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TP 810.5 B4 : XRF analysis of ceramics, minerals and allied materials / Henry Bennett, Graham J. Oliver.; BJL     
      XRF analysis of ceramics, minerals and allied materials / Henry Bennett, Graham J. Oliver. BJL  BOOK 1992
TP 810.5 B8 : Sol-gel science : the physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing / C. Jeffrey Brinker, George W. Scherer.; BJL     
      Sol-gel science : the physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing / C. Jeffrey Brinker, George W. Sch BJL  BOOK 1990
TP 810.5 P1 : Ceramic materials : an introduction to their properties.; BJL     
      Ceramic materials : an introduction to their properties. BJL  BOOK 1976
TP 810.5 P6 : Introduction to sol-gel processing.; BJL     
      Introduction to sol-gel processing. BJL  BOOK c1998
TP 810.5 W9 : Sol-Gel materials : chemistry and applications / John D. Wright and Nico A.J.M. Sommerdijk.; BJL     
      Sol-Gel materials : chemistry and applications / John D. Wright and Nico A.J.M. Sommerdijk. BJL  BOOK 2001
TP 815 L4 : Ceramic microstructures : property control by processing / William E. Lee and W. Mark Rainforth.; BJL     
      Ceramic microstructures : property control by processing / William E. Lee and W. Mark Rainforth. BJL  BOOK 1994
TP 815 S59 : Surface and colloid chemistry in advanced ceramics processing / edited by Robert J. Pugh, Lennart Bergstrom.; BJL     
      Surface and colloid chemistry in advanced ceramics processing / edited by Robert J. Pugh, Lennart Ber BJL  BOOK 1994
TP 827 B8 / q : Specification for clay.; BJL     
      Specification for clay. BJL  BOOK 1974
TP 849 B8 : Dictionary of glass : materials and techniques.; BJL     
      Dictionary of glass : materials and techniques. BJL  BOOK 1995
TP 849 E9 / p : Glass history / [prepared from a script written by Wendy Evans for the Glass Technology Gallary at the Science Museum].; Departmental Locations     
      Glass history / [prepared from a script written by Wendy Evans for the Glass Technology Gallary at th Departmental Locations  BOOK 1969
TP 849 G5 : Glass : a pocket dictionary of terms commonly used to describe glass and glass making.; BJL     
      Glass : a pocket dictionary of terms commonly used to describe glass and glass making. BJL  BOOK 1995
TP 857 D6 : Glass science.; BJL     
      Glass science. BJL  BOOK 1994
TP 857 E9 / p : Making glass / [prepared for the Glass Manufacturers' Federation by Wendy Evans and Cyril Weeden].; Departmental Locations     
      Making glass / [prepared for the Glass Manufacturers' Federation by Wendy Evans and Cyril Weeden]. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1968?
TP 857 G5 : Glass-making today : an introduction to current practice in glass manufacture / compiled and edited by P.J. Doyle.; BJL     
      Glass-making today : an introduction to current practice in glass manufacture / compiled and edited b BJL  BOOK 1979
TP 857 Z9 : Eberhard Zschimmer's Chemical technology of glass : with 176 figures and sixteen plates / Eberhard Zschimmer ; translated by Michael Cable.; BJL     
      Eberhard Zschimmer's Chemical technology of glass : with 176 figures and sixteen plates / Eberhard Zs BJL  BOOK 2013
TP 859 B2 : Scientific and industrial glass blowing and laboratory techniques.; Departmental Locations     
      Scientific and industrial glass blowing and laboratory techniques. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1949
TP 859 F99 : Fusion : journal of the American Scientific Glassblowers' Society.; Departmental Locations     
      Fusion : journal of the American Scientific Glassblowers' Society. Departmental Locations  PERIODICAL
TP 859 M1 : Glassmaking in Renaissance Venice : the fragile craft / W. Patrick McCray.; BJL     
      Glassmaking in Renaissance Venice : the fragile craft / W. Patrick McCray. BJL  BOOK c1999
TP 859 R6 : Laboratory glass-working for scientists.; Departmental Locations     
      Laboratory glass-working for scientists. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1957
TP 859.7 P8 : What happens when we recycle glass? / Jillian Powell.; Education Resources     
      What happens when we recycle glass? / Jillian Powell. Education Resources  BOOK 2014
TP 860.5 S7 / q : Glass-fibre databook.; BJL     
      Glass-fibre databook. BJL  BOOK 1993
TP 866 W7 / p : Bottles to 1720.; Departmental Locations     
      Bottles to 1720. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1968
TP 873 E5 : Man-made gemstones.; BJL     
      Man-made gemstones. BJL  BOOK 1979
TP 882 P4 : The rotary cement kiln.; BJL     
