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GN 774.2 A1 P1 : Mesolithic cultures of Britain.; BJL     
      Mesolithic cultures of Britain. BJL  BOOK 1977
GN 774.2 A1 P4 / q : Peopling the mesolithic in a northern environment / edited by Lynne Bevan and Jenny Moore.; BJL     
      Peopling the mesolithic in a northern environment / edited by Lynne Bevan and Jenny Moore. BJL  BOOK 2003
GN 774.22 G7 B4 / q : Prehistoric coastal communities : the Mesolithic in western Britain / Martin Bell; BJL     
      Prehistoric coastal communities : the Mesolithic in western Britain / Martin Bell BJL  BOOK 2007
GN 774.22 G7 C5 / q : Excavations at Star Carr : an early mesolithic site at Seamer near Scarborough, Yorks / by J.G.D. Clark with chapters by D. Walker ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Excavations at Star Carr : an early mesolithic site at Seamer near Scarborough, Yorks / by J.G.D. Cla BJL  BOOK 1954
GN 774.22 G7 F9 / q : From Bann Flakes to Bushmills : papers in honour of Professor Peter Woodman / edited by Nyree Finlay ... [at al.].; BJL     
      From Bann Flakes to Bushmills : papers in honour of Professor Peter Woodman / edited by Nyree Finlay BJL  BOOK 2009
GN 774.22 G7 K5 / q : Unparalleled behaviour : Britain and Ireland during the 'Mesolithic' and 'Neolithic' / Martin P. King.; BJL     
      Unparalleled behaviour : Britain and Ireland during the 'Mesolithic' and 'Neolithic' / Martin P. King BJL  BOOK 2003
GN 774.22 G7 L7 : Hunters, fishers and foragers in Wales : towards a social narrative of Mesolithic lifeways / Malcolm Lillie.; BJL     
      Hunters, fishers and foragers in Wales : towards a social narrative of Mesolithic lifeways / Malcolm BJL  BOOK 2015
GN 774.22 G7 M5    
      Mesolithic Britain and Ireland : new approaches / edited by Chantal Conneller & Graeme Warren. BJL  BOOK 2006
      Mesolithic Scotland and its neighbours : the Early Holocene prehistory of Scotland, its British and I BJL  BOOK 2004
      Mesolithic settlement in the North Sea Basin : a case study from Howick, North-East England / edited BJL  BOOK 2007
      Star Carr in context : new archaeological and palaeoecolgical investigations at the early Mesolithic BJL  BOOK 1998
GN 774.22 G7 M6 : Star Carr : life in Britain after the ice age / Nicky Milner, Barry Taylor, Chantal Conneller, Tim Schadla-Hall.; BJL     
      Star Carr : life in Britain after the ice age / Nicky Milner, Barry Taylor, Chantal Conneller, Tim Sc BJL  BOOK 2013
GN 774.22 G7 S7    
      Mesolithic Northern England : environment, population and settlement. BJL  BOOK 1999
      Prehistoric people of the Pennines : reconstructing the lifestyles of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers on BJL  BOOK c2002
GN 774.22 G7 W9 : Mesolithic Britain / John Wymer.; BJL     
      Mesolithic Britain / John Wymer. BJL  BOOK 1991
GN 774.22 I6 C9 : A view from the west : the Neolithic of the Irish Sea zone / Vicki Cummings.; BJL     
      A view from the west : the Neolithic of the Irish Sea zone / Vicki Cummings. BJL  BOOK c2009
GN 774.22 N4 M6 : Linearbandkeramik aus Elsloo und Stein / mit Beiträgen von R.R. Newell, E.J. Brinkman und C.C. Bakels; [ins Deutsche Überstragen von J.W. Onderdelinden].; BJL     
      Linearbandkeramik aus Elsloo und Stein / mit Beiträgen von R.R. Newell, E.J. Brinkman und C.C. Bakels BJL  BOOK 1970
GN 774.22 S4 W2 : Mesolithic lives in Scotland / Graeme Warren.; BJL     
      Mesolithic lives in Scotland / Graeme Warren. BJL  BOOK 2005
GN 774.22 S8 L3 : Life and death in the Mesolithic of Sweden / Mats Larsson.; BJL     
      Life and death in the Mesolithic of Sweden / Mats Larsson. BJL  BOOK 2017
GN 775 B8    
      Flint implements : an account of stone age techniques and cultures / byW. Watson. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Flints. BJL  BOOK  
