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T/H 1974 M.Ed. L6 : Teacher education in modern Iran.; BJL     
      Teacher education in modern Iran. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Ed. P4 : Endowed grammar school reform during the nineteenth century with particular reference to the schools at Wakefield, Pontefract, Leeds and Normanton in the West Riding of Yorkshire.; BJL     
      Endowed grammar school reform during the nineteenth century with particular reference to the schools BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Ed. R2 : Happiness and education.; BJL     
      Happiness and education. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. B4 : A study of enzymes involved in energy production in Peptococcus prevotii and their activities during starvation.; BJL     
      A study of enzymes involved in energy production in Peptococcus prevotii and their activities during BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. B6    
      1st order differential equations. BJL  THESIS 1974
      An investigation into the implementation of cyclic manufacture at Humbrol Limited. BJL  THESIS 1974
      A simulation of the Hull Freightliner terminal. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. B8 : Product mix in the elastoplast department of Smith & Nephew Limited, Hull.; BJL     
      Product mix in the elastoplast department of Smith & Nephew Limited, Hull. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. C3 : An investigation into the effectiveness of the selection, acquisition,availability and retention of periodicals in Hull Central Library.; BJL     
      An investigation into the effectiveness of the selection, acquisition,availability and retention of p BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. C6 : The use of finished stocks of steel sections.; BJL     
      The use of finished stocks of steel sections. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. C9 : Work stoppages in the Humberside sub-region, 1960-1971.; BJL     
      Work stoppages in the Humberside sub-region, 1960-1971. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. D9    
      A general simulation model of flying operations at Royal Air Force Cranwell. BJL  THESIS 1974
      The segregation of cross boundary revenue. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. E2 : An examination of the space problem in Burton's Central Stores.; BJL     
      An examination of the space problem in Burton's Central Stores. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc.(Econ.) M3 : Aspects of the development of monetary theory and policy in Great Britain, 1926-34.; BJL     
      Aspects of the development of monetary theory and policy in Great Britain, 1926-34. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. F6 : Aspects of the operation and role of the London discount houses 1951-1973.; BJL     
      Aspects of the operation and role of the London discount houses 1951-1973. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. I9 : A study of stock control and related problems at Armstrong Patents Company Limited.; BJL     
      A study of stock control and related problems at Armstrong Patents Company Limited. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. J7 : A study of the flow of components along the automatic washing machine production lines of Hoover Limited, Merthyr Tydfil.; BJL     
      A study of the flow of components along the automatic washing machine production lines of Hoover Limi BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. M1 : An investigation of the product mix of Taperex Limited.; BJL     
      An investigation of the product mix of Taperex Limited. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. M8 : Transport organisation within the Hull and Beverley Health Districts of the Humberside Area Health Authority.; BJL     
      Transport organisation within the Hull and Beverley Health Districts of the Humberside Area Health Au BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. O4    
      The application of automatic interaction detector AID technique to Scottish fishing vessels 80 feet a BJL  THESIS 1974
      Stochastic integration with respect to martingales. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. P9 : An investigation of the problem involved in changing the pattern printed on metal cans with a view to improving the running times of the printing machines.; BJL     
      An investigation of the problem involved in changing the pattern printed on metal cans with a view to BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. R3 : The ventromedial hypothalamus : an analysis of ingestive behaviour and negative reinforcement.; BJL     
      The ventromedial hypothalamus : an analysis of ingestive behaviour and negative reinforcement. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. S4 : The preparation of a time-table for a comprehensive school.; BJL     
      The preparation of a time-table for a comprehensive school. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. T4 : Distribution of friction materials.; BJL     
      Distribution of friction materials. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. W5 : A study of productivity, with special reference to production scheduling in the auto shop of the Newark plant of the General Bearings Division of RHP Limited.; BJL     
      A study of productivity, with special reference to production scheduling in the auto shop of the Newa BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. W6 : Conveyor layout simulation.; BJL     
      Conveyor layout simulation. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 M.Sc. W8 : To investigate the Mk.6 fan convector assembly line with a view to establishing strategies for selecting the model mix and labour load for assistance in production planning by Ideal-Standard Limited, Wolverton.; BJL     
