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Mark   Media Year
TJ 145 P5 : Freedom in machinery.; BJL     
      Freedom in machinery. BJL  BOOK 1984
TJ 145 S5 : Theory of machines and mechanisms / Joseph Edward Shigley, John Joseph Uicker.; BJL     
      Theory of machines and mechanisms / Joseph Edward Shigley, John Joseph Uicker. BJL  BOOK 1995
TJ 145 U3 : Theory of machines and mechanisms / John J. Uicker, Gordon R. Pennock, Joseph E. Shigley.; BJL     
      Theory of machines and mechanisms / John J. Uicker, Gordon R. Pennock, Joseph E. Shigley. BJL  BOOK 2003
TJ 147 O9 : Wheels / Chris Oxlade.; Education Resources     
      Wheels / Chris Oxlade. Education Resources  BOOK c2007
TJ 151 H8 : Tables for the compressible flow of dry air... / by E.L.Houghton and A.E.Brock.; BJL     
      Tables for the compressible flow of dry air... / by E.L.Houghton and A.E.Brock. BJL  BOOK 1975
TJ 151 L9 : A pocket-book for mechanical engineers.; Departmental Locations     
      A pocket-book for mechanical engineers. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1911
TJ 151 M4 : Mechanical engineering essentials reference guide / Harold A. Rothbart, editor in chief; Tyler G. Hicks, project editor.; BJL     
      Mechanical engineering essentials reference guide / Harold A. Rothbart, editor in chief; Tyler G. Hic BJL  BOOK 1988
TJ 153 F9 : Micromachines : a new era in mechanical engineering.; BJL     
      Micromachines : a new era in mechanical engineering. BJL  BOOK 1996
TJ 153 G2 : Simulations of machines using MATLAB and Simulink.; BJL     
      Simulations of machines using MATLAB and Simulink. BJL  BOOK 2001
TJ 155 B4 : Stress, strain and engineering education.; BJL     
      Stress, strain and engineering education. BJL  BOOK 1971
TJ 158 S41 / q : Report for the year/ Science and Engineering Research Council. Machines and Power Committee.; BJL     
      Report for the year/ Science and Engineering Research Council. Machines and Power Committee. BJL  PERIODICAL 1986
TJ 159.5 C3 : CE, concurrent engineering : the product development environment for the 1990s / Donald E. Carter, Barbara Stilwell Baker.; BJL     
      CE, concurrent engineering : the product development environment for the 1990s / Donald E. Carter, Ba BJL  BOOK 1992
TJ 163 H9 : Handbook of electromechanical product design.; BJL     
      Handbook of electromechanical product design. BJL  BOOK 1994
TJ 163 O2 : A prosperous way down : principles and policies / Howard T. Odum and Elisabeth C. Odum.; BJL     
      A prosperous way down : principles and policies / Howard T. Odum and Elisabeth C. Odum. BJL  BOOK 2001
TJ 163.12 B6 : Mechatronics : electronic control systems in mechanical engineering.; BJL     
      Mechatronics : electronic control systems in mechanical engineering. BJL  BOOK 1995
TJ 163.12 F8 : Integrated electrical and electronic engineering for mechanical engineers / Charles Fraser and John Milne.; BJL     
      Integrated electrical and electronic engineering for mechanical engineers / Charles Fraser and John M BJL  BOOK 1994
TJ163.13-163.25 : Carbon Management for a Sustainable Environment [electronic resource] / Shelley W. W. Zhou.; Online materials     
      Carbon Management for a Sustainable Environment [electronic resource] / Shelley W. W. Zhou. Online materials  EBOOKS 2020
TJ 163.13 A16 : Abstracts of AIT reports and publications on renewable energy resources.; BJL     
      Abstracts of AIT reports and publications on renewable energy resources. BJL  PERIODICAL 1988
TJ 163.165 U5 / q : Renewable sources of energy.; BJL     
      Renewable sources of energy. BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ163.2 : Comprehensive energy systems / edited by Ibrahim Dincer.; Online materials     
      Comprehensive energy systems / edited by Ibrahim Dincer. Online materials  EBOOKS 2018
TJ 163.2 A5 : Energy science : principles, technologies, and impacts / John Andrews and Nick Jelley.; BJL     
      Energy science : principles, technologies, and impacts / John Andrews and Nick Jelley. BJL  BOOK c2007
TJ 163.2 B4 / q : Energy and biomass : techniques offered by Belgium for biomass utilization.; BJL     
      Energy and biomass : techniques offered by Belgium for biomass utilization. BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ163.2 .B4745 : There is no Planet B : a handbook for the make or break years / Mike Berners-Lee.; BJL     
      There is no Planet B : a handbook for the make or break years / Mike Berners-Lee. BJL  BOOK 2021
TJ 163.2 B7 : Handbook of industrial energy analysis / edited by I. Boustead and G.F. Hancock.; BJL     
      Handbook of industrial energy analysis / edited by I. Boustead and G.F. Hancock. BJL  BOOK 1979
TJ 163.2 C9 : Children of the sun : a history of humanity's unappeasable appetite for energy / Alfred W. Crosby.; BJL     
      Children of the sun : a history of humanity's unappeasable appetite for energy / Alfred W. Crosby. BJL  BOOK 2006
