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PG 3340 A1    
      Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh / [tekst proveren B.V. Tomashevskim i L.B. Modzalevskim]. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Sochineniia. BJL  BOOK 19--
PG 3340 A1 T6    
      Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh / [tekst proveren i primechaniia sostavleny B.V. Tomashev BJL  BOOK 1979
      Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh / [tekst proveren B.V. Tomashevskim i L.B. Modzalevskim]. BJL  BOOK 1958
PG 3340 S1 : Sochineniia.; BJL     
      Sochineniia. BJL  BOOK 1962
PG 3340 S52 Z6 / q : Skazka o zolotoi petushke.; BJL     
      Skazka o zolotoi petushke. BJL  BOOK 1965
PG 3341 B7 : Izbrannye proizvedeniia.; BJL     
      Izbrannye proizvedeniia. BJL  BOOK 1965
PG 3341 W8 : Pushkin on literature.; BJL     
      Pushkin on literature. BJL  BOOK 1971
PG 3343 E8 : Evgenii Onegin / pod red. V. Iakushkina.; BJL     
      Evgenii Onegin / pod red. V. Iakushkina. BJL  BOOK 1887
PG 3343 E8 B7 : Evgenii Onegin / primechaniia S. Bondi.; BJL     
      Evgenii Onegin / primechaniia S. Bondi. BJL  BOOK 1963
PG 3343 G4 T6 : Gavrīilīada : poėma / Redakt︠s︡īi︠a︡, primi︠e︡chanīi︠a︡ i kommentarīĭ B. Tomashevskago.; BJL     
      Gavrīilīada : poėma / Redakt︠s︡īi︠a︡, primi BJL  BOOK 1922
PG 3343 P 65 Z 63 : The Tales of Belkin by A.S. Puskin.; BJL     
      The Tales of Belkin by A.S. Puskin. BJL  BOOK 1968
PG 3343 P5 B7    
      The Queen of Spades / edited by D. Bondar. BJL  BOOK 1946
      Tukobas gaina. BJL  BOOK  
PG 3343 P65 K7 : Pushkin's I.P. Belkin.; BJL     
      Pushkin's I.P. Belkin. BJL  BOOK 1979
PG 3343 T7 : TSygany = The gypsies / with an introduction, notes and vocabulary by Peter Henry.; BJL     
      TSygany = The gypsies / with an introduction, notes and vocabulary by Peter Henry. BJL  BOOK 1962
PG 3345 A3 E5 : Correspondence. Selections. English; BJL     
      The letters of Alexander Pushkin : three volumes in one / translated, with preface, introduction and BJL  BOOK 1967
PG 3347 A2 A3 : The tales of Belkin, with 'The history of the village of Goryukhino' / translated by G. Aitken and D. Budgen; introduction and notes by D. Budgen.; BJL     
      The tales of Belkin, with 'The history of the village of Goryukhino' / translated by G. Aitken and D. BJL  BOOK 1983
PG 3347 A2 A7 : Pushkin threefold; narrative, lyric, polemic and ribald verse / the originals with linear and metric translaltions by W. Arndt.; BJL     
      Pushkin threefold; narrative, lyric, polemic and ribald verse / the originals with linear and metric BJL  BOOK 1972
PG 3347 A2 D8 : The captain's daughter and other stories.; BJL     
      The captain's daughter and other stories. BJL  BOOK 1933
PG 3347 A2 N1 : Poems / by Pushkin, Lermontov (and) Tyutchev.; BJL     
      Poems / by Pushkin, Lermontov (and) Tyutchev. BJL  BOOK 1947
PG 3347 A2 Y2 : The poems, prose and plays of Alexander Pushkin / selected andedited ... by A. Yarmolinsky.; BJL     
      The poems, prose and plays of Alexander Pushkin / selected andedited ... by A. Yarmolinsky. BJL  BOOK 1936
PG 3347 E8 F1 : Evgeniĭ Onegin. English (Falen); BJL     
      Eugene Onegin : a novel in verse / Alexander Pushkin ; translated with an introduction and notes by J BJL  BOOK 1995
PG 3347 E8 J7    
      Eugene Onegin / Alexander Pushkin ; translated by Charles Johnston ; with an introduction by John Bay BJL  BOOK 1979
      Eugene Onegin / Alexander Pushkin ; translated by Charles Johnston. BJL  BOOK 1977
PG 3347 M6 H6 : Mozart and Salieri.; BJL     
      Mozart and Salieri. BJL  BOOK  
