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HC 517 R4 T4 : Economic development in Rhodesia and Nyasaland / by C.H.Thompson and H.W.Woodruff.; BJL     
      Economic development in Rhodesia and Nyasaland / by C.H.Thompson and H.W.Woodruff. BJL  BOOK 1954
HC 517 R4 U5 / q : Report of the UN/ECA/FAO Economic Survey Mission on the economic development of Zambia.; BJL     
      Report of the UN/ECA/FAO Economic Survey Mission on the economic development of Zambia. BJL  BOOK 1964
HC 517 R4 Z2    
      Balance of payment of Zambia/ Zambia. Central Statistical Office. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Census of distribution in 1962. BJL  BOOK 1965
      Census of production 1964. BJL  BOOK 1966
      The census of production in 1963. BJL  BOOK 1965
2 additional entries    
HC 517 R43 K5 / q : Political and economic developments in Southern Rhodesia.; BJL     
      Political and economic developments in Southern Rhodesia. BJL  BOOK  
HC 517 R43 Q15 / q : Quarterly economic and statistical review/ Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.; BJL     
      Quarterly economic and statistical review/ Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 517 R43 S72    
      Report of the Secretary for Internal Affairs/ Southern Rhodesia. Ministry of Internal Affairs. BJL  PERIODICAL  
      Report of the Secretary for Native Affairs/ Southern Rhodesia. Division of Native Affairs. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 517 R47 Z2 / q : National accounts and balance of payments of Zambia.; BJL     
      National accounts and balance of payments of Zambia. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 517 S5 B2 : An economic survey of Seychelles and British Indian Ocean territory.; BJL     
      An economic survey of Seychelles and British Indian Ocean territory. BJL  BOOK 1972
HC 517 S7 : Whither South Africa?; BJL     
      Whither South Africa? BJL  BOOK  
HC 517 S7 A5 : South Africa in the sixties : a socio-economic survey.; BJL     
      South Africa in the sixties : a socio-economic survey. BJL  BOOK 1962
HC 517 S7 B7 : The political nature of a ruling class, capital and ideology in South Africa, 1890-1933.; BJL     
      The political nature of a ruling class, capital and ideology in South Africa, 1890-1933. BJL  BOOK 1981
HC 517 S7 C6 / q : The South Africa-United Kingdom and Commonwealth survey.; BJL     
      The South Africa-United Kingdom and Commonwealth survey. BJL  BOOK 1954
HC 517 S7 D3    
      The economic development of South Africa. BJL  BOOK 1936
      A history of South Africa : social & economic. BJL  BOOK 1941
HC 517 S7 D9 : Economic fluctuations in South Africa, 1910-1949.; BJL     
      Economic fluctuations in South Africa, 1910-1949. BJL  BOOK 1950
HC 517 S7 E1 : Some aspects of the South African industrial revolution.; BJL     
      Some aspects of the South African industrial revolution. BJL  BOOK 1951
HC 517 S7 G5 : Development of South African industry.; BJL     
      Development of South African industry. BJL  BOOK 1945
HC 517 S7 G6 : A modern economic history of South Africa.; BJL     
      A modern economic history of South Africa. BJL  BOOK 1931
HC 517 S7 H3 : Harrison's business & general yearbook of South Africa.; BJL     
      Harrison's business & general yearbook of South Africa. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 517 S7 H8    
      The economic development of the Reserves' the extent to which the Tomlinson Commission's recommendati BJL  BOOK 1959
      The political economy of South Africa. BJL  BOOK 1967
      Source material on the South African economy, 1860-1970 / by D.H.Houghton J.Dagut. BJL  BOOK 1972
      The South African economy. BJL  BOOK 1964
3 additional entries    
HC 517 S7 H9    
      The economic framework of South Africa. BJL  BOOK 1962
      The economics of the colourbar. BJL  BOOK 1964
HC 517 S7 I4 : Industrial development in South Africa.; BJL     
      Industrial development in South Africa. BJL  BOOK  
HC 517 S7 L5 : Cooperation for development in Southern Africa.; BJL     
      Cooperation for development in Southern Africa. BJL  BOOK 1972
HC 517 S7 N3 : South Africa : an appraisal.; BJL     
      South Africa : an appraisal. BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 517 S7 P9 : Public Policy and the South African Economy : essays in memory of Desmond Hobart Houghton.; BJL     
      Public Policy and the South African Economy : essays in memory of Desmond Hobart Houghton. BJL  BOOK 1976
HC 517 S7 R3 : South Africa : economic and political aspects.; BJL     
      South Africa : economic and political aspects. BJL  BOOK 1957
HC 517 S7 S1 : The choice before South Africa.; BJL     