      The Neolithic revolution : a handbook to the Neolithic Exhibit / by S. Cole. BJL  BOOK 1963
GN 775 B9    
      The old stone age : a study of palaeolithic times. BJL  BOOK 1949
      Our forerunners : a study of palaeolithic man's civilisations in western Europe and the Mediterranean BJL  BOOK 1924
GN 775 D2 : The story of prehistoric civilizations.; BJL     
      The story of prehistoric civilizations. BJL  BOOK 1951
GN 775 F5 : Changing natures : hunter-gatherers, first farmers and the modern world / Bill Finlayson & Graeme M. Warren.; BJL     
      Changing natures : hunter-gatherers, first farmers and the modern world / Bill Finlayson & Graeme M. BJL  BOOK 2010
GN 775 G7 : The Neolithic revolution / general editor, Tony Boddington.; Education Resources     
      The Neolithic revolution / general editor, Tony Boddington. Education Resources  BOOK 1984
GN 775 K3 : The axe age : a study in British prehistory.; BJL     
      The axe age : a study in British prehistory. BJL  BOOK 1925
GN 775 L1 : The stone age in Scotland / by A.D. Lacaille, archaeologist to the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, London.; BJL     
      The stone age in Scotland / by A.D. Lacaille, archaeologist to the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum BJL  BOOK 1954
GN 775 L6 : La prehistoire / par A. Leroi-Gourhan ... [et al.].; BJL     
      La prehistoire / par A. Leroi-Gourhan ... [et al.]. BJL  BOOK 1966
GN775 .O94 2015 : The Oxford handbook of neolithic Europe / edited by Chris Fowler, Jan Harding, and Daniela Hofmann.; BJL     
      The Oxford handbook of neolithic Europe / edited by Chris Fowler, Jan Harding, and Daniela Hofmann. BJL  BOOK 2015
GN 775 W9 : Tools and the man / by W. B. Wright.; BJL     
      Tools and the man / by W. B. Wright. BJL  BOOK 1939
GN 776 A2 D2 : West Africa before the Europeans : archaeology and prehistory.; BJL     
      West Africa before the Europeans : archaeology and prehistory. BJL  BOOK 1967
GN 776 F8 / q : Hoëdic : deuxième station-nécropole du mesolithique cotier armoricain / par Marthe et Saint-Just Péquart ; note anthropologique de H.V.Villois.; BJL     
      Hoëdic : deuxième station-nécropole du mesolithique cotier armoricain / par Marthe et Saint-Just P BJL  BOOK 1954
GN776.G7 .G36 2014 : Life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age / Anita Ganeri.; Education Resources     
      Life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age / Anita Ganeri. Education Resources  BOOK 2014
GN 776 K4 L4 : Excavations at the Njovo River cave : stone age cremated burials in Kenya colony / by M.D. Leakey and L.S.B. Leakey.; BJL     
      Excavations at the Njovo River cave : stone age cremated burials in Kenya colony / by M.D. Leakey and BJL  BOOK 1950
GN 776 L6 : Inside the neolithic mind : consciousness, cosmos and the realm of the gods / David Lewis-Williams and David Pearce.; BJL     
      Inside the neolithic mind : consciousness, cosmos and the realm of the gods / David Lewis-Williams an BJL  BOOK 2005
      Neolithic Houses in Northwest Europe and beyond. Online materials  EBOOKS 2002
      The Neolithic of Europe : papers in honour of Alasdair Whittle / edited by Penny Bickle, Vicki Cummin Online materials  EBOOKS 2017
GN 776.2 A1 D2 / q : Decoding neolithic Atlantic and Mediterranean island ritual / edited by George Nash & Andrew Townsend.; BJL     
      Decoding neolithic Atlantic and Mediterranean island ritual / edited by George Nash & Andrew Townsend BJL  BOOK 2016
GN 776.2 A1 D9 : The dynamics of neolithisation in Europe : studies in honour of Andrew Sherratt / edited by Angelos Hadjikoumis, Erick Robinson and Sarah Viner.; BJL     
      The dynamics of neolithisation in Europe : studies in honour of Andrew Sherratt / edited by Angelos H BJL  BOOK c2011
GN 776.2 A1 E8 : Europe's first farmers / edited by T. Douglas Price.; BJL     