PG 3348 F5 K27 : Kamennyĭ gostʹ. French; BJL     
      Le convive de pierre ; La roussalka / Pouchkine ; texte russe présenté et traduit par Hen BJL  BOOK 1947
PG 3350 A5 : The last days of Pushkin from unpublished contemporary letters.; BJL     
      The last days of Pushkin from unpublished contemporary letters. BJL  BOOK 1950
PG 3350 B7 : O Pushkine : stat'i i issledovaniia.; BJL     
      O Pushkine : stat'i i issledovaniia. BJL  BOOK 1983
PG 3350 C9 : Centennial essays for Pushkin / edited by Samuel H. Cross, Ernest J. Simmons.; BJL     
      Centennial essays for Pushkin / edited by Samuel H. Cross, Ernest J. Simmons. BJL  BOOK 1967
PG 3350 L4 : Pushkin and Russian literature.; BJL     
      Pushkin and Russian literature. BJL  BOOK 1947
PG 3350 M1 : Pushkin : a biography.; BJL     
      Pushkin : a biography. BJL  BOOK 1967
PG 3350 R9 : Russian views of Pushkin / edited and translated by D.J. Richards and C.R.S. Cockrell.; BJL     
      Russian views of Pushkin / edited and translated by D.J. Richards and C.R.S. Cockrell. BJL  BOOK 1976
PG 3350 Z8 W4 : Pushkin, 1799-1837.; BJL     
      Pushkin, 1799-1837. BJL  BOOK 1949
PG 3356 B8 : Alexander Pushkin : a critical study.; BJL     
      Alexander Pushkin : a critical study. BJL  BOOK  
PG 3356 D2 : The other Pushkin : a study of Alexander Pushkin's prose fiction.; BJL     
      The other Pushkin : a study of Alexander Pushkin's prose fiction. BJL  BOOK 1983
PG 3358 F5 B2 : Pushkin and Merimee as short story writers : two different approaches to description and detail.; BJL     
      Pushkin and Merimee as short story writers : two different approaches to description and detail. BJL  BOOK 1983
PG 3359 L6 : Pushkin's prose.; BJL     
      Pushkin's prose. BJL  BOOK 1983
PG 3361 S 745 Z6 : Stankevich and his Moscow circle, 1830-1840.; BJL     
      Stankevich and his Moscow circle, 1830-1840. BJL  BOOK 1966
PG 3361 S3 G6 : The Golovlyov family.; BJL     
      The Golovlyov family. BJL  BOOK 1934
PG 3361 S3 I7 : The history of a town.; BJL     
      The history of a town. BJL  BOOK 1980
PG 3361 S3 S4 : Fables.; BJL     
      Fables. BJL  BOOK 1941
PG 3361 S3 Z6 : Saltykov-Chtchedrine : sa vie et ses oeuvres.; BJL     
      Saltykov-Chtchedrine : sa vie et ses oeuvres. BJL  BOOK 1955
PG 3361 S775 Z64 : Nikolai Strakhov.; BJL     
      Nikolai Strakhov. BJL  BOOK 1971
PG 3361 S8 A2 : Trilogiia : Svad'ba Krechinskogo; Delo; Tarelkina.; BJL     
      Trilogiia : Svad'ba Krechinskogo; Delo; Tarelkina. BJL  BOOK 1966
PG 3361 T5 : Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii / primechaniia K.V. Pigareva.; BJL     
      Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii / primechaniia K.V. Pigareva. BJL  BOOK 1957
PG 3361 T5 Z67 : Russian metaphysical romanticism : the poetry of Tiutchev and Boratynskii.; BJL     
      Russian metaphysical romanticism : the poetry of Tiutchev and Boratynskii. BJL  BOOK 1984
PG 3361 T6 Z6 : Fedor Tiutchev : the evolution of a poet.; BJL     
      Fedor Tiutchev : the evolution of a poet. BJL  BOOK 1965
PG 3363 K5 : Kniaz' Serebrianyi.; BJL     
      Kniaz' Serebrianyi. BJL  BOOK 1921
PG 3363 S5 : The death of Ivan the Terrible.; BJL     
      The death of Ivan the Terrible. BJL  BOOK 1926
PG 3363 Z8 D1 : A.K. Tolstoy.; BJL     
      A.K. Tolstoy. BJL  BOOK 1972
PG 3363 Z9 G7 : The lyric poetry of A.K. Tolstoi.; BJL     
      The lyric poetry of A.K. Tolstoi. BJL  BOOK 1985
PG 3365 A6 : Anna Karenina : roman.; BJL     
      Anna Karenina : roman. BJL  BOOK 19--
PG 3365 A6 S5 : Anna Karenina.; BJL     
      Anna Karenina. BJL  BOOK 1962
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