      The rotary cement kiln. BJL  BOOK 1986
TP 884 H6 B8 / q : BS 915.; BJL     
      BS 915. BJL  BOOK 1972
TP 884 S9 B8 / q : BS 4248 : 1974.; BJL     
      BS 4248 : 1974. BJL  BOOK 1974
TP 886 B8 / q : BS 890 : 1972.; BJL     
      BS 890 : 1972. BJL  BOOK 1972
TP 886 D2 : Dewisland limekilns.; Departmental Locations     
      Dewisland limekilns. Departmental Locations  BOOK c1989
TP 886 W7 : Limekilns and limeburning.; Departmental Locations     
      Limekilns and limeburning. Departmental Locations  BOOK 1989
TP 892 C5 : Colour chemistry.; BJL     
      Colour chemistry. BJL  BOOK 2001
TP 893 I4 : Industrial dyes : chemistry, properties, applications / Klaus Hunger (editor).; BJL     
      Industrial dyes : chemistry, properties, applications / Klaus Hunger (editor). BJL  BOOK c2003
TP 910 Z8 : Color chemistry : syntheses, properties, and applications of organic dyes and pigments / Heinrich Zollinger.; BJL     
      Color chemistry : syntheses, properties, and applications of organic dyes and pigments / Heinrich Zol BJL  BOOK c2003
TP 913 A5 : Analytical chemistry of synthetic colorants / edited by A. T. Peters and H. S. Freeman.; BJL     
      Analytical chemistry of synthetic colorants / edited by A. T. Peters and H. S. Freeman. BJL  BOOK 1995
TP 919 M6 / q : Natural dyeing in Thailand.; South East Asian Collection     
      Natural dyeing in Thailand. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1993
TP 923 B1 / q : Indigo / Jenny Balfour-Paul.; BJL     
      Indigo / Jenny Balfour-Paul. BJL  BOOK 1998
TP 930 V4 : Technische innovaties in de Katoendrukkerij en -ververij in Nederland, 1835-1920.; BJL     
      Technische innovaties in de Katoendrukkerij en -ververij in Nederland, 1835-1920. BJL  BOOK 1988
TP 935 C5 : The chemistry and physics of coatings / edited by Alastair Marrion.; BJL     
      The chemistry and physics of coatings / edited by Alastair Marrion. BJL  BOOK 1994
TP 935 P3 : Organic coating technology.; BJL     
      Organic coating technology. BJL  BOOK 1961
TP 935 P9 : Principles of paint formulation / edited by R. Woodbridge.; BJL     
      Principles of paint formulation / edited by R. Woodbridge. BJL  BOOK 1991
TP 936 B7 : Paint formulation : principles and practice / by J. Boxall and J.A. von Fraunhofer.; BJL     
      Paint formulation : principles and practice / by J. Boxall and J.A. von Fraunhofer. BJL  BOOK 1980
TP 936 I4 : Industrial inorganic pigments / edited by Gunter Buxbaum.; BJL     
      Industrial inorganic pigments / edited by Gunter Buxbaum. BJL  BOOK 1993
TP 936.5 A5 : Analysis of paints and related materials : current techniques for solving coatings problems / edited by W.C. Golton.; BJL     
      Analysis of paints and related materials : current techniques for solving coatings problems / edited BJL  BOOK 1992
TP 936.5 B8    
      Methods for testing pigments for paints. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Methods for testing pigments for paints. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Methods for testing pigments for paints. BJL  BOOK 1974
      Methods for testing pigments for paints. BJL  BOOK 1974
20 additional entries    
TP 953 G4 : Chemical feedstocks and synthetic products from coal.; BJL     
      Chemical feedstocks and synthetic products from coal. BJL  BOOK  
TP 958 H5 : Heteroatomic aroma compounds / Gary A. Reineccius, editor, Terry A. Reineccius, editor.; BJL     
      Heteroatomic aroma compounds / Gary A. Reineccius, editor, Terry A. Reineccius, editor. BJL  BOOK c2002
TP 968 A2 : Adhesives and the engineer : a review of the role of modern adhesives in the structural and mechanical engineering industries / edited by W.A. Lees.; BJL     
      Adhesives and the engineer : a review of the role of modern adhesives in the structural and mechanica BJL  BOOK 1989
TP 968 H2 : Handbook of adhesion / editor, D.E. Packham.; BJL     
      Handbook of adhesion / editor, D.E. Packham. BJL  BOOK 1992
TP 983 C1 : Perfumery : practice and principles / Robert R. Calkin, J. Stephan Jellinek.; BJL     
      Perfumery : practice and principles / Robert R. Calkin, J. Stephan Jellinek. BJL  BOOK 1994
TP 983 C5 : The chemistry of fragrances : from perfumer to consumer / edited by Charles Sell.; BJL     
      The chemistry of fragrances : from perfumer to consumer / edited by Charles Sell. BJL  BOOK 2006
TP 983 C9 : Introduction to perfumery / Tony Curtis and David G. Williams.; BJL     
      Introduction to perfumery / Tony Curtis and David G. Williams. BJL  BOOK 1993
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