TJ 163.2 D4 / q : New and renewable energy : future prospects in the United Kingdom.; BJL     
      New and renewable energy : future prospects in the United Kingdom. BJL  BOOK 1994
TJ 163.2 E1    
      14 [fourteen] sources of new and renewable energy ... BJL  BOOK 1981
      New and renewable energies. BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ 163.2 E4 : Renewable energy / David Elliott.; BJL     
      Renewable energy / David Elliott. BJL  BOOK 1990
TJ 163.2 E5    
      Emerging energy technologies : impacts and policy implications / Michael Grubb ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK c1992
      Energy and environment / [edited by] R. Siever. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Energy - beyond oil / [edited by] Fraser Armstrong and Katherine Blundell. BJL  BOOK 2007
      Energy in a finite world. BJL  BOOK 1981
2 additional entries    
TJ 163.2 E9 : Fueling our future : an introduction to sustainable energy / Robert L. Evans.; BJL     
      Fueling our future : an introduction to sustainable energy / Robert L. Evans. BJL  BOOK 2007
TJ 163.2 F1 : Facing the energy challenge : perspectives in Canada and the United Kingdom.; BJL     
      Facing the energy challenge : perspectives in Canada and the United Kingdom. BJL  BOOK 1993
TJ 163.2 G4    
      The energy crisis. Education Resources  BOOK 1987
      Energy resources and systems. Vol. 2. Renewable resources / Tushar K. Ghosh, Mark A. Prelas. BJL  BOOK c2011
TJ 163.2 H6 : The future of energy use / Robert Hill, Phil O'Keefe, and Colin Snape.; BJL     
      The future of energy use / Robert Hill, Phil O'Keefe, and Colin Snape. BJL  BOOK 1995
TJ 163.2 I6    
      Mobilizing renewable energy technology in developing countries : strengthening local capabilities and BJL  BOOK 1981
      Renewable energy in the IEA : preparing today for the needs of tomorrow ... BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ 163.2 K9 : Energy and problems of a technical society / Jack J. Kraushaar, Robert A. Ristinen.; BJL     
      Energy and problems of a technical society / Jack J. Kraushaar, Robert A. Ristinen. BJL  BOOK 1993
TJ 163.2 M1    
      Energy around the world : an introduction to energy studies : global resources, needs, utilization. BJL  BOOK 1984
      Energy, physics and the environment / E.L. McFarland, J.L. Hunt, J.L. Campbell. BJL  BOOK 1994
      Energy resources / J.T. McMullan, R. Morgan and R.B. Murray. BJL  BOOK 1983
      Energy resources / J.T. McMullan, R. Morgan and R.B. Murray. BJL  BOOK 1977
TJ 163.2 N2 / q : The renewable energy research, development and demonstration programme / Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General.; BJL     
      The renewable energy research, development and demonstration programme / Report by the Comptroller an BJL  BOOK 1994
TJ 163.2 P9    
      Nonconventional energy resources. BJL  BOOK 1983
      Primary energy : present status and future perspectives. BJL  BOOK 1982
TJ 163.2 R1 : Energy, a guidebook.; BJL     
      Energy, a guidebook. BJL  BOOK 1997
TJ 163.2 R5 : Energy : hydrocarbon fuels and chemical resources.; BJL     
      Energy : hydrocarbon fuels and chemical resources. BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ 163.2 S3 : Energy : crisis or opportunity? : an introduction to energy studies.; BJL     
      Energy : crisis or opportunity? : an introduction to energy studies. BJL  BOOK 1985
TJ 163.2 S5 : Energy studies / W. Shepherd, D.W. Shepherd.; BJL     
      Energy studies / W. Shepherd, D.W. Shepherd. BJL  BOOK 1998
TJ163.2 .S66 2011 : Renewable energy : physics, engineering, environmental impacts, economics & planning / Bent Sorensen.; Online materials     
      Renewable energy : physics, engineering, environmental impacts, economics & planning / Bent Sorensen. Online materials  EBOOKS 2011
TJ 163.2 S7    
      Renewable energy. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Renewable energy : physics, engineering, environmental impacts, economics & planning / Bent Sør BJL  BOOK c2011
TJ 163.2 W3 / q : Assessment of energy resources ...; BJL     
      Assessment of energy resources ... BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ 163.2 W9 : Energy : global prospects 1985-2000.; BJL     
      Energy : global prospects 1985-2000. BJL  BOOK 1977
TJ 163.23 B7 / q : Energy.; Education Resources     
      Energy. Education Resources  BOOK 1980
TJ 163.24 D2 : The role of science and engineering in the energy future.; BJL     
      The role of science and engineering in the energy future. BJL  BOOK 1981
TJ 163.24 E1 : Earth's energy and mineral resources / edited by B.J. Skinner.; BJL     
      Earth's energy and mineral resources / edited by B.J. Skinner. BJL  BOOK 1980
TJ 163.24 G3 : Geographical dimensions of energy.; BJL     
      Geographical dimensions of energy. BJL  BOOK 1985
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