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RJ 499 T7 : Treating problem children : issues, methods and practice / M. Hoghughi ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Treating problem children : issues, methods and practice / M. Hoghughi ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1988
RJ 499 T9 : Child and adolescent psychiatry : a developmental approach / Jeremy Turk, Philip Graham, Frank C. Verhulst.; BJL     
      Child and adolescent psychiatry : a developmental approach / Jeremy Turk, Philip Graham, Frank C. Ver BJL  BOOK c2007
RJ 499 U5 : Understanding children and young people's mental health / edited by Anne Claveirole, Martin Gaughan.; BJL     
      Understanding children and young people's mental health / edited by Anne Claveirole, Martin Gaughan. BJL  BOOK c2011
RJ 499 W1    
      Social work and child and adolescent mental health. BJL  BOOK 2003
      Working together for healthy young minds : a practitioner's workbook. BJL  BOOK 2003
RJ 499 W7 : Collected papers : through paediatrics to psycho-analysis.; BJL     
      Collected papers : through paediatrics to psycho-analysis. BJL  BOOK 1958
RJ 499 Y7 : The young mind / co-edited by Sue Bailey and Mike Shooter.; BJL     
      The young mind / co-edited by Sue Bailey and Mike Shooter. BJL  BOOK 2009
RJ 499.3 C5 : Child and adolescent mental health services : strategy, planning, delivery, and evaluation / edited by Richard Williams and Michael Kerfoot.; BJL     
      Child and adolescent mental health services : strategy, planning, delivery, and evaluation / edited b BJL  BOOK 2005
RJ 499.3 G4 : Professionals and parents : managing children's behaviour / Charles Gibb and Peter Randall.; BJL     
      Professionals and parents : managing children's behaviour / Charles Gibb and Peter Randall. BJL  BOOK 1989
RJ 499.3 M9    
      A multidisciplinary handbook of child and adolescent mental health for front-line professionals / Nis BJL  BOOK 2002
      A multidisciplinary handbook of child and adolescent mental health for front-line professionals / Nis BJL  BOOK c2009
RJ 499.3 P9 : Promoting the emotional well-being of children and adolescents and preventing their mental ill health : a handbook / edited by Kedar Nath Dwivedi and Peter Brinley Harper.; BJL     
      Promoting the emotional well-being of children and adolescents and preventing their mental ill health BJL  BOOK 2004
RJ 499.34 J1 : Mental health issues.; BJL     
      Mental health issues. BJL  BOOK c2012
RJ 499.34 P4    
      The boy who was raised as a dog : and other stories from a child psychiatrist's notebook : what traum BJL  BOOK 2008
      The boy who was raised as a dog : and other stories from a child psychiatrist's notebook : what traum BJL  BOOK 2017
RJ 502 A9 M5 : Mental health promotion and young people : concepts and practice / [edited by] Louise Rowling, Graham Martin, Lyn Walker.; BJL     
      Mental health promotion and young people : concepts and practice / [edited by] Louise Rowling, Graham BJL  BOOK c2002
RJ 502 G7 C5    
      Child and adolescent mental health : health care needs assessment : the epidemiologically based needs BJL  BOOK 1997
      Child mental health in primary care / Quentin Spender ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2001
      Children in mind : child and adolescent mental health services. BJL  BOOK 1999
RJ 502 G7 C7 : Consultation in child and adolescent mental health services / edited by Angela Southall.; BJL     
      Consultation in child and adolescent mental health services / edited by Angela Southall. BJL  BOOK c2005
RJ 502 G7 D4    
      A handbook on child and adolescent mental health. BJL  BOOK 1994
      The mental health and psychological well-being of children and young people. BJL  BOOK 2004
RJ502.G7 .G539 2019 : Meeting the mental health needs of young children 0-5 years / Jonathan Glazzard, Marie Potter and Samuel Stones.; Online materials     
      Meeting the mental health needs of young children 0-5 years / Jonathan Glazzard, Marie Potter and Sam Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
RJ 502 G7 H2 : Children with mental disorder and the law : a guide to law and practice / Anthony Harbour.; BJL     
      Children with mental disorder and the law : a guide to law and practice / Anthony Harbour. BJL  BOOK 2008
RJ 502 G7 M5 / q : Mental health of children and young people in Great Britain, 2004 / authors, Hazel Green ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Mental health of children and young people in Great Britain, 2004 / authors, Hazel Green ... [et al.] BJL  BOOK 2005
RJ 502 G7 R8 : Children and young people's mental health : every nurse's business.; BJL     
      Children and young people's mental health : every nurse's business. BJL  BOOK c2004
RJ 502 G7 R9 : A neuropsychiatric study in childhood.; BJL     
      A neuropsychiatric study in childhood. BJL  BOOK 1970
RJ 502 G7 W7 / q : Breaking down the barriers : key evaluation findings on young people's mental health needs.; BJL     
      Breaking down the barriers : key evaluation findings on young people's mental health needs. BJL  BOOK c2001
RJ 502 G7 W8    
      With health in mind : mental health care for children and young people. BJL  BOOK 1992
      With health in mind : mental health care for children and young people : proceedings of a conference BJL  BOOK 1992
RJ 502 G7 Y7    
      Collection of material from Young Minds. BJL  BOOK 2000
      Collection of material from Young Minds. BJL  BOOK 2000
      Collection of material from Young Minds. BJL  BOOK 2000
