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Mark   Media Year
PN 1992.77 R6551 : Robin Hood [videorecording] / directed by John McKay.; BJL     
      Robin Hood [videorecording] / directed by John McKay. BJL  DVD 2007
PN 1992.77 R6555    
      Robin of Sherwood [videorecording] : complete series 1 / starring Michael Praed ; written by Richard BJL  DVD 2002
      Robin of Sherwood [videorecording] : complete series 2 / starring Michael Praed ; written by Richard BJL  DVD 2002
      Robin of Sherwood [videorecording] : series 3 / starring Jason Connery ; episodes written by Richard BJL  DVD 2002
PN 1992.77 R6557 : Robin Redbreast [videorecording] / directed by James MacTaggart; BJL     
      Robin Redbreast [videorecording] / directed by James MacTaggart BJL  DVD c2013
PN 1992.77 R684 : Rocky & Bullwinkle & friends [videorecording] : complete season 1 / directed by Gerard Baldwin and others.; BJL     
      Rocky & Bullwinkle & friends [videorecording] : complete season 1 / directed by Gerard Baldwin and ot BJL  DVD 2005
PN 1992.77 R76 : Rome [videorecording]. The complete first season.; BJL     
      Rome [videorecording]. The complete first season. BJL  DVD c2006
PN 1992.77 R76 R7 : Rome, season one : history makes television / edited by Monica S. Cyrino.; BJL     
      Rome, season one : history makes television / edited by Monica S. Cyrino. BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 1992.77 R7635 : Romeo & Juliet [videorecording] / directed by Alvin Rakoff.; BJL     
      Romeo & Juliet [videorecording] / directed by Alvin Rakoff. BJL  DVD c2005
PN 1992.77 R783 : Roots [videorecording] : 30th anniversary edition / directed by Marvin Chomsky.; Departmental Locations     
      Roots [videorecording] : 30th anniversary edition / directed by Marvin Chomsky. Departmental Locations  DVD 2011
PN 1992.77 R783 W8 : The inside story of TV's Roots / D.L. Wolper with Q. Troupe.; BJL     
      The inside story of TV's Roots / D.L. Wolper with Q. Troupe. BJL  BOOK 1978
PN 1992.77 R8919 : The Royle family album [videorecording] / directed by Caroline Aherne, Mark Mylod and Steve Bendelack.; BJL     
      The Royle family album [videorecording] / directed by Caroline Aherne, Mark Mylod and Steve Bendelack BJL  DVD 2009
PN 1992.77 R9173 : Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [videorecording] / directed by Larry Roemer.; BJL     
      Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [videorecording] / directed by Larry Roemer. BJL  DVD 2003
PN 1992.77 R9173 G6 : The making of the original Rankin/Bass holiday classic Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / by Rick Goldschmidt ; edited by Doug Ranney.; BJL     
      The making of the original Rankin/Bass holiday classic Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / by Rick Golds BJL  BOOK c2001
PN 1992.77 S273 : Saturday night live [videorecording] : series 1, 1975-1976 / created by Lorne Michaels; BJL     
      Saturday night live [videorecording] : series 1, 1975-1976 / created by Lorne Michaels BJL  DVD 2007
PN1992.77.S273 S22 2013eb : Saturday night live and American TV / edited by Nick Marx, Matt Sienkiewicz, and Ron Becker.; Online materials     
      Saturday night live and American TV / edited by Nick Marx, Matt Sienkiewicz, and Ron Becker. Online materials  EBOOKS 2013
PN1992.77.S33 G58 2019 : Gladiators in suits : race, gender, and the politics of representation in Scandal / edited by Simone Adams, Kimberly R. Moffitt, and Ronald L. Jackson II.; Online materials     
      Gladiators in suits : race, gender, and the politics of representation in Scandal / edited by Simone Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
PN 1992.77 S4453 : Second generation [videorecording] / directed by Jon Sen.; BJL     
      Second generation [videorecording] / directed by Jon Sen. BJL  DVD 2003
