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SMCT 18 : The olive fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with eight coloured plates and numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford.; BJL     
      The olive fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with eight coloured plates and numerous illustrations BJL  BOOK 1907
SMCT 19 : The red book of heroes / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with 8 coloured plates and numerous illustrations by A. Wallis Mills.; BJL     
      The red book of heroes / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with 8 coloured plates and numerous i BJL  BOOK 1909
SMCT 2 : The red fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H.J. Ford and Lancelot Speed.; BJL     
      The red fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H.J. Ford and Lancelot Sp BJL  BOOK 1891
SMCT 20 : The lilac fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with eight coloured plates and numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford.; BJL     
      The lilac fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with eight coloured plates and numerous illustrations BJL  BOOK 1910
SMCT 21 : The all sorts of stories book / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with 5 coloured plates and numerous other illustrations by H.J. Ford.; BJL     
      The all sorts of stories book / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with 5 coloured plates and num BJL  BOOK 1911
SMCT 22 : The book of saints and heroes / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with 12 coloured plates and numerous other illustrations by Henry J. Ford.; BJL     
      The book of saints and heroes / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with 12 coloured plates and nu BJL  BOOK 1912
SMCT 23 : The strange story book / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with portrait of Andrew Lang and 12 coloured plates and numerous other illustrations by H.J. Ford.; BJL     
      The strange story book / by Mrs. Lang ; edited by Andrew Lang ; with portrait of Andrew Lang and 12 c BJL  BOOK 1913
SMCT 24 : Lob Lie-by-the-Fire, or, The luck of Lingborough / by Juliana Horatia Ewing ; illustrated by Randolph Caldecott ; engraved and printed by Edmund Evans.; BJL     
      Lob Lie-by-the-Fire, or, The luck of Lingborough / by Juliana Horatia Ewing ; illustrated by Randolph BJL  BOOK 1885
SMCT 25 : R. Caldecott's collection of pictures & songs : containing The diverting history of John Gilpin, The house that Jack built, An elegy on the death of a mad dog, The babes in the wood, The three jovial huntsmen, Sing a song for sixpence, The Queen of Hearts, The farmer's boy. All exhibited in beautiful engravings, many of which are printed in colours / drawn by R.C. ; engraved and printed by E. Evans.; BJL     
      R. Caldecott's collection of pictures & songs : containing The diverting history of John Gilpin, The BJL  BOOK 1881
SMCT 26 : The April Baby's book of tunes, with the story of how they came to be written / by the author of 'Elizabeth and her German garden' ; illustrated by Kate Greenaway.; BJL     
      The April Baby's book of tunes, with the story of how they came to be written / by the author of 'Eli BJL  BOOK 1900
SMCT 27 : Marigold garden : pictures and rhymes / by Kate Greenaway ; printed in colours by Edmund Evans.; BJL     
      Marigold garden : pictures and rhymes / by Kate Greenaway ; printed in colours by Edmund Evans. BJL  BOOK 1885
SMCT 28 : Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes / illustrated by Kate Greenaway ; engraved and printed by Edmund Evans.; BJL     
      Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes / illustrated by Kate Greenaway ; engraved and printed by Ed BJL  BOOK 1881?
