118 R7 / q : Primary French in practice / [author, Paul Rogers].; BJL     
      Primary French in practice / [author, Paul Rogers]. BJL  BOOK c2008
PC 2119 B7 : Exercices de langue francaise.; BJL     
      Exercices de langue francaise. BJL  BOOK 1983
PC 2119 B9 : Contribution a l'etude du vocabulaire pre-courtois.; BJL     
      Contribution a l'etude du vocabulaire pre-courtois. BJL  BOOK 1970
PC 2119 E9 : Laines : histoire d'un mot.; BJL     
      Laines : histoire d'un mot. BJL  BOOK 1967
PC 2119 G8 : Les denominations de la femme dans les anciens textes litteraires francais.; BJL     
      Les denominations de la femme dans les anciens textes litteraires francais. BJL  BOOK 1969
PC 2119 H5 : Études de lexicologie francaise et gallo-romane.; BJL     
      Études de lexicologie francaise et gallo-romane. BJL  BOOK 1960
PC 2119 J9 : Upgrade your French / Margaret Jubb.; BJL     
      Upgrade your French / Margaret Jubb. BJL  BOOK 2007
PC 2119 L6 : Tresor de la langue des juifs francais au Moyen Age.; BJL     
      Tresor de la langue des juifs francais au Moyen Age. BJL  BOOK 1964
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