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T/H 2002 Ph.D. G3 : Patterns of work strain and well-being in nurses.; BJL     
      Patterns of work strain and well-being in nurses. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. H1 : Genetic structure and colonisation history of European and UK population of Gammarus pulex.; BJL     
      Genetic structure and colonisation history of European and UK population of Gammarus pulex. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. H6    
      Pathological changes in diabetic human sural nerve. BJL  THESIS 2002
      US-Pakistan partnership in response to the Soviet invasion of Afganistan 1979-88 : causes, dynamics a BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. H7 : Comedy and the supernatural on the English stage between 1589 and 1621 : a study of the relevance for early modern audiences of comic representations of magic, fairies and witchcraft.; BJL     
      Comedy and the supernatural on the English stage between 1589 and 1621 : a study of the relevance for BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. H8    
      Characterisation of metronidazole resistant Giardia Intestinalis. BJL  THESIS 2002
      Development and evaluation of computer-based techniques for assessing children in educational setting BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. I5 : The trainability of anaerobic performance characteristics in prepubertal boys using a combined training approach.; BJL     
      The trainability of anaerobic performance characteristics in prepubertal boys using a combined traini BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. K1 : The exploration of a multi-dimensional safe behaviour model for construction workers in Hong Kong : a structural equation modelling approach.; BJL     
      The exploration of a multi-dimensional safe behaviour model for construction workers in Hong Kong : a BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. K2 : Interrogating the subject-world of economic epistemology : re-imagining theory and difference.; BJL     
      Interrogating the subject-world of economic epistemology : re-imagining theory and difference. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. K5 : The European Union's common foreign and security policy : much ado about nothing?; BJL     
      The European Union's common foreign and security policy : much ado about nothing? BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. K9    
      Dissemination of culture through a translational community : German drama in English translation on t BJL  THESIS 2002
      Multicultural citizenship in a liberal society. BJL  THESIS 2002
      Towards similar standards of judicial protection against administrative action in England and Germany BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. L1 : Colloidal aspects of insecticide behaviour.; BJL     
      Colloidal aspects of insecticide behaviour. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. L4 : Studies towards the synthesis of the mycotrienins.; BJL     
      Studies towards the synthesis of the mycotrienins. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. L6 : Registration techniques for computer assisted orthopaedic surgery.; BJL     
      Registration techniques for computer assisted orthopaedic surgery. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. L7 : The unity of rule and virtue : a critique of a supposed parallel between confucian ethics and virtue ethics.; BJL     
      The unity of rule and virtue : a critique of a supposed parallel between confucian ethics and virtue BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. L9 : From conception to fruition : a study of the creation of a second level grant maintained integrated school in Northern Ireland.; BJL     
      From conception to fruition : a study of the creation of a second level grant maintained integrated s BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. M2    
      Place and identity in a Greek mountain village. BJL  THESIS 2002
      Structural and functional diversity of epilithic bacterial communities in streams : effects of pollut BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. M4    
      The costs and benefits of training within the police service of Northern Ireland / Timothy Paul Meakl BJL  THESIS 2002
      Slave rebellions in the discourse of British anti-slavery / Gelien Matthews. BJL, Departmental Locations   THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. M5 : A critical systemic framework for studying knowledge imposition in pedagogy / by Jorge Andrés Mejía.; BJL     
      A critical systemic framework for studying knowledge imposition in pedagogy / by Jorge Andrés M BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. M6 : Assessment and management of Nile perch (lates niloticus L.) stocks in the Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria.; BJL     
      Assessment and management of Nile perch (lates niloticus L.) stocks in the Tanzanian waters of Lake V BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. M9    
      Exploitation and management of the artisanal fisheries in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria. BJL  THESIS 2002
      The militarisation and weaponisation of space. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. N5 : Charterism and charterization within health services : a public choice analysis of the implementation of patients' charters in England and Hong Kong.; BJL     
      Charterism and charterization within health services : a public choice analysis of the implementation BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. O1 : Henri Barbusse and the quest for faith : a study of religion in selected works by Henri Barbusse (1873-1935); BJL     
      Henri Barbusse and the quest for faith : a study of religion in selected works by Henri Barbusse (187 BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. O4    
      Environmental impacts on epilithic microbial communities in streams of the Peak District and North Yo BJL  THESIS 2002
      Retiring to paradise? : reassessing liminality through leisure migration to Spain. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. O8 : The role of accounting information systems (AISs) in rationalising investment decisions (DIDs) with an empirical study in manufacturing companies in Egypt.; BJL     
