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PS 2648 H6 : Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe.; BJL     
      Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe. BJL  BOOK 1972
PS 2648 H7 : De verbeeldingswereld van Edgar Allen Poe en enkele tijdgenoten : bijdrage tot Amerika's ideeëngeschiedenis / A. N. J. den Hollander.; BJL     
      De verbeeldingswereld van Edgar Allen Poe en enkele tijdgenoten : bijdrage tot Amerika's ideeë BJL  BOOK 1974
PS 2648 H9 : Edgar Allan Poe : an annotated bibliography of books and articles in English, 1827-1973 / Esther F. Hyneman.; BJL     
      Edgar Allan Poe : an annotated bibliography of books and articles in English, 1827-1973 / Esther F. H BJL  BOOK 1974
PS 2648 K9 : Edgar Allan Poe : a study in genius.; BJL     
      Edgar Allan Poe : a study in genius. BJL  BOOK 1965
PS 2648 L5    
      Edgar Allan Poe in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Edgar Poe et la critique francaise 1845-1875. BJL  BOOK  
PS 2648 L9 : Die Todesszene und ihre Funktion im Kurzgeschichtenwerk von Edgar Allan Poe.; BJL     
      Die Todesszene und ihre Funktion im Kurzgeschichtenwerk von Edgar Allan Poe. BJL  BOOK 1961
PS 2648 M3 : The life and works of Edgar Allan Poe : a psychoanalytic interpretation / translated by John Rodker.; BJL     
      The life and works of Edgar Allan Poe : a psychoanalytic interpretation / translated by John Rodker. BJL  BOOK 1971
PS 2648 M9 : Poe's literary battles : the critic in the context of his literary milieu.; BJL     
      Poe's literary battles : the critic in the context of his literary milieu. BJL  BOOK 1963
PS 2648 P2 : Edgar Allan Poe as literary critic.; BJL     
      Edgar Allan Poe as literary critic. BJL  BOOK 1964
PS 2648 Q7    
      Edgar Allan Poe : a critical biography. BJL  BOOK 1969
      Edgar Allan Poe : a critical biography. BJL  BOOK 1941
      The French face of Edgar Poe. BJL  BOOK 1957
PS 2648 R2 : Edgar Allan Poe.; BJL     
      Edgar Allan Poe. BJL  BOOK 1965
PS 2648 R3 : Edgar A.Poe : the inner pattern.; BJL     
      Edgar A.Poe : the inner pattern. BJL  BOOK 1960
PS 2648 R5 : Edgar Allan Poe / textes réunis et présentés par Claude Richard.; BJL     
      Edgar Allan Poe / textes réunis et présentés par Claude Richard. BJL  BOOK 1969
PS 2648 S5 : Edgar A. Poe : mournful and never-ending remembrance.; BJL     
      Edgar A. Poe : mournful and never-ending remembrance. BJL  BOOK 1992
PS 2648 T4 : Poe's fiction : romantic irony in the Gothic tales.; BJL     
      Poe's fiction : romantic irony in the Gothic tales. BJL  BOOK 1973
PS 2648 T9 : Twentieth century interpretations of Poe's tales : a collection of critical essays / ed. by W.L.Howarth.; BJL     
      Twentieth century interpretations of Poe's tales : a collection of critical essays / ed. by W.L.Howar BJL  BOOK 1971
PS 2648 W1 : Edgar Allan Poe : the man behind the legend.; BJL     
      Edgar Allan Poe : the man behind the legend. BJL  BOOK 1963
PS 2648 W2 : Poe the detective : the curious circumstances behind The mystery of Marie Roget / John Walsh.; BJL     
      Poe the detective : the curious circumstances behind The mystery of Marie Roget / John Walsh. BJL  BOOK 1968
PS 2648 W7 : The haunted palace : a life of Edgar Allan Poe.; BJL     
      The haunted palace : a life of Edgar Allan Poe. BJL  BOOK 1959
PS 2698 R46 P5 : Pickwick abroad.; BJL     
      Pickwick abroad. BJL  BOOK 1864
PS 2719 R4 C7 : The convert.; BJL     
      The convert. BJL  BOOK 1980
PS 2719 R4 Z64 : Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952 : actress, novelist, feminist.; BJL     
      Elizabeth Robins, 1862-1952 : actress, novelist, feminist. BJL  BOOK 1994
PS 2719 R4 Z65 : Elizabeth Robins : staging a life, 1862-1952.; BJL     
      Elizabeth Robins : staging a life, 1862-1952. BJL  BOOK 1995
PS 2771 P7 : Poems, selected by the author.; BJL     
      Poems, selected by the author. BJL  BOOK 1922
PS 2772 L3    
      The last Puritan : a memoir in the form of a novel. BJL  BOOK 1935
      The last Puritan : a memoir in the form of a novel. BJL  BOOK 1964
PS 2772 S6 : Sonnets and other verses.; BJL     
      Sonnets and other verses. BJL  BOOK 1974
PS 2798 H7 : Hope Leslie; or, Early times in the Massachusetts / edited and with an introduction by Mary Kelley.; BJL     
