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QL 542 N5 : Lepidoptera and conservation / T.R. New.; BJL     
      Lepidoptera and conservation / T.R. New. BJL  BOOK 2014
QL 542 S8    
      The caterpillars of British moths. BJL  BOOK 1948
      The caterpillars of the British Butterflies. BJL  BOOK 1944
QL 542 W7 : The migration of butterflies.; BJL     
      The migration of butterflies. BJL  BOOK 1930
QL 544.2 C8 : Butterflies and moths / Rosamund Kidman Cox and Barbara Cork.; Education Resources     
      Butterflies and moths / Rosamund Kidman Cox and Barbara Cork. Education Resources  BOOK 1980
QL 544.2 G5 : The case of the missing caterpillar : a first look at the life cycle of a butterfly / Sam Godwin.; Education Resources     
      The case of the missing caterpillar : a first look at the life cycle of a butterfly / Sam Godwin. Education Resources  BOOK 1999
QL 544.2 H9 : Butterflies.; Education Resources     
      Butterflies. Education Resources  BOOK 1978
QL 544.2 W3 : Butterflies and moths through the year.; Education Resources     
      Butterflies and moths through the year. Education Resources  BOOK 1984
QL 544.2 W9 : From caterpillar into butterfly.; Education Resources     
      From caterpillar into butterfly. Education Resources  BOOK 1960
QL 545 : The Thomas Stather Collection of lepidoptera in Hull Museum.; BJL     
      The Thomas Stather Collection of lepidoptera in Hull Museum. BJL  BOOK  
QL 545 O9 : An accentuated list of the British lepidoptera.; BJL     
      An accentuated list of the British lepidoptera. BJL  BOOK  
QL 555 A1 D1 : The butterflies of northern Europe / edited by M.Morris; translated by R. Littleboy.; BJL     
      The butterflies of northern Europe / edited by M.Morris; translated by R. Littleboy. BJL  BOOK 1982
QL 555 A1 S8 : Butterflies and moths / Paul Sterry, Andrew Mackay.; BJL     
      Butterflies and moths / Paul Sterry, Andrew Mackay. BJL  BOOK 2004
QL555.G7 : Monitoring the abundance of butterflies, 1976-1985.; BJL     
      Monitoring the abundance of butterflies, 1976-1985. BJL  BOOK 1986
QL 555 G7 B4 : British pyralid and plume moths.; BJL     
      British pyralid and plume moths. BJL  BOOK 1952
QL 555 G7 B9 : Butterflies and moths of Yorkshire : distribution and conservation / editors : S.L. Sutton and H.E. Beaumont.; BJL     
      Butterflies and moths of Yorkshire : distribution and conservation / editors : S.L. Sutton and H.E. B BJL  BOOK 1989
QL 555 G7 C6 : British butterflies : figures and descriptions of every native species.; BJL     
      British butterflies : figures and descriptions of every native species. BJL  BOOK 1860
QL 555 G7 F4 : A field guide to the smaller British Lepidoptera / edited by A.M.Emmet.; BJL     
      A field guide to the smaller British Lepidoptera / edited by A.M.Emmet. BJL  BOOK 1979
QL 555 G7 M9 : The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland / editor A. Maitland Emmet ... [et al.].; BJL     
      The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland / editor A. Maitland Emmet ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1976-
QL 555 G7 S7    
      Checklist of the macro-lepidoptera of the Spurn peninsula 1973 / S.L. Sutton and B.R. Spence ; Spurn BJL  BOOK  
      The moths and butterflies of Spurn. BJL  BOOK 1991
QL 555 S7 : The moths of the British Isles / edited and rev. by H.M. Edelsten.; BJL     
      The moths of the British Isles / edited and rev. by H.M. Edelsten. BJL  BOOK 1939
QL 556 C7 : The butterflies of the Malay peninsula.; South East Asian Collection     
      The butterflies of the Malay peninsula. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1934
QL 556 M2 T9 / p : Collecting butterflies in Malaya.; South East Asian Collection     
      Collecting butterflies in Malaya. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1952
QL 556 M8 : Common Malayan butterflies.; South East Asian Collection     
      Common Malayan butterflies. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1960
QL 557 O9 : Tropical butterflies.; BJL     
      Tropical butterflies. BJL  BOOK 1971
QL 559 N65 H7 : The Lepidoptera of Norfolk Island : their biogeography and ecology.; BJL     
      The Lepidoptera of Norfolk Island : their biogeography and ecology. BJL  BOOK 1977
QL 561 B6 T2 : The genetics of the silkworm.; BJL     
      The genetics of the silkworm. BJL  BOOK 1964
QL 561 N8 P9 : Processionary moths and climate change : an update / Alain Roques, editor.; BJL     
      Processionary moths and climate change : an update / Alain Roques, editor. BJL  BOOK 2015
QL 561 N9 U7 : The Monarch butterfly.; BJL     
      The Monarch butterfly. BJL  BOOK 1960
QL 561 T8 B8.    