      Europe's first farmers / edited by T. Douglas Price. BJL  BOOK 2000
GN 776.2 A1 L7 / q : Living well together? : settlement and materiality in the neolithic of south-east and central Europe / edited by Douglass W. Bailey ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Living well together? : settlement and materiality in the neolithic of south-east and central Europe BJL  BOOK c2008
GN 776.2 A1 M8 : Monuments and landscape in Atlantic Europe : perception and society during the Neolithic and early Bronze Age / edited by Chris Scarre.; BJL     
      Monuments and landscape in Atlantic Europe : perception and society during the Neolithic and early Br BJL  BOOK 2002
GN 776.2 A1 N4    
      Neolithic houses in north-west Europe and beyond / edited by Timothy Darvill and Julian Thomas. BJL  BOOK 2002
      Neolithic landscapes / edited by Peter Topping. BJL  BOOK 2002
GN776.2.A1 N4 2018 : Neolithic bodies / edited by Penny Bickle and Emilie Sibbesson.; BJL     
      Neolithic bodies / edited by Penny Bickle and Emilie Sibbesson. BJL  BOOK 2018
GN 776.2 A1 U5    
      (Un)settling the neolithic / edited by Douglass Bailey, Alasdair Whittle and Vicki Cummings. BJL  BOOK 2005
      Understanding the Neolithic of north-western Europe / edited by Mark Edmonds & Colin Richards. BJL  BOOK 1998
GN 776.2 A1 W6    
      The archaeology of people : dimensions of Neolithic life. BJL  BOOK 2003
      Europe in the Neolithic : the creation of new worlds. BJL  BOOK 1996
      The widening harvest : the Neolithic transition in Europe : looking back, looking forward / edited by BJL  BOOK c2003
GN 776.2 B3 F5 / q : The first farmers of central Europe : diversity in LBK lifeways / edited by Penny Bickle and Alasdair Whittle.; BJL     
      The first farmers of central Europe : diversity in LBK lifeways / edited by Penny Bickle and Alasdair BJL  BOOK 2013
GN 776.2 B3 V4 : On Bandkeramik social structure : an analysis of pot decoration and hut distributions from the Central European Neolithic communities of Elsloo and Hienheim.; BJL     
      On Bandkeramik social structure : an analysis of pot decoration and hut distributions from the Centra BJL  BOOK 1979
GN 776.2 C83 P1 / q : Tripolye culture during the beginning of the middle period (BI) : the relative chronology and local grouping of sites / Ilia Palaguta.; BJL     
      Tripolye culture during the beginning of the middle period (BI) : the relative chronology and local g BJL  BOOK 2007
GN 776.2 F8 B1 / q : The TRB West Group : studies in the chronology and geography of the makers of Nunebeds and Tiefstich pottery.; BJL     
      The TRB West Group : studies in the chronology and geography of the makers of Nunebeds and Tiefstich BJL  BOOK 1979
GN 776.2 F8 M6 : TRB culture : the first farmers of the north European plain.; BJL     
      TRB culture : the first farmers of the north European plain. BJL  BOOK 1992
GN 776.2 P3 H5 : First light : the origins of Newgrange / Robert Hensey.; BJL     
      First light : the origins of Newgrange / Robert Hensey. BJL  BOOK 2015
GN 776.2 P3 O4 : Newgrange : archaeology, art and legend.; BJL     
      Newgrange : archaeology, art and legend. BJL  BOOK 1998
GN 776.22 G7 A6 / q : Archaeology and landscape studies in North Lincolnshire / edited by Patricia Phillips.; BJL     
      Archaeology and landscape studies in North Lincolnshire / edited by Patricia Phillips. BJL  BOOK 1989
GN 776.22 G7 B8    
      Interpreting the axe trade : production and exchange in neolithic Britain / Richard Bradley and Mark BJL  BOOK 2005
      Prehistoric rock art in the North York Moors / Paul M. Brown & Graeme Chappell. BJL  BOOK 2005
GN 776.22 G7 B9    
      The age of Stonehenge. BJL  BOOK 1980
      Prehistoric henges. BJL  BOOK 1997
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