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T/H 1976 B.Phil. F7 : Case studies in Swedish foreign policy 1960-1970 : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Case studies in Swedish foreign policy 1960-1970 : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. H8    
      The public provision of non-elementary education in Scarborough in the late nineteenth century : a sy BJL  THESIS 1976
      The virtuous woman in the nineteenth century novel. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. M4 : The contribution of agricultural education to economic development with particular reference to Swaziland : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      The contribution of agricultural education to economic development with particular reference to Swazi BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. M6 : Imagination in human thinking and its relevance to education : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Imagination in human thinking and its relevance to education : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. M8 : Teachers' salaries and the Houghton Report : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Teachers' salaries and the Houghton Report : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil M9    
      Art and politics in the writings of William Morris. BJL  THESIS 1976
      An evaluation of structural apparatus in the primary school, with special reference to the Cuisenaire BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. R6 : Robert Louis Stevenson's theories of art as seen in his essays : being a thesis.; BJL     
      Robert Louis Stevenson's theories of art as seen in his essays : being a thesis. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. S5 : On the margin : a study of contemporary teenage sub-literate and its educational implications : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      On the margin : a study of contemporary teenage sub-literate and its educational implications : being BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. S6    
      The development of education in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, innculding an account of educational BJL  THESIS 1976
      The staging of medieval farce : a study of fifteen plays in the Florence collection : being a dissert none   THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 B.Phil. W7 : Swinburne and Tennyson : aspects of a literary relationship : a thesis.; BJL     
      Swinburne and Tennyson : aspects of a literary relationship : a thesis. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 Dip. Int. Law K1 : Control of sea-bed resources.; BJL     
      Control of sea-bed resources. BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1976 M.A. A4 LC 1130 A4 : Mathematics : its occupational importance and place in the secondary school curriculum : being a dissertation.; none      
      Mathematics : its occupational importance and place in the secondary school curriculum : being a diss none   THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. B9 : French existentialism and postwar adolescent psychology : being a thesis.; BJL     
      French existentialism and postwar adolescent psychology : being a thesis. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. C5 : The traditional social background of African socialism in Tanzania : being a thesis.; BJL     
      The traditional social background of African socialism in Tanzania : being a thesis. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. D5 : The place of general studies in vocational courses in institutions of further education : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      The place of general studies in vocational courses in institutions of further education : being a dis BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. D6 : Some problems of the self : a metophysical solution? being a thesis.; BJL     
      Some problems of the self : a metophysical solution? being a thesis. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. I9 : The Gypsies of East Yorkshire : an ethnological description and a study of the Gypsies' response to social and education provision : being a thesis...; BJL     
      The Gypsies of East Yorkshire : an ethnological description and a study of the Gypsies' response to s BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. K3 : Aurobindo and the Lord of history.; BJL     
      Aurobindo and the Lord of history. BJL  THESIS 1975
T/H 1976 M.A. L7 : Evil in the novels of Dickens.; BJL     
      Evil in the novels of Dickens. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. M3    
      Elections and electioneering in East Yorkshire with particular reference to Hull and Beverley, 1815-1 BJL  THESIS 1976
      Marx, deviance and the sociology of law : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. N5    
      Army education in Kenya : its role and functions. BJL  THESIS 1976
      Public health in Grimsby from 1800 to 1872 : being a thesis... BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. N8    
      Social change and continuity in the matrilineal society of Rembau, Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia) : being BJL  THESIS 1976
      Urban Malay youth and the family : a study of the pattern of adolescent socialisation among urban Mal BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. O7 : Military intervention in politics with special reference to the case of Chile 1970-1973 : being a thesis.; BJL     
      Military intervention in politics with special reference to the case of Chile 1970-1973 : being a the BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. P2 : The role of language in the poetry of Paul Valery : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      The role of language in the poetry of Paul Valery : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. R3 : The Chartist movement in Stockport.; BJL     
      The Chartist movement in Stockport. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. S1 : The Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) : its origins, structure, ideology and achievements.; BJL     
