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TD 186.5 G7 R8 / q : The urban environment / Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution ; chairman : Sir John Lawton.; BJL     
      The urban environment / Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution ; chairman : Sir John Lawton. BJL  BOOK 2007
TD 186.5 G72 C9 / q : Pollution in Cumbria : ITE symposium no. 16, Grange over Sands 30 April and 1 May 1985 / edited by p. Ineson.; BJL     
      Pollution in Cumbria : ITE symposium no. 16, Grange over Sands 30 April and 1 May 1985 / edited by p. BJL  BOOK 1986
TD 187.5 M22 B9 / (WL) : Wasted lives : radioactive poisoning in Bukit Merah.; South East Asian Collection     
      Wasted lives : radioactive poisoning in Bukit Merah. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1993
TD 189.5 A82 N5 : Biological release and recycling of toxic metals from lake and river sediments / by W.L. Nicholas and M. Thomas.; BJL     
      Biological release and recycling of toxic metals from lake and river sediments / by W.L. Nicholas and BJL  BOOK 1978
TD190.5 .C66 2005 : Silent snow : the slow poisoning of the Arctic / Marla Cone.; BJL     
      Silent snow : the slow poisoning of the Arctic / Marla Cone. BJL  BOOK 2005
TD 191.5 H7 : Handbook of environmental management and technology / Gwendolyn Holmes, Ben Ramnarine Singh, Louis Theodore.; BJL     
      Handbook of environmental management and technology / Gwendolyn Holmes, Ben Ramnarine Singh, Louis Th BJL  BOOK 1993
TD 192 B1 : Environmental chemistry / Colin Baird.; BJL     
      Environmental chemistry / Colin Baird. BJL  BOOK c1999
TD 192 O6 / q : An introduction to environmental chemistry.; BJL     
      An introduction to environmental chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1985
TD 192.2 E6 : Environmental applications of nanomaterials : synthesis, sorbents and sensors / editors: Glen E. Fryxell, Guozhong Cao.; BJL     
      Environmental applications of nanomaterials : synthesis, sorbents and sensors / editors: Glen E. Fryx BJL  BOOK c2007
TD 192.3 E6 : Environmental catalysis : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Catalysis and Surface Science Secretariat at the 205th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, Colorado, March 28-April 2, 1993 / edited by J.N. Armor.; BJL     
      Environmental catalysis : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Catalysis and Surface Science S BJL  BOOK 1994
TD 192.5 A3    
      Biodegradation and bioremediation. BJL  BOOK 1994
      Biodegradation and bioremediation. BJL  BOOK 1999
TD 192.5 B6    
      Biological degradation and bioremediation of toxic chemicals / edited by G. Rasul Chaudhry. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Bioremediation : principles and applications / [edited by] Ronald L. Crawford and Don L. Crawford. BJL  BOOK 1996
TD 192.5 E6 : Environmental biotechnology : concepts and applications / edited by Hans-Joachim Jördening and Josef Winter.; BJL     
      Environmental biotechnology : concepts and applications / edited by Hans-Joachim Jördening and BJL  BOOK c2005
TD 192.5 M6 : Microbial transformation and degradation of toxic organic chemicals / edited by Lily Y. Young and C.E. Cerniglia.; BJL     
      Microbial transformation and degradation of toxic organic chemicals / edited by Lily Y. Young and C.E BJL  BOOK 1995
TD 192.5 S4 : Environmental biotechnology.; BJL     
      Environmental biotechnology. BJL  BOOK c2005
TD 193 B9 : Environmental chemistry.; BJL     
      Environmental chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1991
TD 193 C5 : Chemistry of the environment / Ronald A. Bailey ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Chemistry of the environment / Ronald A. Bailey ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 2002
TD 193 D2 : Methods for environmental trace analysis.; BJL     
      Methods for environmental trace analysis. BJL  BOOK 2003
TD 193 D4 : Bioavailability, bioaccessibility and mobility of environmental contaminants / John R. Dean.; BJL     
      Bioavailability, bioaccessibility and mobility of environmental contaminants / John R. Dean. BJL  BOOK c2007
TD 193 D9 : Environmental laboratory exercises for instrumental analysis and environmental chemistry.; BJL     
      Environmental laboratory exercises for instrumental analysis and environmental chemistry. BJL  BOOK c2004
TD 193 E1 : Ecotoxicology and climate : with special reference to hot and cold climates / edited by Philippe Bourdeau ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Ecotoxicology and climate : with special reference to hot and cold climates / edited by Philippe Bour BJL  BOOK 1989
TD 193 E6    
      Environmental analytical chemistry / edited by F.W. Fifield and P.J. Haines. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Environmental information and communication systems : ECOINFORMA 1 : reviewed proceedings of the Firs BJL  BOOK 1991
      Environmental monitoring and remediation technologies : 2-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts / Tu BJL  BOOK 1999
TD 193 G6 : The quest for world environmental co-operation : the case of the UN Global Environment Monitoring System.; BJL     
      The quest for world environmental co-operation : the case of the UN Global Environment Monitoring Sys BJL  BOOK 1992
TD 193 H6 : Elements of environmental chemistry / Ronald A. Hites.; BJL     