      The choice before South Africa. BJL  BOOK 1953
HC 517 S7 S4 : Sanctions against South Africa; proceeding of the Interenational Conference.; BJL     
      Sanctions against South Africa; proceeding of the Interenational Conference. BJL  BOOK 1964
HC 517 S7 S7    
      Multi-national development in South Africa : the reality. BJL  BOOK 1974
      South African-United Kingdom survey : coronation year issue : to promote cultural and trade relations BJL  BOOK 1953
HC 517 S7 S72 : South Africa : official yearbook of the Republic of South Africa.; BJL     
      South Africa : official yearbook of the Republic of South Africa. BJL  PERIODICAL 1992
HC 517 S9 M2 : Progress and prosperity : how can they be ensured in Swaziland?; BJL     
      Progress and prosperity : how can they be ensured in Swaziland? BJL  BOOK 1962
HC 517 T2 A5 / q : Urban-rural relations in Tanzania : methodology issues and preliminary results.; BJL     
      Urban-rural relations in Tanzania : methodology issues and preliminary results. BJL  BOOK 1976
HC 517 T2 A61 : Annual report of the Commerce and Industry Division/ Tanganyika. Ministry of Commerce and Industry.; BJL     
      Annual report of the Commerce and Industry Division/ Tanganyika. Ministry of Commerce and Industry. BJL  PERIODICAL  
HC 517 T2 A7 : Tanganyika industrial development : a preliminary study of bases for the expansion of industrial processing activities.; BJL     
      Tanganyika industrial development : a preliminary study of bases for the expansion of industrial proc BJL  BOOK 1961
HC 517 T2 C7 : Tanganyika under United Kingdom administration : report by Her Majesty's Government.; BJL     
      Tanganyika under United Kingdom administration : report by Her Majesty's Government. BJL  BOOK 1960
HC 517 T2 F8 : Ujamaa villages in Tanzania.; BJL     
      Ujamaa villages in Tanzania. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 517 T2 G7 / q : Towards Ujamaa and Kuitegemea : incomedistribution and absolute poverty eradication.; BJL     
      Towards Ujamaa and Kuitegemea : incomedistribution and absolute poverty eradication. BJL  BOOK 1974
HC 517 T2 H9 : Beyond ujamaa in Tanzania : underdevelopment and an uncaptured peasantry.; BJL     
      Beyond ujamaa in Tanzania : underdevelopment and an uncaptured peasantry. BJL  BOOK 1980
HC 517 T2 I6 : The economic development of Tanganyika : report of a mission.; BJL     
      The economic development of Tanganyika : report of a mission. BJL  BOOK 1961
HC 517 T2 K6 : Ecology control and economic development in East African history : the case of Tanganyika, 1850-1950.; BJL     
      Ecology control and economic development in East African history : the case of Tanganyika, 1850-1950. BJL  BOOK 1977
HC 517 T2 L6 : Tanganyika territory : a study of economic policy under mandate.; BJL     
      Tanganyika territory : a study of economic policy under mandate. BJL  BOOK 1944
HC 517 T2 P2 : Papers on the Political Economy of Tanzania / ed. K.S.Kim, R.B.Mabele and M.J.Schultheis.; BJL     
      Papers on the Political Economy of Tanzania / ed. K.S.Kim, R.B.Mabele and M.J.Schultheis. BJL  BOOK 1979
HC 517 T2 R9 : Underdevelopment and industrialization in Tanzania : a study of perverse capitalist industrial development.; BJL     
      Underdevelopment and industrialization in Tanzania : a study of perverse capitalist industrial develo BJL  BOOK 1973
HC 517 T2 S6 : Readings on economic development and administration in Tanzania. / ed. by H.E.Smith.; BJL     
      Readings on economic development and administration in Tanzania. / ed. by H.E.Smith. BJL  BOOK 1966
HC 517 T2 T1    
      Commerce and industry in Tanganyika. BJL  BOOK 1961
      Development plan for Tanganyika, 1961/62-1963/64. BJL  BOOK 1962
      An outline of post-war development proposals. BJL  BOOK 1944
HC 517 T2 W8 : Case studies in the management of economic development. Vol. 2; BJL     
      Case studies in the management of economic development. Vol. 2 BJL  BOOK 1968
HC 517 U2 : Uganda.; BJL     
      Uganda. BJL  BOOK  
HC 517 U2 B2 : Uganda : an economic survey.; BJL     
      Uganda : an economic survey. BJL  BOOK 1971
HC 517 U2 B8 : The industrial town as factor of economic and social development.; BJL     
      The industrial town as factor of economic and social development. BJL  BOOK 1972
HC 517 U2 I6 : The economic development of Uganda : report of a mission.; BJL     
      The economic development of Uganda : report of a mission. BJL  BOOK 1962
HC 517 U2 S11 : Saben's commercial directory and handbook of Uganda.; BJL     
      Saben's commercial directory and handbook of Uganda. BJL  PERIODICAL  
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