      British Tortricoid moths:Cochylidae and Tortricidae : Tortricinae / by J.D. Bradley W.G. Tremewan and BJL  BOOK 1973
      British tortricoid moths : Tortricidae : olethreutinae / by J.D. Bradley, W.G. Tremewan and A. smith. BJL  BOOK 1979
QL 563 L3 : Bees and wasps.; BJL     
      Bees and wasps. BJL  BOOK 1913
QL 563 M2 : Genesis of the hymenoptera.; BJL     
      Genesis of the hymenoptera. BJL  BOOK 1968
QL 563 W5 : The social insects their origin and evolution.; BJL     
      The social insects their origin and evolution. BJL  BOOK 1928
QL 565 P9 : Bee / Claire Preston.; BJL     
      Bee / Claire Preston. BJL  BOOK 2006
QL 567.96 C8 / q : Description of pollen grains of further tropical plants.; BJL     
      Description of pollen grains of further tropical plants. BJL  BOOK 1978
QL 568 A23 H6 : Fig-wasps (chalcidoidea) of Hong Kong.; BJL     
      Fig-wasps (chalcidoidea) of Hong Kong. BJL  BOOK 1967
QL 568 A6    
      Anatomy and dissection of the honeybee. BJL  BOOK 1962
      Handbook. BJL  BOOK  
QL 568 A6 B4 : Bumblebees : the natural history & identification of the species found in Britain / Ted Benton.; BJL     
      Bumblebees : the natural history & identification of the species found in Britain / Ted Benton. BJL  BOOK 2006
QL568.A6 D36 2019eb : The solitary bees : biology, evolution, conservation / Bryan N. Danforth, Robert L. Minckley, John L. Neff ; with original artwork by Frances Fawcett.; Online materials     
      The solitary bees : biology, evolution, conservation / Bryan N. Danforth, Robert L. Minckley, John L. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
QL 568 A6 F8 : Bees and mankind.; BJL     
      Bees and mankind. BJL  BOOK 1982
QL 568 A6 F9 : Bees,their vision,chemical senses and language.; BJL     
      Bees,their vision,chemical senses and language. BJL  BOOK 1950
QL 568 A6 H4 : Bumblebee economics.; BJL     
      Bumblebee economics. BJL  BOOK 1979
QL 568 A6 L7 : Communication among social bees.; BJL     
      Communication among social bees. BJL  BOOK 1961
QL 568 A6 M6 : The social behaviour of the bees.; BJL     
      The social behaviour of the bees. BJL  BOOK 1974
QL 568 A6 R4 : The behaviour and social life of honeybees.; BJL     
      The behaviour and social life of honeybees. BJL  BOOK 1953
QL 568 A6 S6 : Anatomy of the honey bee.; BJL     
      Anatomy of the honey bee. BJL  BOOK 1956
QL 568 B8 S7 : Biology of aphid parasites.; BJL     
      Biology of aphid parasites. BJL  BOOK 1970
QL 568 C4 H6 : Revision of the genus Liporrhopalum Waterston, 1920.; BJL     
      Revision of the genus Liporrhopalum Waterston, 1920. BJL  BOOK 1969
QL 568 C9 L5 : The development of host discrimination and the prevention of superparasitism in the parasiste Pseudeucoila bochei WeldHym...Cynipidae.; BJL     
      The development of host discrimination and the prevention of superparasitism in the parasiste Pseudeu BJL  BOOK 1976
QL568.F7 : The ecology and evolution of ant-plant interactions / Victor Rico-Gray and Paulo S. Oliveira.; BJL     
      The ecology and evolution of ant-plant interactions / Victor Rico-Gray and Paulo S. Oliveira. BJL  BOOK 2007
QL 568 F7 B3 : The evolutionary ecology of ant-plant mutualisms.; BJL     
      The evolutionary ecology of ant-plant mutualisms. BJL  BOOK 1985
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