      Hope Leslie; or, Early times in the Massachusetts / edited and with an introduction by Mary Kelley. BJL  BOOK 1987
PS 2801 T9 : Two little savages.; BJL     
      Two little savages. BJL  BOOK 1903
PS 2806 D2 : Uncle Sam's Uncle Josh.; BJL     
      Uncle Sam's Uncle Josh. BJL  BOOK 1972
PS 2833 H1 : Mrs Sigourney, the sweet singer of Hartford.; BJL     
      Mrs Sigourney, the sweet singer of Hartford. BJL  BOOK  
PS 2843 H7 : Views and reviews in American literature, history and fiction : first series / ed. by C.H.Holman.; BJL     
      Views and reviews in American literature, history and fiction : first series / ed. by C.H.Holman. BJL  BOOK 1962
PS2853 : Reading William Gilmore Simms : essays of introduction to the author's canon / edited by Todd Hagstette.; Online materials     
      Reading William Gilmore Simms : essays of introduction to the author's canon / edited by Todd Hagstet Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
PS2853 .B68 2010 : The poet's holy craft : William Gilmore Simms and romantic verse tradition / Matthew C. Brennan ; foreword by John Caldwell Guilds.; Online materials     
      The poet's holy craft : William Gilmore Simms and romantic verse tradition / Matthew C. Brennan ; for Online materials  EBOOKS 2010
PS 2878 S3 A5 : Altruria.; BJL     
      Altruria. BJL  BOOK 1971
PS 2892 F14 : Fair play; or The test of the lonely island.; BJL     
      Fair play; or The test of the lonely island. BJL  BOOK 1878
PS 2919 S6 A2 : Homage to Trumbull Stickney : poems / selected by J.Reeves & S. Haldane.; BJL     
      Homage to Trumbull Stickney : poems / selected by J.Reeves & S. Haldane. BJL  BOOK 1968
PS 2927 C3 : The casting away of Mrs Lecks and Mrs Aleshine.; BJL     
      The casting away of Mrs Lecks and Mrs Aleshine. BJL  BOOK 1933
PS 2954 D7    
      Dred : a tale of the great dismal swamp. BJL  BOOK 1970
      Dred : a tale of the great dismal swamp / edited by Judie Newman. BJL  BOOK 1992
PS 2954 M6 : The minister's wooing.; BJL     
      The minister's wooing. BJL  BOOK 1859
PS 2954 O4 : Oldtown og dets beboere : et tidsbillede of livet i Amerika i gamle dage.; BJL     
      Oldtown og dets beboere : et tidsbillede of livet i Amerika i gamle dage. BJL  BOOK 1876
PS 2954 O4 M4 : Oldtown folks / ed. by H.F.May.; BJL     
      Oldtown folks / ed. by H.F.May. BJL  BOOK 1966
PS 2954 P3 : The pearl of Orr's Island : a story of the coast of Maine.; BJL     
      The pearl of Orr's Island : a story of the coast of Maine. BJL  BOOK 1967
PS 2954 P4 : The pearl of Orr's Island / Harriet Beecher Stowe.; BJL     
      The pearl of Orr's Island / Harriet Beecher Stowe. BJL  BOOK 2001
PS 2954 S1 : Sam Lawson's oldtown fireside stories.; BJL     
      Sam Lawson's oldtown fireside stories. BJL  BOOK 1967
PS 2954 U5    
      A key to Uncle Tom's cabin. BJL  BOOK  
      Uncle Tom's cabin. BJL  BOOK  
      Uncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism / edited by Elizabeth Amm Departmental Locations  BOOK 1994
      Uncle Tom's cabin or Life among the lowly / edited with an introd. by A. Douglas. BJL  BOOK 1986
      Uncle Tom's cabin, or Negro life in the slave states of America. BJL  BOOK 1852
PS2954 .U5 2009eb : Uncle Tom's cabin; Online materials     
      Uncle Tom's cabin or, Life among the lowly / Harriet Beecher Stowe ; introduction by David Bromwich. Online materials  EBOOKS 2009
PS 2954 U5 W8 : Uncle Tom's cabin, or, life among the lowly / edited by J.A. Woods.; BJL     
      Uncle Tom's cabin, or, life among the lowly / edited by J.A. Woods. BJL  BOOK 1965
PS 2954 U5 Z61 : Approaches to teaching Stowe's Uncle Tom's cabin / edited by Elizabeth Ammons and Susan Belasco.; Departmental Locations     
      Approaches to teaching Stowe's Uncle Tom's cabin / edited by Elizabeth Ammons and Susan Belasco. Departmental Locations  BOOK 2000
PS 2954 U5 Z64 : "Uncle Tom's cabin" and American culture.; BJL     
      "Uncle Tom's cabin" and American culture. BJL  BOOK 1985
PS 2954 U5 Z66 : New Essays on Uncle Tom's cabin / edited by Eric J. Sundquist.; BJL     
      New Essays on Uncle Tom's cabin / edited by Eric J. Sundquist. BJL  BOOK 1986
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