SMCT 29 : The Pied Piper of Hamelin / by Robert Browning ; with 35 illustrations by Kate Greenaway ; engraved and printed in colours by Edmund Evans.; BJL     
      The Pied Piper of Hamelin / by Robert Browning ; with 35 illustrations by Kate Greenaway ; engraved a BJL  BOOK 1889
SMCT 3 : The blue poetry book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and Lancelot Speed.; BJL     
      The blue poetry book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford and Lancelot BJL  BOOK 1891
SMCT 30 : The story of Little Black Sambo / by Helen Bannerman.; BJL     
      The story of Little Black Sambo / by Helen Bannerman. BJL  BOOK 1904
SMCT 31 : Nonsense songs and stories / by Edward Lear, author of 'The book of nonsense,' etc. etc.; BJL     
      Nonsense songs and stories / by Edward Lear, author of 'The book of nonsense,' etc. etc. BJL  BOOK 1891
SMCT 32 : Records of the Scots Colleges at Douai, Rome, Madrid, Valladolid and Ratisbon. Volume I, Registers of students / [edited by William Forbes Leith ... et al.].; BJL     
      Records of the Scots Colleges at Douai, Rome, Madrid, Valladolid and Ratisbon. Volume I, Registers of BJL  BOOK 1906
SMCT 33 : Sir John Franklin's last Arctic expedition : a chapter in the history of the Royal Navy / by Richard J. Cyriax.; BJL     
      Sir John Franklin's last Arctic expedition : a chapter in the history of the Royal Navy / by Richard BJL  BOOK 1939
SMCT 34 : Leopold the unloved : king of the Belgians and of money / by Ludwig Bauer ; translated by Eden and Cedar Paul (Members of the Translators' Guild).; BJL     
      Leopold the unloved : king of the Belgians and of money / by Ludwig Bauer ; translated by Eden and Ce BJL  BOOK 1934
SMCT 35 : The citizen of the world, or, Letters from a Chinese philosopher, residing in London, to his friends in the country / by Dr. Goldsmith.; BJL     
      The citizen of the world, or, Letters from a Chinese philosopher, residing in London, to his friends BJL  BOOK 1799?
SMCT 36 : Poems. Selections; BJL     
      Comic poems / by Thomas Hood. BJL  BOOK 1892
SMCT 37 : Wives and daughters : an every-day story / by Mrs. Gaskell.; BJL     
      Wives and daughters : an every-day story / by Mrs. Gaskell. BJL  BOOK 1891
SMCT 38 : The autocrat of the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes.; BJL     
      The autocrat of the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes. BJL  BOOK 1891
SMCT 39 : The poet at the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes.; BJL     
      The poet at the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes. BJL  BOOK 1891
SMCT 4 : The green fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford.; BJL     
      The green fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. BJL  BOOK 1893
SMCT 40 : The poetical works of Oliver Wendell Holmes.; BJL     
      The poetical works of Oliver Wendell Holmes. BJL  BOOK 1892
SMCT 41 : The professor at the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes.; BJL     
      The professor at the breakfast-table / by Oliver Wendell Holmes. BJL  BOOK 1890
SMCT 5 : The true story book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by L. Bogle, Lucien Davis, H. J. Ford, C. H. M. Kerr, and Lancelot Speed.; BJL     
      The true story book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by L. Bogle, Lucien Davis, BJL  BOOK 1893
SMCT 6 : The yellow fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford.; BJL     
      The yellow fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. BJL  BOOK 1894
SMCT 7 : The red true story book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by Henry J. Ford.; BJL     
      The red true story book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by Henry J. Ford. BJL  BOOK 1895
SMCT 8 : The animal story book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H.J. Ford.; BJL     
      The animal story book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H.J. Ford. BJL  BOOK 1896
SMCT 9 : The pink fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford.; BJL     
      The pink fairy book / edited by Andrew Lang ; with numerous illustrations by H. J. Ford. BJL  BOOK 1897
SML 1    
      An answer to a Catholike English-man: (so by himselfe entitvled) who, without a name, passed his cens BJL  BOOK 1609
      The Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1788
      Forty sermons, whereof twenty one are now first published. BJL  BOOK 1684
SML 2    
      The Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1827
      On the mischiefs of self-ignorance, and the benefits of self-acquaintance / by Richard Baxter ; with BJL  BOOK 1828
      Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi operum tomus ... BJL  BOOK 1700
