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QE 727 B2 / q : Systeme Jilurien du centre de la Boheme.; BJL     
      Systeme Jilurien du centre de la Boheme. BJL  BOOK 1852
QE 730 E7 : The great Paleozoic crisis : life and death in the Permian / Douglas H. Erwin.; BJL     
      The great Paleozoic crisis : life and death in the Permian / Douglas H. Erwin. BJL  BOOK 1993
QE 731 B8 : British Mesozoic fossils.; BJL     
      British Mesozoic fossils. BJL  BOOK 1983
QE 731 N2 : British mesozoic fossils.; BJL     
      British mesozoic fossils. BJL  BOOK 1993
QE 735 B8    
      British Caenozoic fossils (Tertiary and Quaternary). BJL  BOOK 1963
      British Caenozoic fossils (Tertiary and Quaternary). BJL  BOOK 1968
QE 735 P3 : Animals and plants of the Cenozoic era : some aspects of the faunal and floral history of the last sixty million years.; BJL     
      Animals and plants of the Cenozoic era : some aspects of the faunal and floral history of the last si BJL  BOOK 1964
QE 736 A5 / q : A descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary vertebrata of the HaycumEgypt.; BJL     
      A descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary vertebrata of the HaycumEgypt. BJL  BOOK  
QE 736 D2 : Tertiary faunas : a textbook for oilfield palaeontologists and students of geology / by A.M. Davies.; BJL     
      Tertiary faunas : a textbook for oilfield palaeontologists and students of geology / by A.M. Davies. BJL  BOOK 1971
QE 736 K9    
      Atlas der mittel - und jungtertiaren dispersen Sporen - und Pallen - sowie der Microplanktonformen de BJL  BOOK 1962
      Atlas der mittel - und jungtertiaren dispersen Sporen - und Pallen - sowie der Microplanktonformen de BJL  BOOK 1962
      Atlas der mittel - und jungtertiaren dispersen Sporen - und Pallen - sowie der Microplanktonformen de BJL  BOOK 1962
      Atlas der mittel - und jungtertiaren dispersen Sporen - und Pallen - sowie der Microplanktonformen de BJL  BOOK 1962
QE 740 L1 : The Pliocene bryozoa of the low countries, and their bearing on the marine stratigraphy of the North Sea region.; BJL     
      The Pliocene bryozoa of the low countries, and their bearing on the marine stratigraphy of the North BJL  BOOK 1952
QE 741 Q2 : Quaternary extinctions : a prehistoric revolution / editors Paul S. Martin, Richard G. Klein.; BJL     
      Quaternary extinctions : a prehistoric revolution / editors Paul S. Martin, Richard G. Klein. BJL  BOOK 1984
QE 741.2 P7 : Pleistocene extinctions : the search for a cause / editors P.S. Martin and H.E. Wright.; BJL     
      Pleistocene extinctions : the search for a cause / editors P.S. Martin and H.E. Wright. BJL  BOOK 1967
QE 741.3 H2 : Handbook of Holocene palaeoecology and palaeohydrology / edited by B.E. Berglund with the assistance of M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa.; BJL     
      Handbook of Holocene palaeoecology and palaeohydrology / edited by B.E. Berglund with the assistance BJL  BOOK 1986
QE 741.3 H7 : Holocene land-ocean interaction and environmental change around the North Sea / edited by Ian Shennan and Julian Andrews.; BJL     
      Holocene land-ocean interaction and environmental change around the North Sea / edited by Ian Shennan BJL  BOOK 2000
QE 743.5 O6 : The ocean basins : their structure and evolution / prepared by an Open University course team.; BJL     
      The ocean basins : their structure and evolution / prepared by an Open University course team. BJL  BOOK 1989
QE 743.5 S2 : Ecology and palaeoecology of marine environments.; BJL     
      Ecology and palaeoecology of marine environments. BJL  BOOK 1972
QE 744 S9 : Publication no. 7. Aspects of a Tethyan biogeography : Tethys, an ancestral Mediterranean / by C.G. Adams and D.V. Ager.; BJL     
      Publication no. 7. Aspects of a Tethyan biogeography : Tethys, an ancestral Mediterranean / by C.G. A BJL  BOOK 1967
QE 745 B1 : Figures of characteristic British fossils : with descriptive remarks.; BJL     
      Figures of characteristic British fossils : with descriptive remarks. BJL  BOOK 1867
QE 745 B8 : British palaeozoic fossils.; BJL     
      British palaeozoic fossils. BJL  BOOK 1969
QE 745 F6 : British fossils / by Duncan Forbes.; BJL     
      British fossils / by Duncan Forbes. BJL  BOOK 1961
QE 745 M8 : A catalogue of British fossils.; BJL     
      A catalogue of British fossils. BJL  BOOK 1854
QE 745 P1 : Directory of British fossiliferous localities.; BJL     
      Directory of British fossiliferous localities. BJL  BOOK 1954
QE 745 P3 : Argiles de speeton et leurs equivalents / by A.P. Pavlov and G.W. Lamplugh.; BJL     
      Argiles de speeton et leurs equivalents / by A.P. Pavlov and G.W. Lamplugh. BJL  BOOK 1892
QE 745 S9 : Fossils.; BJL     
      Fossils. BJL  BOOK 1960
QE 745 T1 : Tabular view of charateristic British fossils, stratigraphically arranged.; BJL     
      Tabular view of charateristic British fossils, stratigraphically arranged. BJL  BOOK 1853
QE 745 W9, : A catalogue of British fossil vertebrata / by A.S. Woodward and C.D. Sherborn.; BJL     