PN1992.77.S475 M33 2018 : Sherlock's world : fan fiction and the reimagining of BBC's Sherlock / Ann K. McClellan.; Online materials     
      Sherlock's world : fan fiction and the reimagining of BBC's Sherlock / Ann K. McClellan. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
PN 1992.77 S4852 : Serial experiments Lain. [videorecording] / directed by Ryutaro Nakamura.; BJL     
      Serial experiments Lain. [videorecording] / directed by Ryutaro Nakamura. BJL  DVD c2004
PN 1992.77 S518    
      Sex and the city [videorecording]. Season 1 / directed by Susan Seidelman ... [et al.]. BJL  DVD 2008
      Sex and the city. The complete season 6, disc four / directed by Michael Patrick King and others. BJL  DVD 2004
PN 1992.77 S518 R2 : Reading Sex and the City / edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe.; BJL     
      Reading Sex and the City / edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe. BJL  BOOK c2004
PN 1992.77 S5235 : Sganarelle [videorecording], ou, Le cocu imaginaire / de Molière.; BJL     
      Sganarelle [videorecording], ou, Le cocu imaginaire / de Molière. BJL  DVD c2008
PN 1992.77 S5247 : The shadow of a gunman [videorecording] / directed by Joseph Hardy; BJL     
      The shadow of a gunman [videorecording] / directed by Joseph Hardy BJL  DVD c2003
PN 1992.77 S5354 : Shakespeare retold [videorecording].; BJL     
      Shakespeare retold [videorecording]. BJL  DVD 2005
PN 1992.77 S552 : Sherlock [videorecording]. [series 1] / directed by Paul McGuigan.; BJL     
      Sherlock [videorecording]. [series 1] / directed by Paul McGuigan. BJL  DVD 2010
PN 1992.77 S552 S5 : Sherlock and transmedia fandom : essays on the BBC series / edited by Louisa Ellen Stein and Kristina Busse.; BJL     
      Sherlock and transmedia fandom : essays on the BBC series / edited by Louisa Ellen Stein and Kristina BJL  BOOK c2012
PN 1992.77 S559 : Shooting the past [videorecording] / written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff.; BJL     
      Shooting the past [videorecording] / written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff. BJL  DVD 2004
PN 1992.77 S5595 : A short stay in Switzerland [videorecording] / directed by Simon Curtis.; BJL     
      A short stay in Switzerland [videorecording] / directed by Simon Curtis. BJL  DVD 2009
PN 1992.77 S578 : The signalman [videorecording] / directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark.; BJL     
      The signalman [videorecording] / directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark. BJL  DVD c2002
PN1992.77.S58 : The psychology of the Simpsons : d'oh! / edited by Alan Brown with Chris Logan.; BJL     
      The psychology of the Simpsons : d'oh! / edited by Alan Brown with Chris Logan. BJL  BOOK 2006
PN 1992.77 S58 G7 : Watching with the Simpsons : television, parody, and intertextuality / Jonathan Gray.; BJL     
      Watching with the Simpsons : television, parody, and intertextuality / Jonathan Gray. BJL  BOOK 2006
PN 1992.77 S58 K4 : Simpsons and society; BJL     
      The world according to the Simpsons : what our favorite TV family says about life, love and the pursu BJL  BOOK 2006
PN 1992.77 S58 L4 : Leaving Springfield : the Simpsons and the possibility of oppositional culture / edited by John Alberti.; BJL     
      Leaving Springfield : the Simpsons and the possibility of oppositional culture / edited by John Alber BJL  BOOK c2004
PN 1992.77 S58 T9 : Planet Simpson / Chris Turner.; BJL     
      Planet Simpson / Chris Turner. BJL  BOOK 2005
PN 1992.77 S6175 : The singing detective [videorecording] / directed by Jon Amiel.; BJL     
      The singing detective [videorecording] / directed by Jon Amiel. BJL  DVD c2004
PN 1992.77 S6255 : The six wives of Henry VIII / edited by J.C. Trewin.; BJL     
      The six wives of Henry VIII / edited by J.C. Trewin. BJL  BOOK 1972