      The role of accounting information systems (AISs) in rationalising investment decisions (DIDs) with a BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. P1 : Changing dimensions of single European Market : implications for the non-member countries : a case study on India's textile and clothing exports.; BJL     
      Changing dimensions of single European Market : implications for the non-member countries : a case st BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. P2 : A longitudinal diary-based study of the demand-control model and effort in a sample of Greek nursing staff.; BJL     
      A longitudinal diary-based study of the demand-control model and effort in a sample of Greek nursing BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. P4    
      Antiferroelectricity and related chirality induced frustrations in smectic liquid crystals : effect o BJL  THESIS 2002
      An event model for content-based video interaction. BJL  THESIS 2002
      A study of reactions of sulphur containing dipolarophiles with 1,3-dipoles. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. P6 : Exploring justice in professional mediation : a systemic intervention in Colombia.; BJL     
      Exploring justice in professional mediation : a systemic intervention in Colombia. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. P7 : Being in care : deconstructing childhood in residential care.; BJL     
      Being in care : deconstructing childhood in residential care. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. P9 : An evaluation of the teacher placement service of an inner London area.; BJL     
      An evaluation of the teacher placement service of an inner London area. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. Q1 : The influence of economic reforms on compulsory education in the People's Republic of China, with particular reference to school choice in Beijing.; BJL     
      The influence of economic reforms on compulsory education in the People's Republic of China, with par BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. R5 : Studies of ischaemia and reperfusion in cardiac hypertrophy.; BJL     
      Studies of ischaemia and reperfusion in cardiac hypertrophy. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. R7 : The determination of the core structure and core surfactant interface in overbased detergents.; BJL     
      The determination of the core structure and core surfactant interface in overbased detergents. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S1 : The design, implementation and evaluation of a web-based learning environment for distance education.; BJL     
      The design, implementation and evaluation of a web-based learning environment for distance education. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S3 : Pulsed laser ablation, deposition and processing of titanium doped AL2O3 and its analysis.; BJL     
      Pulsed laser ablation, deposition and processing of titanium doped AL2O3 and its analysis. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S4 : Contribution of personality factors to bullying in the workplace.; BJL     
      Contribution of personality factors to bullying in the workplace. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S5 : Relationships between number skills and cognitive abilities in people with specific arithmetic difficulties and people with dyslexia.; BJL     
      Relationships between number skills and cognitive abilities in people with specific arithmetic diffic BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S6 : A simulation framework for the investigation of cancellous bone remodelling.; BJL     
      A simulation framework for the investigation of cancellous bone remodelling. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S8 : Britain and ballistic missile defence.; BJL     
      Britain and ballistic missile defence. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. S9 : Molecular dynamics simulation of colloidal monolayers.; BJL     
      Molecular dynamics simulation of colloidal monolayers. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. T4 : A study of sliding wear mechanisms in water-lubricated ceramics.; BJL     
      A study of sliding wear mechanisms in water-lubricated ceramics. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. T6 : The Republican Party and civil rights, 1928-1948.; BJL     
      The Republican Party and civil rights, 1928-1948. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. W6 : Nematic liquid crystals for use in flexoelectric display devices.; BJL     
      Nematic liquid crystals for use in flexoelectric display devices. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. W8    
      Assessing the effectiveness of the programme, Higher Diploma in Computer Studies offered by the City BJL  THESIS 2002
      Study of In1-x-yGaxAlyAs multiple quantum well infrared photodetectors grown on GaAs substrates. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Ph.D. Y9 : Bodily knowing : intentional negotiation of the habitual world.; BJL     
      Bodily knowing : intentional negotiation of the habitual world. BJL  THESIS 2002
T/H 2002 Psy.D. C4 : The school life survey : a new instrument for assessing school bullying and victimization.; BJL     
      The school life survey : a new instrument for assessing school bullying and victimization. BJL  THESIS 2002
P/L H 2003 : Pretending to be me / devised by Tom Courtenay from the writing of Philip Larkin ; after an idea by Michael Godley ; [introduction by Tom Courtenay]. [programme].; Departmental Locations     
      Pretending to be me / devised by Tom Courtenay from the writing of Philip Larkin ; after an idea by M Departmental Locations  BOOK 2003
T/H 2003 D.Clin.Psy. B1 : Substance use and psychosis : an exploratory study.; BJL     
      Substance use and psychosis : an exploratory study. BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 D.Clin.Psy. B3 : An investigation into implicit emotional memory with concurrent midazolam amnesia following colonoscopy.; BJL     
      An investigation into implicit emotional memory with concurrent midazolam amnesia following colonosco BJL  THESIS 2003
T/H 2003 D.Clin.Psy. D2 : Mood disturbance during pregnancy : midwives' perceptions.; BJL     
      Mood disturbance during pregnancy : midwives' perceptions. BJL  THESIS 2003
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