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PN 56.5 W64 W9 : Writing new identities : gender, nation, and immigration in contemporary Europe / Gisela Brinker-Gabler and Sidonie Smith, editors.; BJL     
      Writing new identities : gender, nation, and immigration in contemporary Europe / Gisela Brinker-Gabl BJL  BOOK 1997
PN 57 A2 S3 : Chaucer's Constance and accused queens.; BJL     
      Chaucer's Constance and accused queens. BJL  BOOK 1969
PN 57 A39 A3 : Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages : ten studies on the last days of Alexander in literary and historical writing : Symposium Interfacultaire Werkgroep Mediaevistiek, Groningen, 12-15 October 1977 / edited by W.J. Aerts, J.M.M. Hermans, E. Visser.; BJL     
      Alexander the Great in the Middle Ages : ten studies on the last days of Alexander in literary and hi BJL  BOOK 1978
PN 57 A43 L7 : The transformation of Amphitryon.; BJL     
      The transformation of Amphitryon. BJL  BOOK 1956
PN57.A445 R87 2021 : The afterlife of Anne Boleyn : representations of Anne Boleyn in fiction and on the screen / Stephanie Russo.; BJL     
      The afterlife of Anne Boleyn : representations of Anne Boleyn in fiction and on the screen / Stephani BJL  BOOK 2021
PN 57 A46 F8 : Le mythe d'Antigone.; BJL     
      Le mythe d'Antigone. BJL  BOOK 1974
PN 57 A47 S8 : Antigones.; BJL     
      Antigones. BJL  BOOK 1986
PN 57 A51 M9 : Aristatelessagnet; eller, Elskovs magt : et bidrag til sammenlignende novelleforskning.; BJL     
      Aristatelessagnet; eller, Elskovs magt : et bidrag til sammenlignende novelleforskning. BJL  BOOK 1916
PN 57 A6 A7 : The Arthurian tradition : essays in convergence / edited by M.F. Braswell and John Bugge.; BJL     
      The Arthurian tradition : essays in convergence / edited by M.F. Braswell and John Bugge. BJL  BOOK 1988
PN 57 A6 B2    
      Arthur of Albion : an introduction to the Arthurian literature and legends of England. BJL  BOOK 1961
      King Arthur : hero and legend. BJL  BOOK 1986
PN 57 A6 B8 / q : The Arthurian name dictionary.; BJL     
      The Arthurian name dictionary. BJL  BOOK 1999
PN 57 A6 C6 / q : Y Casgliad Arthuraidd : catalog = The Arthurian Collection : catalogue.; BJL     
      Y Casgliad Arthuraidd : catalog = The Arthurian Collection : catalogue. BJL  BOOK 1994
PN 57 A6 R7 : Les Romans de la Table ronde : la Normandie et au-delà-- / R. Bansard ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Les Romans de la Table ronde : la Normandie et au-delà-- / R. Bansard ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK c1987
PN 57 B1 S6 : Le roman de Barlaam et Josaphat.; BJL     
      Le roman de Barlaam et Josaphat. BJL  BOOK 1949
PN 57 B3 G9 : La legende de la Sacristine : etude de litterature compare.; BJL     
      La legende de la Sacristine : etude de litterature compare. BJL  BOOK 1981
PN57.C55 .M668 2019 : Cleopatra in Italian and English renaissance drama / Anna Maria Montanari.; Online materials     
      Cleopatra in Italian and English renaissance drama / Anna Maria Montanari. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
PN 57 C85 H9 : The poetic theology of love : Cupid in Renaissance literature.; BJL     
      The poetic theology of love : Cupid in Renaissance literature. BJL  BOOK 1986
PN 57 D2 K9 : The Dance of Death and the macabre sprit in European literature.; BJL     
      The Dance of Death and the macabre sprit in European literature. BJL  BOOK 1975
PN 57 D4 H1 : Het diabolisme in de hedendaagse roman.; BJL     
      Het diabolisme in de hedendaagse roman. BJL  BOOK 1962
PN 57 D4 M9 : Die Gestalt Lucifers in der Dichtung vom Barock bis zur Romantik.; BJL     
      Die Gestalt Lucifers in der Dichtung vom Barock bis zur Romantik. BJL  BOOK 1969
PN 57 D4 O8 : Lucifer : Stationen eines Motivs.; BJL     
      Lucifer : Stationen eines Motivs. BJL  BOOK 1979
PN 57 D7 : Don Juan as a European Figure.; BJL     
      Don Juan as a European Figure. BJL  BOOK  
PN 57 D7 B5 : L'eternel Don Juan.; BJL     
      L'eternel Don Juan. BJL  BOOK 1961
PN 57 D7 M3    
      Don Juan : ensayos sobre el origen de su leyenda "novena edicion". BJL  BOOK 1960
      Don Junan et le donjuanisme. BJL  BOOK 1967
PN 57 D7 M6 : Don Juan.; BJL     
      Don Juan. BJL  BOOK 1977
