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T/H 1982 M.Sc. P5 : The refractory clay of the Linthipe area in Dedza district, Malawi.; BJL     
      The refractory clay of the Linthipe area in Dedza district, Malawi. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.Sc. P6 : Real time computing for a laser system.; BJL     
      Real time computing for a laser system. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.Sc. T4 : An examination of the effect of special standing committees on the balance of power between Whitehall and Westminster.; BJL     
      An examination of the effect of special standing committees on the balance of power between Whitehall BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.Sc. W3 : Individuals and change : a study of the impact of the National Health Service reorganisation, 1981/82.; BJL     
      Individuals and change : a study of the impact of the National Health Service reorganisation, 1981/82 BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.Sc. W7 : The processing of lipread material by hearing, partially and profoundly deaf school-children.; BJL     
      The processing of lipread material by hearing, partially and profoundly deaf school-children. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 M.Sc. W9 : Formation and distribution of nickel particles on (100) faces of magnesia.; BJL     
      Formation and distribution of nickel particles on (100) faces of magnesia. BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1982 Ph.D. A4 : The impact of Nietzsche on the early novels of Heinrich Mann (1894-1909).; BJL     
      The impact of Nietzsche on the early novels of Heinrich Mann (1894-1909). BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. A8 : The cycling of nitrogen and phosphate in heather moorland and the effects of management by burning.; BJL     
      The cycling of nitrogen and phosphate in heather moorland and the effects of management by burning. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. A9 : Family care for severely mentally handicapped school children / Samual Justice Ayer.; BJL     
      Family care for severely mentally handicapped school children / Samual Justice Ayer. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. B1 : Respiratory involvement in cardiac control : an investigation of cardio-respiratory synchrony and its implications for cardiac control.; BJL     
      Respiratory involvement in cardiac control : an investigation of cardio-respiratory synchrony and its BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1982 Ph.D. B4 : Computer simulations of laser-plasma interaction.; BJL     
      Computer simulations of laser-plasma interaction. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. B6 : [Published works].; BJL     
      [Published works]. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1982 Ph.D. B7    
      The biochemistry of lipid accumulation in oleaginous yeasts / Christopher Alan Boulton. BJL, Online materials   THESIS 1982
      Studies on the ontogeny of the lympho-reticular system of the carp 'Cyprinus carpio' Linnaeus. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. C2 : A study of the biology of the eel, (Anguilla anguilla L.) in the tributaries of the lower River Trent.; BJL     
      A study of the biology of the eel, (Anguilla anguilla L.) in the tributaries of the lower River Trent BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. C3 : Middle and Upper Devonian conodont biostratigraphy of the Torquay area, south Devon / Christine Castle.; BJL     
      Middle and Upper Devonian conodont biostratigraphy of the Torquay area, south Devon / Christine Castl BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. C8    
      Investigations into quantum theory and relativity theory. BJL  THESIS 1982
      The living newspaper : history, production and form. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. C9 : The financing and production of private housing in Britain before 1940.; BJL     
      The financing and production of private housing in Britain before 1940. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. D2    
      The development of full time elementary education for the lower orders during the nineteenth century, BJL  THESIS 1982
      The psychiatric hospital admission process : a geographical perspective. BJL  THESIS 1982
      Studies on the endocrine control of gluconeogenesis in the locust, "Locusta migratoria migratorioides BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1982 Ph.D. D4 : An optically detected magnetic resonance investigation of recombination in amorphous semiconductors.; BJL     
      An optically detected magnetic resonance investigation of recombination in amorphous semiconductors. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. D5 : The development of Diderot's philosophy of physical energy 1754-1769.; BJL     
      The development of Diderot's philosophy of physical energy 1754-1769. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. F4 : An examination of the role of education in supporting the rural economy of southern Ghana.; BJL     
      An examination of the role of education in supporting the rural economy of southern Ghana. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. F6 : Hydrocarbon oxidation catalysed by Cobalt (III).; BJL     
      Hydrocarbon oxidation catalysed by Cobalt (III). BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. F9 : Some theoretical aspects of forced- and natural-convection in two and three dimensional internal flows.; BJL     
      Some theoretical aspects of forced- and natural-convection in two and three dimensional internal flow BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. G5 : Contributions on the economic and social geography of West Africa.; BJL     
      Contributions on the economic and social geography of West Africa. BJL  THESIS 1981
T/H 1982 Ph.D. G6 : Learning nursing : a study of the effectiveness and relevance of teaching provided during student nurse introductory course.; BJL     
      Learning nursing : a study of the effectiveness and relevance of teaching provided during student nur BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. H2 : A study of the metabolic responses of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCIB 8250 to oxygen concentration.; BJL     
