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T/H 1981 M.A. I4 : A study of the evolution and present role of secondary education in Nigeria, with reference to an investigation into its administrative and organisational problems in Rivers State.; BJL     
      A study of the evolution and present role of secondary education in Nigeria, with reference to an inv BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. I6 : What is pastoral care? : survey of practice in a sample of Humberside secondary schools.; BJL     
      What is pastoral care? : survey of practice in a sample of Humberside secondary schools. BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. K1 : Money and banking in Cyprus, 1963-1981.; BJL     
      Money and banking in Cyprus, 1963-1981. BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. K5 : The dilemma of rural education in developing countries : the Gambia as a case study.; BJL     
      The dilemma of rural education in developing countries : the Gambia as a case study. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. K7 : The structures, organisation and development of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa from 1907 to 1981 with special reference to Kikuyu cultural and social factors.; BJL     
      The structures, organisation and development of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa from 1907 to 1 BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. K8    
      Female criminality and the influence of women's liberation. BJL  THESIS 1981
      The place of schools' guidance and counselling in Kenya, with specific reference to secondary schools BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. K9 : Armed forces education service in Kenya : a critical appraisal.; BJL     
      Armed forces education service in Kenya : a critical appraisal. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. L2 : Some aspects of external examinations and their influence on the transition from school to work in England and Alberta, Canada.; BJL     
      Some aspects of external examinations and their influence on the transition from school to work in En BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.A. L6 : Curriculum planning at Bayside School, Gibraltar.; BJL     
      Curriculum planning at Bayside School, Gibraltar. BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. L7    
      History and economics in the works [of] A. Smith and G.W.F. Hegel. BJL  THESIS 1981
      A study of the problems of developing adult education within voluntary agencies in Hong Kong. BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. L9    
      Arts policy formulation in adult education. BJL  THESIS 1981
      Birth-order, family size and ability in 8 year old children. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. M2 : The development of politics and political parties in Sabah (East Malaysia) 1961-81.; BJL     
      The development of politics and political parties in Sabah (East Malaysia) 1961-81. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. M9 : An evaluation of some issues of industrial society and the reaction of the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church from the pontificate of John XXIII to that of John Paul II, 1958-1981 ...; BJL     
      An evaluation of some issues of industrial society and the reaction of the Magisterium of the Roman C BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. N5    
      The Malayan Communist Party and overseas Chinese nationalism in Malaya, 1937-1941. BJL  THESIS 1981
      The roles and functions of school counsellors in Hong Kong : a humanistic approach. BJL  THESIS 1981
      Some moral and philosophical implications of behaviour modification : an examination of areas of conc BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. N9 : A theological assessment of industrialization in the culture of a developing society : [Nigeria] ...; BJL     
      A theological assessment of industrialization in the culture of a developing society : [Nigeria] ... BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. O5 : University extension and the rural sector in Uganda.; BJL     
      University extension and the rural sector in Uganda. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. S4 : Behavioural objectives in technician education.; BJL     
      Behavioural objectives in technician education. BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. S5 : Industrial society and mission in Hong Kong : polarization or synthesis in theology and method?; BJL     
      Industrial society and mission in Hong Kong : polarization or synthesis in theology and method? BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. S6 : Teachers' attitudes towards the former and present assessment systems in adult education levels 3 and 4 in Bangkok.; BJL     
      Teachers' attitudes towards the former and present assessment systems in adult education levels 3 and BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.A. T4 : The Vietnam policy of the Nixon administration towards a "peace with honour"?; BJL     
      The Vietnam policy of the Nixon administration towards a "peace with honour"? BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1981 M.A. T5 : A pilot study investigating aspects of children's experience which might be termed religious.; BJL     
      A pilot study investigating aspects of children's experience which might be termed religious. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. T9 : The modern state as seen by Hegel and Marx : an examination of "Philosophy of right" and "The critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of right'".; BJL     
      The modern state as seen by Hegel and Marx : an examination of "Philosophy of right" and "The critiqu BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. U7 : The role of adult education in rural development : the Tanzanian experience.; BJL     
      The role of adult education in rural development : the Tanzanian experience. BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.A. W8 : A comparative study of physical education, sports and recreation in Hong Kong and Japan.; BJL     
      A comparative study of physical education, sports and recreation in Hong Kong and Japan. BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.A. W9 : First impressions : an investigation into some of the factors which children 8-9 say guide their initial selection of freely chosen fiction and their later decision to continue or abandon the reading.; BJL     