PN 57 D7 R8 : Le mythe de Don Juan.; BJL     
      Le mythe de Don Juan. BJL  BOOK 1978
PN 57 D7 S1    
      Don Juan : mythe e realite. BJL  BOOK 1967
      Don Juan y el donjuanismo. BJL  BOOK 1969
PN 57 D7 S2 : Le cas Don Juan.; BJL     
      Le cas Don Juan. BJL  BOOK  
PN 57 D7 S4 : Selected interdisciplinary essays on the representation of the Don Juan archetype in myth and culture / edited by Andrew Ginger, John Hobbs, Huw Lewis.; BJL     
      Selected interdisciplinary essays on the representation of the Don Juan archetype in myth and culture BJL  BOOK 2000
PN 57 D7 S6 : A bibliography of the Don Juan theme : versions and criticism.; BJL     
      A bibliography of the Don Juan theme : versions and criticism. BJL  BOOK  
PN 57 D7 W4 : The metamorphoses of Don Juan.; BJL     
      The metamorphoses of Don Juan. BJL  BOOK 1959
PN 57 D7 Y5 : Don Juan East/West : on the problematics of comparative literature.; BJL     
      Don Juan East/West : on the problematics of comparative literature. BJL  BOOK 1998
PN 57 E3 B8    
      Le mythe d'Electre. BJL  BOOK 1971
      Pour Electre. BJL  BOOK 1982
PN 57 E68 V4 : The lieutenant nun : transgenderism, lesbian desire & Catalina de Erauso / Sherry Velasco.; BJL     
      The lieutenant nun : transgenderism, lesbian desire & Catalina de Erauso / Sherry Velasco. BJL  BOOK c2000
PN 57 E87 N8 : The story of Eve.; BJL     
      The story of Eve. BJL  BOOK 1998
PN 57 F25 F2 : Fantômas : la vita plurale di un antieroe / a cura di Monica Dall'Asta.; BJL     
      Fantômas : la vita plurale di un antieroe / a cura di Monica Dall'Asta. BJL  BOOK c2004
PN 57 F3 B9 : The fortunes of Faust.; BJL     
      The fortunes of Faust. BJL  BOOK 1952
PN 57 F3 D2    
      Le theme de Faust dans la litterature europeenne. BJL  BOOK 1954
      Le theme de Faust dans la litterature europeenne. BJL  BOOK 1954
      Visages de Faust au XXe siecle : litterature, ideologie et mythe. BJL  BOOK 1967
PN 57 F3 E5 : Bibliotheca Faustiana : Zusammenstellung der Faust-Schriften vom 16.Jahrhundert his Mitte 1884.; BJL     
      Bibliotheca Faustiana : Zusammenstellung der Faust-Schriften vom 16.Jahrhundert his Mitte 1884. BJL  BOOK 1970
PN 57 F3 F2 : Faust 20e : échos de l'ego : le démon de Faust ou l'homme et ses démons / textes réunis et présentés par Pascal Noir.; BJL     
      Faust 20e : échos de l'ego : le démon de Faust ou l'homme et ses démons / textes r BJL  BOOK 2001
PN 57 F3 F7 : The man who wanted to know everything.; BJL     
      The man who wanted to know everything. BJL  BOOK 1981
PN 57 F3 H5 : Faust-Bibliographie; bearb von H. Henning.; BJL     
      Faust-Bibliographie; bearb von H. Henning. BJL  BOOK 1966
PN 57 F3 K5 : Faustus and the promises of the new science, c. 1580-1730 : from the chapbooks to Harlequin Faustus / by Christa Knellwolf King.; BJL     
      Faustus and the promises of the new science, c. 1580-1730 : from the chapbooks to Harlequin Faustus / BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 57 F3 M4    
      Doktor Faust und Don Juan. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Johann Faust. BJL  BOOK  
PN 57 F3 S6 : Faust in literature.; BJL     
      Faust in literature. BJL  BOOK 1975
PN 57 G7 W8 : Eternal chalice : the enduring legend of the Holy Grail / Juliette Wood.; BJL     
      Eternal chalice : the enduring legend of the Holy Grail / Juliette Wood. BJL  BOOK 2008
PN 57 H3 W7 : Oriental affinities of the legend of the hairy anchorite : the theme of the hairy solitary in its early forms.; BJL     
      Oriental affinities of the legend of the hairy anchorite : the theme of the hairy solitary in its ear BJL  BOOK 1926
PN 57 J4 G8 : Die Jungfrau von Orleans in der Dichtung.; BJL     
      Die Jungfrau von Orleans in der Dichtung. BJL  BOOK 1929
PN57.J47 G38 2014eb : The real and the sacred : picturing Jesus in nineteenth-century fiction / Jefferson J.A. Gatrall.; Online materials     
      The real and the sacred : picturing Jesus in nineteenth-century fiction / Jefferson J.A. Gatrall. Online materials  EBOOKS 2014
PN 57 J8 P9 : The story of Judith in German and English literature.; BJL     
      The story of Judith in German and English literature. BJL  BOOK 1927
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