      The Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) : its origins, structure, ideology and achievements. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. S5 : Secondary school reorganisation in Doncaster : a study of the Education Committee and some of the other interests involved 1962-1967 : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Secondary school reorganisation in Doncaster : a study of the Education Committee and some of the oth BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. S6 : Assessment and supervision of part-time teachers.; BJL     
      Assessment and supervision of part-time teachers. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.A. T2    
      Communism in Western Europe with particular reference to France and Italy. BJL  THESIS 1976
      One parent children and educational attainment : a study of interrelated facts in one junior school : BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. A5 : An investigation into the relationship between personality and attitude towards participation in sport and physical activities : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      An investigation into the relationship between personality and attitude towards participation in spor BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. B4 : A review of education in Lincolnshire 1660-1700.; BJL     
      A review of education in Lincolnshire 1660-1700. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. C3 : The relationship between personality and academic motivation.; BJL     
      The relationship between personality and academic motivation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. D5 : Yorkshire schools and scholars in the seventeenth century : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Yorkshire schools and scholars in the seventeenth century : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. E4 : Teacher training after Robbins 1963-1968 : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Teacher training after Robbins 1963-1968 : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. E9 : Aspects of the size of a local education authority in England and Wales 1941 to 1974 with some reference to the County Borough of Burton upon Trent : dissertation.; BJL     
      Aspects of the size of a local education authority in England and Wales 1941 to 1974 with some refere BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. H6 : Geographical factors in the development of state, secondary education in two contrasting areas, Montgomeryshire and Woking : being a thesis.; BJL     
      Geographical factors in the development of state, secondary education in two contrasting areas, Montg BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. J5 : The introduction of secondary education in the Isle of Man : being a thesis.; BJL     
      The introduction of secondary education in the Isle of Man : being a thesis. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. L5 : Vocational aspirations and the transition from school to work : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      Vocational aspirations and the transition from school to work : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. L9 : Some western practices and modern theories on the learning and teaching of primary mathematics in the context of developing countries with special reference to Malaysia : being a thesis.; BJL     
      Some western practices and modern theories on the learning and teaching of primary mathematics in the BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. M2 : The recruitment, training and supply of trained graduate teachers for the secondary schools of Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia from 1958 to 1970:being a dissertation.; BJL     
      The recruitment, training and supply of trained graduate teachers for the secondary schools of Kenya, BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. M6 : An investigation of relationships between scholastic attainment of secondary school pupils and certain factors in their home neighbourhood : being a thesis.; BJL     
      An investigation of relationships between scholastic attainment of secondary school pupils and certai BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. M8 : A study of the provision of superanimation and other benefits for retiring teachers in England and Wales : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      A study of the provision of superanimation and other benefits for retiring teachers in England and Wa BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. N4 : The evolution of statutory adult education in Chile : as overview : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      The evolution of statutory adult education in Chile : as overview : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. P5 : Individual capacities and the occupational choice of comprehensive school leavers of average and below average ability.; BJL     
      Individual capacities and the occupational choice of comprehensive school leavers of average and belo BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. P8 : Aspects of the teaching of geography with special reference to secondary schools in South Humberside.; BJL     
      Aspects of the teaching of geography with special reference to secondary schools in South Humberside. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. R3 : An experimental investigation into the achievement orientation and intellectual achievement responsibility of College of Education students.; BJL     
      An experimental investigation into the achievement orientation and intellectual achievement responsib BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. R6 : Divisional executives for education 1944-1974.; BJL     
      Divisional executives for education 1944-1974. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. S6 : Individualised instruction 3500 B.C. - 1950 A.D.; BJL     
      Individualised instruction 3500 B.C. - 1950 A.D. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. S7 : An experimental investigation into the junior personality questionnaire : being a dissertation.; BJL     
      An experimental investigation into the junior personality questionnaire : being a dissertation. BJL  THESIS 1976
T/H 1976 M.Ed. S9    
      The development of education in Nyasaland (Malawi) up to 1940 with special reference to the education BJL  THESIS 1976
      A study of the UNICEF-aided NCERT Primary Science Project and the UK Science 5/13 Project : being a t BJL  THESIS 1976
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