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PN 1031 C1 : Perspectives on poetry.; BJL     
      Perspectives on poetry. BJL  BOOK 1968
PN 1031 C3 : Illusion and reality : a study of the sources of poetry.; BJL     
      Illusion and reality : a study of the sources of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1937
PN 1031 C4 : L'art poetique.; BJL     
      L'art poetique. BJL  BOOK 1956
PN 1031 C5 : Plato's mistake.; BJL     
      Plato's mistake. BJL  BOOK 1941
PN 1031 C8    
      The languages of criticism and the structure of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1953
      Life in poetry; law in taste lectures. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 D2 : A need for poetry?; Departmental Locations     
      A need for poetry? Departmental Locations  BOOK 1968
PN 1031 D4 : The grounds of criticism in poetry, 1704.; BJL     
      The grounds of criticism in poetry, 1704. BJL  BOOK 1971
PN 1031 D7 : Discovering poetry.; BJL     
      Discovering poetry. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 D8 / s : Critical reflections on poetry, painting and music.; BJL     
      Critical reflections on poetry, painting and music. BJL  BOOK 1748
PN 1031 E4    
      A commentary that poetry is made with words. BJL  BOOK  
      The use of poetry and the use of criticism. BJL  BOOK 1933
PN 1031 E5    
      Seven types of ambiguity. BJL  BOOK 1930
      Seven types of ambiguity. BJL  BOOK 1953
PN 1031 F6 : L'imagination creatrice : actes de la rencontre internationale / mis en forme par R. Chenu.; BJL     
      L'imagination creatrice : actes de la rencontre internationale / mis en forme par R. Chenu. BJL  BOOK 1971
PN 1031 G5 : Can poetry matter? : essays on poetry and American culture.; BJL     
      Can poetry matter? : essays on poetry and American culture. BJL  BOOK c2002
PN 1031 G8 : A un jeune poete.; BJL     
      A un jeune poete. BJL  BOOK 1945
PN 1031 G9 : The appreciation of poetry.; BJL     
      The appreciation of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1935
PN 1031 H1 : A companion of poetry and music.; BJL     
      A companion of poetry and music. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 H7 : The new Cratylus : notes on the craft of poetry.; BJL     
      The new Cratylus : notes on the craft of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1979
PN 1031 H9 / q : The English curriculum : poetry material for discussion / Philippa Hunt, Jane Joyner and John Stephens.; Education Resources     
      The English curriculum : poetry material for discussion / Philippa Hunt, Jane Joyner and John Stephen Education Resources  BOOK 1987
PN 1031 J2 : Scepticism and poetry : an essay on the poetic imagination.; BJL     
      Scepticism and poetry : an essay on the poetic imagination. BJL  BOOK 1937
PN 1031 K3    
      An appetite for poetry. BJL  BOOK 1989
      Form and style in poetry : lectures and notes. BJL  BOOK 1966
      Form and style in poetry : lectures and notes. BJL  BOOK 1928
PN 1031 K5 : The perception of poetry.; BJL     
      The perception of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1983
PN 1031 L4 : The poet's eye.; BJL     
      The poet's eye. BJL  BOOK 1926
PN 1031 M1 : Poetry and experience.; BJL     
      Poetry and experience. BJL  BOOK 1961
PN 1031 M3 : Romantic progression : the psychology of literary history.; BJL     
      Romantic progression : the psychology of literary history. BJL  BOOK 1975
PN 1031 M4 : Studying poetry / Stephen Matterson and Darryl Jones.; BJL     
      Studying poetry / Stephen Matterson and Darryl Jones. BJL  BOOK 2000
PN 1031 M6 : The language of poetry.; BJL     
      The language of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1970
PN 1031 O5 : La connaissance poetique : introduction a la lecture des poetes modernes.; BJL     
      La connaissance poetique : introduction a la lecture des poetes modernes. BJL  BOOK 1966
PN 1031 O7 : The poet speaks : interviews with contemporary poets / conducted by H. Morrish.; BJL     
      The poet speaks : interviews with contemporary poets / conducted by H. Morrish. BJL  BOOK 1966
PN 1031 P3 : Observations on Poetry.; BJL     
      Observations on Poetry. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 P5    
      The other side of silence : the poet at the limits of language. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Wege zur dichtung : eine einführung in die Kunst des Lesesn. BJL  BOOK 1953
PN 1031 R3    
      Notes sur la poesie. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Regelkram und Grenzgange : von poetischen Gattungen / herausgegeben von E. Lammmert und D. Scheuneman BJL  BOOK 1988
PN 1031 R5 : Practical criticism : a study of literary judgment.; BJL     
      Practical criticism : a study of literary judgment. BJL  BOOK 1929
PN 1031 R6 : Critique of poetry.; BJL     
      Critique of poetry. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 R7 : L'experience poetique.; BJL     
      L'experience poetique. BJL  BOOK 1938
PN 1031 S2 : On Poetry.; BJL     
      On Poetry. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 S6    
      La demarche poetique : "lieux" et "sens" de la poesie contemporaine. BJL  BOOK 1976
      Poetry and criticism. BJL  BOOK 1925
PN 1031 S7    
      Enemies of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Grundbegriffe der Poetik. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 S9 : Medium of poetry.; BJL     
      Medium of poetry. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 T2 : The language of poetry.; BJL     
      The language of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1960
PN 1031 T8 : Thamyris : or, is there a future for poetry?; BJL     
      Thamyris : or, is there a future for poetry? BJL  BOOK 1925
PN 1031 V8 : Mittelbarkeit u.unmittelbarkeit in der lyrik.; BJL     
      Mittelbarkeit u.unmittelbarkeit in der lyrik. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 W2    
      La creation poetique : essai d'analyse. BJL  BOOK 1953
      Grenzen von Poesie und unpoesie. BJL  BOOK  
      Vom Wesen der Dichtung. BJL  BOOK  
PN 1031 W5 : Formula, character, and context : studies in Homeric, Old English, and Old Testament poetry.; BJL     
      Formula, character, and context : studies in Homeric, Old English, and Old Testament poetry. BJL  BOOK 1969
PN 1031 Z2 : Filosofia y poesia.; BJL     
      Filosofia y poesia. BJL  BOOK 1993
PN 1035 B1 : La costituzione della poesia nelle artes del 12-13 secolo.; BJL     
      La costituzione della poesia nelle artes del 12-13 secolo. BJL  BOOK 1968
PN 1035 C5 : Rhetoric and poetry in the Renaissance.; BJL     
      Rhetoric and poetry in the Renaissance. BJL  BOOK 1963
PN 1035 F3 : Trials of desire : Renaissance defenses of poetry.; BJL     
      Trials of desire : Renaissance defenses of poetry. BJL  BOOK 1983
PN 1035 G2 : Formacion de la teoria literaria moderna : la topica horaciana en Europa.; BJL     
      Formacion de la teoria literaria moderna : la topica horaciana en Europa. BJL  BOOK 1977
PN 1035 R2 : Recherches sur l'histoire de la poetique : etudes / publiees par M.M. Munch.; BJL     
      Recherches sur l'histoire de la poetique : etudes / publiees par M.M. Munch. BJL  BOOK 1984
PN 1035 S4 : Per una storia dell'idea di poesia nel Duecento.; BJL     
      Per una storia dell'idea di poesia nel Duecento. BJL  BOOK 1983
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