PN 1992.77 S6357 : Small island [videorecording] / directed by John Alexander.; BJL     
      Small island [videorecording] / directed by John Alexander. BJL  DVD c2009
PN1992.77.S663 W35 2015 : It's been beautiful : Soul! and black power television / Gayle Wald ; with photographs by Chester Higgins.; Online materials     
      It's been beautiful : Soul! and black power television / Gayle Wald ; with photographs by Chester Hig Online materials  EBOOKS 2015
PN 1992.77 S6694 : The snapper [videorecording] / directed by Stephen Frears; BJL     
      The snapper [videorecording] / directed by Stephen Frears BJL  DVD c2009
PN1992.77.S6725 S83 2017eb : STARZ Spartacus : reimagining an icon on screen / edited by Antony Augoustakis and Monica S. Cyrino.; Online materials     
      STARZ Spartacus : reimagining an icon on screen / edited by Antony Augoustakis and Monica S. Cyrino. Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
PN 1992.77 S6981 : The song of lunch [videorecording] : a poem / directed by Niall MacCormick.; BJL     
      The song of lunch [videorecording] : a poem / directed by Niall MacCormick. BJL  DVD 2010
PN 1992.77 S6983 : Song of summer [videorecording] / produced and directed by Ken Russell.; BJL     
      Song of summer [videorecording] / produced and directed by Ken Russell. BJL  DVD c2001
PN 1992.77 S7 S7 : The Sopranos and philosophy : I kill therefore I am / edited by Richard Greene and Peter Vernezze.; BJL     
      The Sopranos and philosophy : I kill therefore I am / edited by Richard Greene and Peter Vernezze. BJL  BOOK c2004
PN 1992.77 S712    
      The sopranos [videorecording]. complete series 1 / directed by John Patterson ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2007
      The sopranos [videorecording]. complete series 2 / directed by John Patterson ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2009
      The sopranos [videorecording]. complete series 3 / directed by Allen Coulter ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2009
      The sopranos [videorecording]. complete series 4 / directed by John Patterson ... [et al.] BJL  DVD 2009
3 additional entries    
PN 1992.77 S712 R2 : Reading the Sopranos : hit TV from HBO / edited by David Lavery.; BJL     
      Reading the Sopranos : hit TV from HBO / edited by David Lavery. BJL  BOOK 2006
PN 1992.77 S712 S7 : The sopranos : the complete book : an inside look at all six seasons / Brett Martin.; BJL     
      The sopranos : the complete book : an inside look at all six seasons / Brett Martin. BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 1992.77 S712 T4 : This thing of ours : investigating The Sopranos / edited by David Lavery.; BJL     
      This thing of ours : investigating The Sopranos / edited by David Lavery. BJL  BOOK 2002
PN 1992.77 S7267 : South Park [videorecording] : the complete first season / written, produced and directed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker and others.; BJL     
      South Park [videorecording] : the complete first season / written, produced and directed by Matt Ston BJL  DVD 2007
PN 1992.77 S7267 D3 : The deep end of South Park : critical essays on television's shocking cartoon series / edited by Leslie Stratyner and James R. Keller.; BJL     
      The deep end of South Park : critical essays on television's shocking cartoon series / edited by Lesl BJL  BOOK c2009
PN 1992.77 S7267 J7 : Blame Canada! : South Park and popular culture / Toni Johnson-Woods.; BJL     
      Blame Canada! : South Park and popular culture / Toni Johnson-Woods. BJL  BOOK 2007
PN 1992.77 S7267 S7 : South Park and philosophy : you know, I learned something today / edited by Robert Arp.; BJL     
      South Park and philosophy : you know, I learned something today / edited by Robert Arp. BJL  BOOK 2007
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