      First impressions : an investigation into some of the factors which children 8-9 say guide their init BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. Y3 : A study of contemporary issues in English primary education, with special reference to the role of the headteacher.; BJL     
      A study of contemporary issues in English primary education, with special reference to the role of th BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.A. Y5 : The rise and decline of the Barisan Sosialis Party in Singapore.; BJL     
      The rise and decline of the Barisan Sosialis Party in Singapore. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. B6 : An investigation into the nature and provision of creative dance with reference to certain C.N.A.A. validated degrees in the creative, expressive and perfmorming arts.; BJL     
      An investigation into the nature and provision of creative dance with reference to certain C.N.A.A. v BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed B8    
      An analysis of the P.E.component in the curriculum of Soviet and American youth. BJL  THESIS 1981
      Staff perceptions of the problems of teaching in a split-site comprehensive school. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. E5. : The establishment of nursery schools in Bendel State, Nigeria : an analysis of British developments and Nigerian needs.; BJL     
      The establishment of nursery schools in Bendel State, Nigeria : an analysis of British developments a BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. F5 : No Damascus road : attitude field surrounding the education of the urban disadvantaged child.; BJL     
      No Damascus road : attitude field surrounding the education of the urban disadvantaged child. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. H1 : The school welfare services before 1914, with particular reference to Kingston upon Hull.; BJL     
      The school welfare services before 1914, with particular reference to Kingston upon Hull. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. H6 : Problems concerning the development of childrens attitudes towards education.; BJL     
      Problems concerning the development of childrens attitudes towards education. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. J5 : The concept of distractibility and its relevance to the education of severely mentally retarded children.; BJL     
      The concept of distractibility and its relevance to the education of severely mentally retarded child BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. N6 : The development of resources centres and resources centres in Humberside secondary schools.; BJL     
      The development of resources centres and resources centres in Humberside secondary schools. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. O3 : Creativity in spiritual growth.; BJL     
      Creativity in spiritual growth. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed. S8 : A study of the educational and career aspirations of fifth-form pupils in an Urban comprehensive School.; BJL     
      A study of the educational and career aspirations of fifth-form pupils in an Urban comprehensive Scho BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Ed.F7 : An examination of the relationship between morality and religion and its implication of moral and religious education in a denominational Roman Catholic school.; BJL     
      An examination of the relationship between morality and religion and its implication of moral and rel BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Phil. A2 : Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and United Nations peace-keeping : political and diplomatic aspects, 1960-61.; BJL     
      Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and United Nations peace-keeping : political and diplomatic aspect BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Phil. A5 : The effects of a rehabilitation project on 30 institutionalised, mentally handicapped adults / Mike Anderson.; BJL     
      The effects of a rehabilitation project on 30 institutionalised, mentally handicapped adults / Mike A BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.Phil. B1 : The figure of the home corner in selected works by Wilhelm Raabe, with special reference to the dualism of adulthood and childhood.; BJL     
      The figure of the home corner in selected works by Wilhelm Raabe, with special reference to the duali BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Phil S4 : The contribution of youth organisations to the educational/socialisation process in the Soviet Union.; BJL     
      The contribution of youth organisations to the educational/socialisation process in the Soviet Union. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Sc. B8 : An investigation into the possibility of measuring the concentration of fluorite in the crusher rejects at Hope Cement Works.; BJL     
      An investigation into the possibility of measuring the concentration of fluorite in the crusher rejec BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.Sc. D1 : A computer-based tomographic scan display and analysis system.; BJL     
      A computer-based tomographic scan display and analysis system. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Sc. F3 : Industrial relations in the 1979 pathology on-call dispute.; BJL     
      Industrial relations in the 1979 pathology on-call dispute. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Sc. G2 : Vehicle replacement based on repair limits.; BJL     
      Vehicle replacement based on repair limits. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Sc. G7 : Studies on the assessment, epidemiology and control of barley yellow dwarf virus.; BJL     
      Studies on the assessment, epidemiology and control of barley yellow dwarf virus. BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 M.Sc. H4 : Purification and properties of methylamine oxidase and benzylamine oxidase from Canadida boidinii.; BJL     
      Purification and properties of methylamine oxidase and benzylamine oxidase from Canadida boidinii. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Sc. H5    
      An implementation of production schedule at Humbrol Ltd. BJL  THESIS 1981
      A study of some aspects of pig production at Pig Partnership Limited. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 M.Sc. J3 : Some aspects of money and banking in Iraq, 1964-1976.; BJL     
      Some aspects of money and banking in Iraq, 1964-1976. BJL  THESIS 1981
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