      To investigate the Mk.6 fan convector assembly line with a view to establishing strategies for select BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. A4 : The historical geography of the railway network of South Durham and Teeside.; BJL     
      The historical geography of the railway network of South Durham and Teeside. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. A9 : Studies on muscle development with particular reference to the effects of protein malnutrition.; BJL     
      Studies on muscle development with particular reference to the effects of protein malnutrition. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. B1 : The New Deal and North Carolina : the tobacco programme, 1933-1940.; BJL     
      The New Deal and North Carolina : the tobacco programme, 1933-1940. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. B5 : Lipid breakdown by lipoxygenase in plant tissues.; BJL     
      Lipid breakdown by lipoxygenase in plant tissues. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. B8 : Studies on iron assimilation in mycobacteria.; BJL     
      Studies on iron assimilation in mycobacteria. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. C6 : The influence of molecular structure on liquid crystal properties.; BJL     
      The influence of molecular structure on liquid crystal properties. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. C8 : Investment banking in England, 1856-1882 : case study of the International Financial Society.; BJL     
      Investment banking in England, 1856-1882 : case study of the International Financial Society. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. D9 : The design and construction of high power CO2 lasers and their application to plasma heating.; BJL     
      The design and construction of high power CO2 lasers and their application to plasma heating. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. G5 : The development and utilisation of a picosecond optical shutter.; BJL     
      The development and utilisation of a picosecond optical shutter. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. G8 : Some aspects of the post natal development of striated muscle, with special reference to actin synthesis.; BJL     
      Some aspects of the post natal development of striated muscle, with special reference to actin synthe BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. H3    
      Myonemal contraction of spirostomum. BJL  THESIS 1974
      [Published works]. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. H4 : Catalysis by polynuclear compounds in aqueous solution.; BJL     
      Catalysis by polynuclear compounds in aqueous solution. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. H5 : Salt-effects in aqueous solutions of polar non-electrolytes.; BJL     
      Salt-effects in aqueous solutions of polar non-electrolytes. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. J2    
      A kinetic study of the substitution reactions of pentacyanoferrates. BJL  THESIS 1974
      The reaction between benzene and deuterium catalysed by some transition metals. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. J4 : Effective-mass systems in insulators and semi conductors.; BJL     
      Effective-mass systems in insulators and semi conductors. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. J5 : Studies of the biology of Stromatinia gladioli Drayt. Whetz.; BJL     
      Studies of the biology of Stromatinia gladioli Drayt. Whetz. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D J7 : An investigation of the periodical Der Sturm, its contributors, and their place in the theory and practice of expressionism.; BJL     
      An investigation of the periodical Der Sturm, its contributors, and their place in the theory and pra BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D J9 : The role of British industrial investment in the development of the Malaysian economy.; BJL     
      The role of British industrial investment in the development of the Malaysian economy. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. K4 : Investigations of the XUV and soft X-ray emission from laser produced plasms from solid targets.; BJL     
      Investigations of the XUV and soft X-ray emission from laser produced plasms from solid targets. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. K8 : An assessment of planaria in bioassays of some common pollutants.; BJL     
      An assessment of planaria in bioassays of some common pollutants. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. M1    
      Commodity flows from the port of Hull to its hinterland. BJL  THESIS 1974
      A comparison of the properties of active centres in some Group VIII metal catalysts. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D M5 : Some aspects of age changes in the laboratory rat Rattus Rattus.; BJL     
      Some aspects of age changes in the laboratory rat Rattus Rattus. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D M6 : [Published works].; BJL     
      [Published works]. BJL  THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D. M8 : The endogenous metabolism and survival of peptococcus prevotii : a thesis / by John Geoffrey Morton.; Online materials, BJL      
      The endogenous metabolism and survival of peptococcus prevotii : a thesis / by John Geoffrey Morton. Online materials, BJL   THESIS 1974
T/H 1974 Ph.D P2 : "Sequestered plots" : a study of the origin and land use of sites isolated by railway construction.; BJL     
      "Sequestered plots" : a study of the origin and land use of sites isolated by railway construction. BJL  THESIS 1974
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