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QK 1 U5 N2(38,iv) : The Peruvian species of Beslevia.; BJL     
      The Peruvian species of Beslevia. BJL  BOOK 1968
QK 1 U5 N2(41) : Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae) : II. subfamily chloridoideae / by Paul M. Peterson ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae) : II. subfamily chloridoideae / by Paul M. Peterson ... [et BJL  BOOK 2001
QK 1 U5 N2(42) : Identifying harmful marine dinoflagellates / by Maria A. Faust and Rose A. Gulledge.; BJL     
      Identifying harmful marine dinoflagellates / by Maria A. Faust and Rose A. Gulledge. BJL  BOOK 2002
QK 1 U5 N2(43) : Begoniaceae, edition 2 : Part 1: Annotated species list : Part II: Illustrated key, abridgment and supplement / by Jack Golding and Dieter C. Wasshausen.; BJL     
      Begoniaceae, edition 2 : Part 1: Annotated species list : Part II: Illustrated key, abridgment and su BJL  BOOK 2002
QK 1 U5 N2(44) : Smithsonian plant collections, Guyana : 1989-1991, Lynn J. Gillespie / by Tom Hollowell, Lynn J. Gillespie, V.A. Funk and Carol L. Kelloff.; BJL     
      Smithsonian plant collections, Guyana : 1989-1991, Lynn J. Gillespie / by Tom Hollowell, Lynn J. Gill BJL  BOOK 2003
QK 1 U5 N2(45) : A checklist of the trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers of Myanmar (revised from the original works by J.H. Lace, R. Rodger, H.G. Hundley and U Chit Ko Ko on the "List of trees, shrubs, herbs and principal climbers, etc. recorded from Burma") / by W. John Kress ... [et al.].; BJL     
      A checklist of the trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers of Myanmar (revised from the original works by J BJL  BOOK 2003
QK 1 U5 N2(46) : Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae) : 3. Subfamilies panicoideae, aristifoideae, arundinoideae, and danthonioideae / by Fernando O. Zuloaga ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae) : 3. Subfamilies panicoideae, aristifoideae, arundinoideae, BJL  BOOK 2003
QK 1 U5 N2(47) : Character variation in angiosperm families.; BJL     
      Character variation in angiosperm families. BJL  BOOK 2003
QK 1 U5 N2(48) : Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae) : 4. Subfamily pooidae / by Robert J. Soreng ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Catalogue of new world grasses (Poaceae) : 4. Subfamily pooidae / by Robert J. Soreng ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2003
QK 1 U5 N2(49) : Acanthaceae of Bolivia / by Dieter C. Wasshausen and J. R. I. Wood.; BJL     
      Acanthaceae of Bolivia / by Dieter C. Wasshausen and J. R. I. Wood. BJL  BOOK 2004
QK 1 U5 N2(50) : Smithsonian plant collections, Guyana : 1990-1991, Tim McDowell / by Tom Hollowell ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Smithsonian plant collections, Guyana : 1990-1991, Tim McDowell / by Tom Hollowell ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2004
QK 1 U5 N2(51) : Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands / by Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez.; BJL     
      Vines and climbing plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands / by Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez. BJL  BOOK 2005
QK 1 U5 N2(52) : Monocotyledons and gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands / editors, Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez and Mark T. Strong.; BJL     
      Monocotyledons and gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands / editors, Pedro Acevedo-Rodrígu BJL  BOOK 2005
QK 1 U5 N2(53) : Taxonomy and distribution of rhynchospora (cyperaceae) in the Guianas, South America / Mark T. Strong.; BJL     
      Taxonomy and distribution of rhynchospora (cyperaceae) in the Guianas, South America / Mark T. Strong BJL  BOOK 2006
QK 1 U5 N2(54) : Floristic checklist of the Mache-Chindul Mountains of northwestern Ecuador / John L. Clark, David A. Neill and Mercedes Asanza.; BJL     
      Floristic checklist of the Mache-Chindul Mountains of northwestern Ecuador / John L. Clark, David A. BJL  BOOK 2006
QK 1 U5 N2(55) : Checklist of the plants of the Guiana shield (Venezuela : Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) / by V. Funk ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Checklist of the plants of the Guiana shield (Venezuela : Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, S BJL  BOOK 2007
QK 1 U5 N2(56) : A revision of festuca (Poaceae : Loliinae) in South American paramos / Daniel Stančík and Paul M. Peterson.; BJL     
      A revision of festuca (Poaceae : Loliinae) in South American paramos / Daniel Stančík and Paul M. Pet BJL  BOOK 2007
QK 1 U5 N2(57) : Systematics and biogeography of Aralia L. (Araliaceae) : revision of Aralia sects. Aralia, Humiles, Nanae, and Sciadodendron.; BJL     
      Systematics and biogeography of Aralia L. (Araliaceae) : revision of Aralia sects. Aralia, Humiles, N BJL  BOOK 2011
QK1 U5 N2(8,1) : Studies of Mexican and Central American plants.; BJL     
      Studies of Mexican and Central American plants. BJL  BOOK 1903
QK 2 I6    
      5th international botanical C. congr. of proc. BJL  BOOK  
      Huitiem, congres international de botaniqiue, Paris 1954 : rapports et communications parvenus avant BJL  BOOK 1954
      Proceedings of the 9th International Botanical Congress. BJL  BOOK 1959
      Proceedings of the 9th International Botanical Congress. BJL  BOOK 1959
2 additional entries    