RJ 502 W2 C5 / q : Child and adolescent mental health services residential units in Wales : a review of safeguards and standards of care : December 1998.; BJL     
      Child and adolescent mental health services residential units in Wales : a review of safeguards and s BJL  BOOK 1998
RJ 502.3 C5 : Child and adolescent mental health nursing / edited by Tim McDougall.; BJL     
      Child and adolescent mental health nursing / edited by Tim McDougall. BJL  BOOK c2006
RJ 502.5 H2 : Handbook of infant mental health / edited by Charles H. Zeanah.; BJL     
      Handbook of infant mental health / edited by Charles H. Zeanah. BJL  BOOK 2000
RJ 503 B8 / q : Bridges over troubled waters : a report from the NHS Health Advisory Service on services for disturbed adolescents.; BJL     
      Bridges over troubled waters : a report from the NHS Health Advisory Service on services for disturbe BJL  BOOK 1986
RJ 503 D6 : Le cas Dominique.; BJL     
      Le cas Dominique. BJL  BOOK 1971
RJ 503 I4 / q : Inequalities and the mental health of young people : a systematic review of secondary school-based cognitive behavioural interventions / Josephine Kavanagh ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Inequalities and the mental health of young people : a systematic review of secondary school-based co BJL  BOOK 2009
RJ 503 K2 : Psychodynamic counselling with children and young people : an introduction / Sue Kegerreis.; BJL     
      Psychodynamic counselling with children and young people : an introduction / Sue Kegerreis. BJL  BOOK 2010
RJ 503 S3 : Conduct disorders in youth / Lourens Schlebusch.; BJL     
      Conduct disorders in youth / Lourens Schlebusch. BJL  BOOK 1979
RJ 503 T7 : Transition to adulthood : a resource for assisting young people with emotional or behavioral difficulties / edited by Hewitt B. Clark, Maryann Davis.; BJL     
      Transition to adulthood : a resource for assisting young people with emotional or behavioral difficul BJL  BOOK c2000
RJ 503 Y6 : Young people and mental health / edited by Peter Aggleton, Jane Hurry and Ian Warwick.; BJL     
      Young people and mental health / edited by Peter Aggleton, Jane Hurry and Ian Warwick. BJL  BOOK 2000
RJ 503.2 H2 : Handbook of infant, toddler, and preschool mental health assessment / edited by Rebecca DelCarmen-Wiggins, Alice Carter.; BJL     
      Handbook of infant, toddler, and preschool mental health assessment / edited by Rebecca DelCarmen-Wig BJL  BOOK 2004
RJ 503.3 C3    
      The handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology : a contextual approach. BJL  BOOK 1999
      Handbook of child and adolescent clinical psychology : a contextual approach / Alan Carr. BJL  BOOK 2006
RJ 503.3 H5    
      Clinical child and adolescent psychology : from theory to practice. BJL  BOOK c2006
      Clinical child psychology : social learning, development and behaviour / with specialist contribution BJL  BOOK 1991
RJ 503.5 G8 : The clinical interview of the child.; BJL     
      The clinical interview of the child. BJL  BOOK 1981
RJ 503.5 R8 : The practice of clinical child psychology.; BJL     
      The practice of clinical child psychology. BJL  BOOK 1959
RJ 503.6 B6 : Clinical interviews with children and adolescents.; BJL     
      Clinical interviews with children and adolescents. BJL  BOOK 1990
RJ 503.7 P47 A8 : Assessing personal and social development : measuring the unmeasurable? / edited by Sally Inman, Martin Buck and Helena Burke.; BJL     
      Assessing personal and social development : measuring the unmeasurable? / edited by Sally Inman, Mart BJL  BOOK 1998
RJ 504 A2 : The adult is parent to the child : transactional analysis with children and young people / edited by Keith Tudor.; BJL     
      The adult is parent to the child : transactional analysis with children and young people / edited by BJL  BOOK 2008
RJ 504 A4 : Psychotherapy with children.; BJL     
      Psychotherapy with children. BJL  BOOK 1947
RJ 504 A9 : Dibs in search of self : personality development in play therapy.; BJL     
      Dibs in search of self : personality development in play therapy. BJL  BOOK 1964
RJ 504 C5    
      Child and adolescent therapy : a multicultural-relational approach / edited by Faith H. McClure, Edwa BJL  BOOK 1996
      The child psychotherapist and problems of young people / edited by Mary Boston and Dilys Daws. BJL  BOOK 1988
RJ 504 D1    
      Therapy with children : children's rights, confidentiality and the law / Debbie Daniels and Peter Jen BJL  BOOK 2000
      Therapy with children : children's rights, confidentiality and the law / Debbie Daniels and Peter Jen BJL  BOOK 2010
RJ 504 E4    
      Children in difficulty : a guide to understanding and helping / Julian Elliott and Maurice Place. BJL  BOOK 1998
      Children in difficulty : a guide to understanding and helping / Julian Elliott and Maurice Place. BJL  BOOK 2012
RJ 504 E9 : Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents / edited by Alan E. Kazdin, John R. Weisz.; BJL     
      Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents / edited by Alan E. Kazdin, John R. Weisz BJL  BOOK c2003
RJ 504 G3 : Working with children in groups : a handbook for counsellors, educators and community workers / Kathryn Geldard and David Geldard.; BJL     
      Working with children in groups : a handbook for counsellors, educators and community workers / Kathr BJL  BOOK 2001
RJ 504 G9 : Counseling and therapy for children.; BJL     
      Counseling and therapy for children. BJL  BOOK 1984
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