      A catalogue of British fossil vertebrata / by A.S. Woodward and C.D. Sherborn. BJL  BOOK 1890
QE 746 G3 H3 : Das Holzmadenbuch.; BJL     
      Das Holzmadenbuch. BJL  BOOK 1960
QE 746 G3 S3 : Die Ammoniten des süddeutschen Lias : ein Bestimmungsbuch für Fossiliensammler und Geologen.; BJL     
      Die Ammoniten des süddeutschen Lias : ein Bestimmungsbuch für Fossiliensammler und Geolog BJL  BOOK 1976
QE 746 R9 K9 : Die Fauna des Kelloway von Popilani in Litauen : Habilitationsschrift.; BJL     
      Die Fauna des Kelloway von Popilani in Litauen : Habilitationsschrift. BJL  BOOK 1912
QE 748 A1 B6 : Background to evolution in Africa : systematic investigation of the African later tertiary and quaternary / by Walter W. Bishop and J. Desmond Clark.; BJL     
      Background to evolution in Africa : systematic investigation of the African later tertiary and quater BJL  BOOK  
QE 751 S5 : Index fossils of North America / by H.W. Shimer and R.R. Shrock.; BJL     
      Index fossils of North America / by H.W. Shimer and R.R. Shrock. BJL  BOOK 1944
QE 761 A2 : Animal life in the primeval world : described and illustrated with a chapter on pre-historic man.; BJL     
      Animal life in the primeval world : described and illustrated with a chapter on pre-historic man. BJL  BOOK 1878
QE 761 C9 / q : Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles.; BJL     
      Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. BJL  BOOK  
QE 761 O9 : Palaeontology or A systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological relations.; BJL     
      Palaeontology or A systematic summary of extinct animals and their geological relations. BJL  BOOK 1861
QE 761 S9    
      Old bones. BJL  BOOK 1861
      Outlines of palaeontology. BJL  BOOK 1947
      Outlines of palaeontology. BJL  BOOK 1947
QE 770 C6 : Invertebrate palaeontology and evolution.; BJL     
      Invertebrate palaeontology and evolution. BJL  BOOK 1979
QE 770 D7 : Understanding fossils : an introduction to invertebrate palaeontology / P. Doyle, with contributions by Florence M.D. Lowry.; BJL     
      Understanding fossils : an introduction to invertebrate palaeontology / P. Doyle, with contributions BJL  BOOK 1996
QE 770 F7 / q : Fossil invertebrates / senior editor. R.S. Boardman; editors : A.H. Cheetham, A.J. Rowell.; BJL     
      Fossil invertebrates / senior editor. R.S. Boardman; editors : A.H. Cheetham, A.J. Rowell. BJL  BOOK 1987
QE 770 H3 : Invertebrate palaeontology : an introduction to the study of fossils.; BJL     
      Invertebrate palaeontology : an introduction to the study of fossils. BJL  BOOK 1920
QE 770 M2 : Recognition of invertebrate fossil fragments in rocks and thin sections.; BJL     
      Recognition of invertebrate fossil fragments in rocks and thin sections. BJL  BOOK 1969
QE 770 M8    
      Invertebrate fossils / by Raymond C. Moore, Cecil G. Lalicker and Alfred G. Fischer. BJL  BOOK 1952
      Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. BJL  BOOK 1953
      Treatise on invertebrate paleontology / prepared under the guidance of the Joint Committee on Inverte BJL  BOOK 1953
QE 770 O6    
      The origin of major invertebrate groups : proceedings of a symposium [organised by the Systematics As BJL  BOOK 1979
      The origin of major invertebrate groups : programme of events for the symposium [organised by] The Sy Departmental Locations  BOOK 1978
QE 770 S5 : Principles of invertebrate paleontology / ed R.R. Shrock and W.H. Twenhofel.; BJL     
      Principles of invertebrate paleontology / ed R.R. Shrock and W.H. Twenhofel. BJL  BOOK 1953
QE 770 T1 : Paleobiology of the invertebrates : data retrieval from the fossil record.; BJL     
      Paleobiology of the invertebrates : data retrieval from the fossil record. BJL  BOOK 1973
QE 772 B6 : Planktonic foraminifera from the cretaceous of Trinidad, British West Indies.; BJL     
      Planktonic foraminifera from the cretaceous of Trinidad, British West Indies. BJL  BOOK  
QE 772 C2 / q : Introduction to the study of the foraminifera / by W.B. Carpenter, assisted by W.K. Parker and T.R. Jones.; BJL     
      Introduction to the study of the foraminifera / by W.B. Carpenter, assisted by W.K. Parker and T.R. J BJL  BOOK 1965
QE 772 C9 : Foraminifera : their classification and economic use.; BJL     
      Foraminifera : their classification and economic use. BJL  BOOK 1978
QE 772 D1 / q : Die stratigraphische Gliederung des niederlandischen Plio-plistozans nach Foraminiferen / A.B. ten Dam und T. Reinhold.; BJL     
      Die stratigraphische Gliederung des niederlandischen Plio-plistozans nach Foraminiferen / A.B. ten Da BJL  BOOK 1941
QE 772 D4 / q : Foraminigeres fossiles du basin tertiaire de Vienne (Autriche).; BJL     
      Foraminigeres fossiles du basin tertiaire de Vienne (Autriche). BJL  BOOK 1965
QE 772 F69    
      Foraminifera / edited by R.H. Hedley and C.G. Adams. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Foraminifera / edited by R. H. Hedley and C.G. Adams. BJL  BOOK 1974
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