QK 2 P7 : Plants : wild and cultivated a Conference on horticulture and field botany / edited by P.S.Green.; BJL     
      Plants : wild and cultivated a Conference on horticulture and field botany / edited by P.S.Green. BJL  BOOK 1973
QK 3 B7 : A Darwin centenary.; BJL     
      A Darwin centenary. BJL  BOOK 1961
QK 3 L9 : Festschrift Franz Firbas.; BJL     
      Festschrift Franz Firbas. BJL  BOOK 1962
QK 3 M1 : Contemporary botanical thought.; BJL     
      Contemporary botanical thought. BJL  BOOK 1961
QK 5 B8 / q : British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition 1910 : natural history reports : botany.; BJL     
      British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition 1910 : natural history reports : botany. BJL  BOOK 1917
QK 5 H7 : Himalayan journals; or notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the sikkim and Nepal Himalayas the Khasca mountains.; BJL     
      Himalayan journals; or notes of a naturalist in Bengal, the sikkim and Nepal Himalayas the Khasca mou BJL  BOOK 1891
QK 5 S8 : Louis Auguste Deschamps / by C.G.G.J.van Steenis, M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman and C.A. Backer.; South East Asian Collection     
      Louis Auguste Deschamps / by C.G.G.J.van Steenis, M.J. van Steenis-Kruseman and C.A. Backer. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1954
QK 7 A5 : Lexique des termes de botanique en latin.; BJL     
      Lexique des termes de botanique en latin. BJL  BOOK 1956
QK 7 A8 : German-English botanical terminology.; BJL     
      German-English botanical terminology. BJL  BOOK 1938
QK 7 B1 / q : Dictionnaire de botanique.; BJL     
      Dictionnaire de botanique. BJL  BOOK  
QK 7 C7 : The concise Oxford dictionary of botany / edited by Michael Allaby.; BJL     
      The concise Oxford dictionary of botany / edited by Michael Allaby. BJL  BOOK 1992
QK 7 D2    
      Botanicheskii slovar' : russko-angliisko-nemetsko-frantsuzsko-latinskii. BJL  BOOK 1962
      Danh-tu thuc-vat-hoc Phap-Viet, co phan doi-chien Viet-Phap. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1963
QK 7 E4 : Elsevier's dictionary of botany.; BJL     
      Elsevier's dictionary of botany. BJL  BOOK 1982
QK 7 H8 : A dictionary of useful and everyday plants and their common names.; BJL     
      A dictionary of useful and everyday plants and their common names. BJL  BOOK 1974
QK 7 J1 : A glossary of Botanic terms with their derivation and accentuation.; BJL     
      A glossary of Botanic terms with their derivation and accentuation. BJL  BOOK 1928
QK 7 L5 : Dictionnaire descriptif et synonymique des genres de plantes phanerogames.; BJL     
      Dictionnaire descriptif et synonymique des genres de plantes phanerogames. BJL  BOOK  
QK 7 L7    
      The treasury of botany. BJL  BOOK  
      The treasury of botany. BJL  BOOK  
QK 7 M1 : The plant-book : a portable dictionary of the higher plants ...; BJL     
      The plant-book : a portable dictionary of the higher plants ... BJL  BOOK 1987
QK 7 M3 / q : Wörterbuch der deutschen Pflanzennamen / mit Unterstützung der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; bearbeitet von Heinrich Marzell ; unter Mitwirkung von Wilhelm Wissmann.; BJL     
      Wörterbuch der deutschen Pflanzennamen / mit Unterstützung der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaft BJL  BOOK 1979
QK 7 P3    
      Botanical dictionary. BJL  BOOK  
      The Penguin dictionary of botany / consultant editor, Stephen Blackmore ; general editor, Elizabeth T BJL  BOOK 1984
QK 7 S6 : A dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish the wants of man.; BJL     
      A dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish the wants of man. BJL  BOOK 1882
QK 7 S9 : Longman illustrated dictionary of botany : the elements of plant science illustrated and defined.; BJL     
      Longman illustrated dictionary of botany : the elements of plant science illustrated and defined. BJL  BOOK 1984
QK 7 W3 : Malayan plant names / compiled by J.G.Watson.; South East Asian Collection     
      Malayan plant names / compiled by J.G.Watson. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1928
QK 7 W5 / q : The West Yorkshire plant atlas / edited by J.C. Lavin and G.T.D. Wilmore.; BJL     
      The West Yorkshire plant atlas / edited by J.C. Lavin and G.T.D. Wilmore. BJL  BOOK 1994
QK 7 W6 : A Southern Rhodesian botanical dictionary of native and English plant names.; BJL     
      A Southern Rhodesian botanical dictionary of native and English plant names. BJL  BOOK 1900
QK 7 W7    
      A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. BJL  BOOK 1966
      A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. BJL  BOOK 1973
      A manual and dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. BJL  BOOK 1897
QK 9 H1 : Bibliographie zur Flora von Mitteleuropa.; BJL     
      Bibliographie zur Flora von Mitteleuropa. BJL  BOOK 1970
QK 9 H5 : British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800 ...; BJL     
      British botanical and horticultural literature before 1800 ... BJL  BOOK 1975
QK 9 K3 : Index to botanical monographs.; BJL     
      Index to botanical monographs. BJL  BOOK 1967
QK 9 L7 : Catalogue of the printed books and pamphlets in the library of the Linnean Society of London.; BJL     
      Catalogue of the printed books and pamphlets in the library of the Linnean Society of London. BJL  BOOK 1925
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