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Mark   Media Year
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W1 : Kinetics and mechanism of the palladium-catalysed hydrogenation of acetylene.; BJL     
      Kinetics and mechanism of the palladium-catalysed hydrogenation of acetylene. BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W2 : A study of Meyer Levin's career as a novelist, with special reference to the emerging theme of fanaticism.; BJL     
      A study of Meyer Levin's career as a novelist, with special reference to the emerging theme of fanati BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W5 : Haemolymph proteins and lipid transport in Locusta migratoria.; BJL     
      Haemolymph proteins and lipid transport in Locusta migratoria. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W6 : The Biblical tradition in French poetry, 1820-1850.; BJL     
      The Biblical tradition in French poetry, 1820-1850. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W7 : Functional effects of cholinergic stimulation of the substantia nigra in the rat.; BJL     
      Functional effects of cholinergic stimulation of the substantia nigra in the rat. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W8 : Jean-Baptiste Lully and his successors : music and drama in the Tragedie en musique, 1673-1715 / Caroline Wood.; BJL     
      Jean-Baptiste Lully and his successors : music and drama in the Tragedie en musique, 1673-1715 / Caro BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 Ph.D. W9 : A complex fate : Jewish-American experience in the fiction of Leslie Fiedler, Edward Wallant, Chaim Potok and Jerome Charyn / Michael Philip Woolf.; BJL     
      A complex fate : Jewish-American experience in the fiction of Leslie Fiedler, Edward Wallant, Chaim P BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 Ph.D. Y2 : Greek education in the fourth century A.D. : a reappraisal.; BJL     
      Greek education in the fourth century A.D. : a reappraisal. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1981 Ph.D. Y4 : John Dee and the 'Sidney Group' : cosmopolitics and Protestant 'activism' in the 1570s.; BJL     
      John Dee and the 'Sidney Group' : cosmopolitics and Protestant 'activism' in the 1570s. BJL  THESIS  
P/L H 1982    
      Arvon Foundation poetry competition : 1980 anthology / edited and introduced by T. Hughes and S. Hean Departmental Locations  BOOK 1982
      Faber's spring catalogue 1982 : Literary studies : "Larkin at sixty" ... Departmental Locations  SHEET 1982
      Georgian sequence. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1982
      Where sky and water meet : photographs of Humberside / by I. Beesley ... [et al.]. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1982
T/H 1982 Dip. Int. Law A1 : The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its legal personality.; BJL     
      The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its legal personality. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 D.Sc. I1 : Published works.; BJL     
      Published works. BJL  THESIS 1980
T/H 1982 D.Sc. K5 : [Published works].; BJL     
      [Published works]. BJL  THESIS 1978
T/H 1982 LL.M. W2 : The contribution of social anthropology towards the understanding of law : a consideration of the relationship of the work of Llewellyn and Hoebel to English anthropological and positivist jurisprudence.; BJL     
      The contribution of social anthropology towards the understanding of law : a consideration of the rel BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M. Phil. A3 : The concept of dependence and the development of Cuban society, 1959-1980.; BJL     
      The concept of dependence and the development of Cuban society, 1959-1980. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. A1 : The work of Lawrence Kohlberg and the problem of content in moral education.; BJL     
      The work of Lawrence Kohlberg and the problem of content in moral education. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. A3 : The development and nature of the field sociology of education in British universities and its relevance for the Nigerian context.; BJL     
      The development and nature of the field sociology of education in British universities and its releva BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. A4 : The foundations of education in a British colonial setting and subsequent trends in selected Commonwealth Caribbean nations, with special reference to secondary education.; BJL     
      The foundations of education in a British colonial setting and subsequent trends in selected Commonwe BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. A7 : Some problems of teaching and learning English in Nigerian secondary schools.; BJL     
      Some problems of teaching and learning English in Nigerian secondary schools. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. A8 : The impact of microelectronics on industrial society : a theological appraisal, with special reference to the United Kingdom.; BJL     
      The impact of microelectronics on industrial society : a theological appraisal, with special referenc BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. A9 : Natural law in the thinking of some contemporary Anglican and Roman Catholic theologians ...; BJL     
      Natural law in the thinking of some contemporary Anglican and Roman Catholic theologians ... BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. B1 : Austrian versus new Austrian economics.; BJL     
      Austrian versus new Austrian economics. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. B4    
      The administrative and management problems of a secondary school principal in the Rivers State of Nig BJL  THESIS 1982
      From retribution to rehabilitation and beyond : the search for an effective penal policy. BJL  THESIS 1982
      An investigation into the causes of pupils' anxieties during transition from junior to secondary educ BJL  THESIS 1982
      Readability : an investigation into assessment methods and their use by teachers in Hull junior high BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. B6 : Girls in secondary education in England and the Netherlands : progress made in achieving equal opportunities 1970-1980.; BJL     
      Girls in secondary education in England and the Netherlands : progress made in achieving equal opport BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1982 M.A. B7 : A comparative study of the educational systems of Yorkshire and Humberside and North Rhine/Westphalia.; BJL     