SML 3    
      The Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1827
      Biblia sacra polyglotta / edidit B. Waltonus. BJL  BOOK 1655
      A call to the unconverted : Now or never / with an introduction essay by T. Chalmers. BJL  BOOK 1825
SML 4    
      An antidote to infidelity. BJL  BOOK 1831
      The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament and the New / newlie translated out of ye originall tong BJL  BOOK 1611
      The Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1841
      A second antidote to infidelity : lectures on the internal evidences of divine revelation. BJL  BOOK 1831
SML 5    
      The Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1850
      The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament / translated according BJL  BOOK 1640
      Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, Libri canonici, priscæ Iudæorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi : Lati BJL  BOOK 1585
SML 6    
      The Christian's family Bible : containing the Apocrypha / with comments and annotations by W. Rider BJL  BOOK 1763
      Novum Testamentum. BJL  BOOK 1675
      Calmet's dictionary of the Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1841
SML 7    
      Baptism a seal of the Christian covenant. BJL  BOOK 1816
      The Holy Bible, with notes. BJL  BOOK 1800
      An inquiry into the effect of baptism. BJL  BOOK 1815
      An inquiry into the effect of baptism. BJL  BOOK 1817
2 additional entries    
SML 8    
      The Holy Bible. BJL  BOOK 1827
      Certaine sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of the late Queene Elizabet BJL  BOOK 1623
      Practical essays on the morning and evening services of the Church of England. BJL  BOOK 1810
SML 9    
      Brown's self-interpreting family Bible. BJL  BOOK 1850
      The altar services, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. BJL  BOOK 1821
      Love and religion demonstrated in the martyrdom of Theodora and of Diaymus. BJL  BOOK 1703
SML 10    
      The Psalter, or psalmes of David : after the translation of the Great Bible. BJL  BOOK 1634
      The book of common prayer. BJL  BOOK 1634
      The forme and manner of making and consecrating bishops, priestes and deacons. BJL  BOOK 1634
      The credibility of the Christian revelation, from it's intrinsick evidence : in eight sermons, preach BJL  BOOK 1700
2 additional entries    
SML 11    
      The book of common prayer. BJL  BOOK 1800
      Exposition of Psalm 119. BJL  BOOK 1832
      Letters : Marci Tulli Ciceronis Familiarum espistolarum libri XVI. BJL  BOOK 1557
SML 12    
      The communion and other service, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. BJL  BOOK 1860
      Concordance Bibliorum. BJL  BOOK 1618
      The practical works of John Bunyan. BJL  BOOK 1841
SML 13    
      Annotationes : Dis Erasmi Rot. in Nouum Testamentum annotationes. BJL  BOOK 1542
      The order of the administrationof the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion and other rites and ceremonies BJL  BOOK 1896
      Horae biblicae being a connected series of miscellaneous notes on the original text. BJL  BOOK 1799
SML 14    
      The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature : to which ar BJL  BOOK 1802
      Io. Frob. Pio lectori S.D. Thesaurum haudquaq[ue] uulgarem tibi lector exhibemus hoc volumine, paraph BJL  BOOK 1522
      Universal historical dictionary or explanation of the names of persons and places in history, mytholo BJL  BOOK 1833
SML 15    
      Antiquitates apostolicae. BJL  BOOK 1834
      Paraphrases : D. Erasmi Roterodami paraphrasis in Euangelium secundum Icannem. BJL  BOOK 1523
      Paraphrases : In Acta Apostolorum paraphrasis Erasmi Roterodami. BJL  BOOK 1524
      Paraphrases : In euangelium Marci paraphrasis. BJL  BOOK 1524
2 additional entries    
SML 16    
      A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. BJL  BOOK 1769
      Concordantiae graecolatinae Testamenti Noui. BJL  BOOK 1624
      On natural theology. BJL  BOOK 1836
SML 17    
      The church-history of Britaine from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year M.DC. XLVIII. BJL  BOOK 1656
      Lectures on the establishment and extension of national churches. BJL  BOOK 1838
      A new Greek and English lexicon. BJL  BOOK 1842
      On the use and abuse of literary and ecclesiatical endowments. BJL  BOOK 1827
SML 18    
      The Christian's companion in solitude. BJL  BOOK 1827
      Du Bartas his diuine weekes and workes. BJL  BOOK 1621
      A recollection of such treatises as have bene heretofore seuerally published. BJL  BOOK 1621
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