      Elements of environmental chemistry / Ronald A. Hites. BJL  BOOK c2007
TD 193 I5 : Instrumental analysis of pollutants / edited by C. N. Hewitt.; BJL     
      Instrumental analysis of pollutants / edited by C. N. Hewitt. BJL  BOOK 1991
TD 193 K2    
      Environmental sampling and analysis : a practical guide. BJL  BOOK 1991
      Production chemicals for the oil and gas industry / Malcolm A. Kelland. BJL  BOOK c2009
TD 193 M1 : Pollution : ecology and biotreatment / Sharron McEldowney, David J. Hardman, Stephen Waite.; BJL     
      Pollution : ecology and biotreatment / Sharron McEldowney, David J. Hardman, Stephen Waite. BJL  BOOK 1993
TD 193 M2 : Fundamentals of environmental chemistry; BJL     
      Fundamentals of environmental and toxicological chemistry : sustainable science / Stanley E. Manahan. BJL  BOOK 2013
TD 193 M7 : Monitoring the environment : the Linacre lectures 1990-91 / edited by Bryan Cartledge.; BJL     
      Monitoring the environment : the Linacre lectures 1990-91 / edited by Bryan Cartledge. BJL  BOOK 1992
TD 193 O5    
      Environmental chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Environmental chemistry. BJL  BOOK 1995
TD 193 R1 : Practical environmental analysis / Miroslav Radojevic, Vladimir N. Bashkin.; BJL     
      Practical environmental analysis / Miroslav Radojevic, Vladimir N. Bashkin. BJL  BOOK c2006
TD 193 S7 : Chemistry of the environment / Thomas G. Spiro, William M. Stigliani.; BJL     
      Chemistry of the environment / Thomas G. Spiro, William M. Stigliani. BJL  BOOK 1996
TD 193 S8 : Electron capture negative ion mass spectra of environmental contaminants and related compounds / E.A. Stemmler, R.A. Hites.; Departmental Locations     
      Electron capture negative ion mass spectra of environmental contaminants and related compounds / E.A. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1988
TD 193 W9 : Environmental chemistry / John Wright.; BJL     
      Environmental chemistry / John Wright. BJL  BOOK c2003
TD 193 Y4 : Environmental chemistry : chemical principles for environmental processes / Teh Fu Yen.; BJL     
      Environmental chemistry : chemical principles for environmental processes / Teh Fu Yen. BJL  BOOK 1999
TD 193.4 M8 : Environmental forensics : principles & applications / Robert D. Morrison.; BJL     
      Environmental forensics : principles & applications / Robert D. Morrison. BJL  BOOK c2000
TD 193.4 S9 : Practical environmental forensics : process and case histories / Patrick J. Sullivan, Franklin J. Agardy, Richard K. Traub.; BJL     
      Practical environmental forensics : process and case histories / Patrick J. Sullivan, Franklin J. Aga BJL  BOOK c2001
TD 194 C5 : Chemistry, energy and the environment / [Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Chemistry, Energy and the Environment, held in Estoril, Portugal, 25-28 May 1997] ; edited by C.A.C. Sequeira, J.B. Moffat.; BJL     
      Chemistry, energy and the environment / [Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Chemistry, Ene BJL  BOOK 1998
TD 194 C6 : Policies for cleaner technology : a new agenda for government and industry / Anthony Clayton, Graham Spinardi and Robin Williams.; BJL     
      Policies for cleaner technology : a new agenda for government and industry / Anthony Clayton, Graham BJL  BOOK 1999
TD 194 E5 : Energy and the environment : the proceedings of a Symposium organized jointly by the Inorganic Chemicals Group and the Environment Group of the Industrial Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry, University of Leeds, 3rd-5th April 1990 / edited by J. Dunderdale.; BJL     
      Energy and the environment : the proceedings of a Symposium organized jointly by the Inorganic Chemic BJL  BOOK 1990
TD 194 R8 : Tackling pollution : experience and prospects.; BJL     
      Tackling pollution : experience and prospects. BJL  BOOK 1984
TD 194 S2 : Principles of pollution control / Francis Sandbach.; BJL     
      Principles of pollution control / Francis Sandbach. BJL  BOOK 1982
TD 194.4 H9 : Essentials of environmental management / Paul Hyde and Paul Reeve.; BJL     
      Essentials of environmental management / Paul Hyde and Paul Reeve. BJL  BOOK 2011
TD 194.4 I5 : Environmental assessment sourcebook.; BJL     
      Environmental assessment sourcebook. BJL  BOOK 1991
TD 194.6 C5 : Environmental impact assessment : a bibliography.; BJL     
      Environmental impact assessment : a bibliography. BJL  BOOK 1980
TD 194.6 E1 / q : Policies and systems of environmental impact assessment.; BJL     
      Policies and systems of environmental impact assessment. BJL  BOOK 1991
TD 194.6 E6    
      Environmental impact assessment / edited by P. Wathern. BJL  BOOK 1990
      Environmental impact assessment : principles and applications. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Environmental impact assessment : theory and practice / [edited by] Peter Wathern. BJL  BOOK 1988
TD 194.6 F7 : Environmental assessment : a practical guide.; BJL     
      Environmental assessment : a practical guide. BJL  BOOK 1990
TD 194.6 F8 : The social audit pollution handbook.; BJL     
      The social audit pollution handbook. BJL  BOOK 1978
TD 194.6 M8 : Environmental impact assessment : a methodological approach / Richard K. Morgan.; BJL     
      Environmental impact assessment : a methodological approach / Richard K. Morgan. BJL  BOOK 1998
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