      A comparative study of the educational systems of Yorkshire and Humberside and North Rhine/Westphalia BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. B8    
      The Christology of Jürgen Moltmann in the light of the Jewish-Christian dialogue ... BJL  THESIS 1982
      Human rights approach to politics : an inquiry into the possibilities of a political philosophy of hu BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. B9 : An enquiry into the teaching of religion in the special school.; BJL     
      An enquiry into the teaching of religion in the special school. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. C4    
      An investigation into the development and functions of the posts of heads of large departments in com BJL  THESIS  
      University extension in Zambia, 1966-1975. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. C5    
      An analysis of a possible alternative approach to community education in Kenya, with special referenc BJL  THESIS 1982
      An examination of some factors affecting the achievement of gifted persons. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. C7    
      The Argive myth and Electra ... BJL  THESIS 1982
      The British police : culture and behaviour. BJL  THESIS 1982
      Shoplifting - the female offence? BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. F6 : An evaluation of the education system in the United Republic of Cameroon with special reference to programmes for educational planning.; BJL     
      An evaluation of the education system in the United Republic of Cameroon with special reference to pr BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. G2 : The birth and evolution of York Educational Settlement.; BJL     
      The birth and evolution of York Educational Settlement. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. G8 : The training of part-time teachers in post-secondary education, industry, commerce, H.M. forces and the public service through the City and Guilds of London Institute Further Education Teachers' Certificate (Course 730) from 1976-82 in North Humberside.; BJL     
      The training of part-time teachers in post-secondary education, industry, commerce, H.M. forces and t BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. H1 : A discussion of the arguments for and against Ivan Illich's proposals for the disestablishment of schools.; BJL     
      A discussion of the arguments for and against Ivan Illich's proposals for the disestablishment of sch BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. H2 : A comparative study of secondary mathematical education in Britain and Lebanon.; BJL     
      A comparative study of secondary mathematical education in Britain and Lebanon. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. H3 : Visions of Manchester : the image of the industrial city in the social problem novel, 1844-1855.; BJL     
      Visions of Manchester : the image of the industrial city in the social problem novel, 1844-1855. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. H6 : Vietnamese-Soviet relations, China and South-East Asia.; BJL     
      Vietnamese-Soviet relations, China and South-East Asia. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. I2 : A study of the programme of universal primary education in the former Western Region of Nigeria in the period 1955-1976.; BJL     
      A study of the programme of universal primary education in the former Western Region of Nigeria in th BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. I8 : Some problemms of teaching literature in English in Nigerian secondary schools.; BJL     
      Some problemms of teaching literature in English in Nigerian secondary schools. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. J2 : Problems of education in rural societies, with special reference to Brunei.; BJL     
      Problems of education in rural societies, with special reference to Brunei. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. J4 : An examination of key factors in adult second-language learning in evening classes.; BJL     
      An examination of key factors in adult second-language learning in evening classes. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. J7 : Towards a new theological understanding of work.; BJL     
      Towards a new theological understanding of work. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. K3 : The place of science in the secondary school curriculum of 11 to 16 year old pupils, with particular reference to the reasons why science based subjects are studied after the age of 13.; BJL     
      The place of science in the secondary school curriculum of 11 to 16 year old pupils, with particular BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. L1 : The financing of education in Nigeria 1842-1982.; BJL     
      The financing of education in Nigeria 1842-1982. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. L7 : The problems encountered in raising the statutory school-leaving age to 15 in Hong Kong.; BJL     
      The problems encountered in raising the statutory school-leaving age to 15 in Hong Kong. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. M2    
      An examination of the implications of recent paradigm changes in British geography for the present da BJL  THESIS 1982
      A pilot study investigating aspects of transcendental experience. BJL  THESIS 1982
      The York Diocesan Society and the provision of national schools, 1813-44. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. M6 : The National Front in West Malaysia, 1969-1978.; BJL     
      The National Front in West Malaysia, 1969-1978. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. M8 : The use of the railway and related technology as fact and symbol in Victorian literature, with particular reference to Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.; BJL     
      The use of the railway and related technology as fact and symbol in Victorian literature, with partic BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A.. M9    
      The Church's role in adult education in Kenya with reference to the Catholic archdiocese of Nairobi. BJL  THESIS 1982
      Part versus whole, and massed versus distributed practice in relation to age : a review of literature BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.A. N4 : Industrial development in Jamaica : its implications for a theology of development and the mission of the Church...; BJL     
      Industrial development in Jamaica : its implications for a theology of development and the mission of BJL  THESIS  
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