      A study of the metabolic responses of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCIB 8250 to oxygen concentration. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. H3 : Government and the development of a specialised urban system : the case of the Royal Naval dockyard towns in Great Britain / Trevor Michael Harris.; BJL     
      Government and the development of a specialised urban system : the case of the Royal Naval dockyard t BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. H4 : A methodology for investment planning in developing fisheries.; BJL     
      A methodology for investment planning in developing fisheries. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. H5 : Magnetic properties of some rare earth metals and alloys.; BJL     
      Magnetic properties of some rare earth metals and alloys. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. H7 : The role of cobalt in some sulphide catalysed hydrodesulphurisations.; BJL     
      The role of cobalt in some sulphide catalysed hydrodesulphurisations. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. H9 : An investigation of the mechanism of progesterone secretion in luteal cells of pseudopregnant rats : correlative biochemical, ultrastructural and immuno-histochemical studies.; BJL     
      An investigation of the mechanism of progesterone secretion in luteal cells of pseudopregnant rats : BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. K1 : Diagenetic modelling in Middle Jurassic clastic sediments from the Ravenscar group, Yorkshire, and the Brent group, northern North Sea.; BJL     
      Diagenetic modelling in Middle Jurassic clastic sediments from the Ravenscar group, Yorkshire, and th BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. K4 : Addition reactions of benzo[b]thiophen and its derivatives promoted by Lewis acids.; BJL     
      Addition reactions of benzo[b]thiophen and its derivatives promoted by Lewis acids. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. L2 : A study of the magnetoelastic effects in rare earth-aluminium compounds and commensurate effects in holmium.; BJL     
      A study of the magnetoelastic effects in rare earth-aluminium compounds and commensurate effects in h BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1982 Ph.D. M2 : The elementary reactions involved in the oxidation of ethylene and of isobutene.; BJL     
      The elementary reactions involved in the oxidation of ethylene and of isobutene. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. M6 : Radiation enhanced diffusion in semiconductors.; BJL     
      Radiation enhanced diffusion in semiconductors. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. M8    
      Development and physiological characteristics of avian fast and slow contracting muscles. BJL  THESIS 1982
      Proper names : reference and modality... BJL  THESIS  
      Religious medievalism : aspects of the medieval church in later eighteenth century and nineteenth cen BJL  THESIS 1982
      Support effects in the ruthenium-catalysed hydrogenation of carbon monoxide. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. O8 : Christian religious education in Kenya : an assessment of the evolution and operation of the Western missionary ideology.; BJL     
      Christian religious education in Kenya : an assessment of the evolution and operation of the Western BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. P1 : Hemispheric functional asymmetries in bilingual and deaf subjects.; BJL     
      Hemispheric functional asymmetries in bilingual and deaf subjects. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. P2    
      Cognitive flexibility training with severely and moderately mentally handicapped persons. BJL  THESIS 1982
      Some aspects of lattice theory. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. P7 : Genetical and biochemical studies on methionine and glutamine transport in 'Salmonella typhimurium'.; BJL     
      Genetical and biochemical studies on methionine and glutamine transport in 'Salmonella typhimurium'. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. P9 : Some Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids from north western Europe.; BJL     
      Some Famennian (Upper Devonian) ammonoids from north western Europe. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. R4 : Policy and practice of adult education in Latin America.; BJL     
      Policy and practice of adult education in Latin America. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. S2 : A study of the elastic properties of gadolinium, yttrium and neodymium and their dependence on purity.; BJL     
      A study of the elastic properties of gadolinium, yttrium and neodymium and their dependence on purity BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. S3 : Analytical and numerical solutions to two-dimensional moving interface problems with applications to the solidification of killed steel ingots.; BJL     
      Analytical and numerical solutions to two-dimensional moving interface problems with applications to BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. S5 : Factors affecting the relationships between energy expenditure, cardiac activity and somatomotor performance during behavioural adaptation.; BJL     
      Factors affecting the relationships between energy expenditure, cardiac activity and somatomotor perf BJL  THESIS  
T/H 1982 Ph.D. S6    
      Environmental effects of discharges to the littoral zone of the Humber estuary. BJL  THESIS 1982
      Infinitesimal holonomy groups of Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. S7    
      Diagrams of state and the properties of some liquid crystal mixtures. BJL  THESIS 1982
      The intelligibility of bus timetables. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. T5 : The synthesis of some novel linear tricyclic systems related to purine.; BJL     
      The synthesis of some novel linear tricyclic systems related to purine. BJL  THESIS 1982
T/H 1982 Ph.D. V3 : Mappings of empty space-times based on the curvature tensor.; BJL     
      Mappings of empty space-times based on the curvature tensor. BJL  THESIS 1982
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