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HF 499 U57 D6(197) / q : Speculative influences on commodity futures prices, 2006-2008.; BJL     
      Speculative influences on commodity futures prices, 2006-2008. BJL  BOOK 2010
HF 499 U57 D6(198) / q : Responsible sovereign lending and borrowing / Lee C. Buchheit and G. Mitu Gulati.; BJL     
      Responsible sovereign lending and borrowing / Lee C. Buchheit and G. Mitu Gulati. BJL  BOOK 2010
HF 499 U57 D6(199) / q : Responsible sovereign lending and borrowing / Panizza, Ugo, Federico Sturzenegger, Jeromin Zettelmeyer.; BJL     
      Responsible sovereign lending and borrowing / Panizza, Ugo, Federico Sturzenegger, Jeromin Zettelmeye BJL  BOOK 2010
HF 499 U57 D6(2) / q : Towards Arab monetary integration : a dynamic application of the theory of optimal currency areas.; BJL     
      Towards Arab monetary integration : a dynamic application of the theory of optimal currency areas. BJL  BOOK 1982
HF 499 U57 D6(20) / q : UNCTAD, structural adjustment and structural change : in search of a comprehensive approach.; BJL     
      UNCTAD, structural adjustment and structural change : in search of a comprehensive approach. BJL  BOOK 1986
HF 499 U57 D6(200) / q : Global rebalancing : trade flows and employment.; BJL     
      Global rebalancing : trade flows and employment. BJL  BOOK 2010
HF 499 U57 D6(201) / q : Assuring food security in developing countries under the challenges of climate change : key trade and development issues of a fundamental transformation of agriculture.; BJL     
      Assuring food security in developing countries under the challenges of climate change : key trade and BJL  BOOK 2011
HF 499 U57 D6(202) / q : An overview of major sources of data and analyses relating to physical fundamentals in international commodity markets.; BJL     
      An overview of major sources of data and analyses relating to physical fundamentals in international BJL  BOOK 2011
HF 499 U57 D6(203) / q : Share of labour compensation and aggregate demand : discussions towards a growth strategy / Javier Lindenboim, Damián Kennedy, Juan M. Graña.; BJL     
      Share of labour compensation and aggregate demand : discussions towards a growth strategy / Javier Li BJL  BOOK 2011
HF 499 U57 D6(204) / q : The scope for foreign exchange market interventions.; BJL     
      The scope for foreign exchange market interventions. BJL  BOOK 2011
HF 499 U57 D6(205) / q : Some reflections on climate change, green growth illusions and development space.; BJL     
      Some reflections on climate change, green growth illusions and development space. BJL  BOOK 2011
HF 499 U57 D6(206) / q : The long-term 'optimal' real exchange rate and the currency overvaluation trend in open emerging economies : the case of Brazil / André Nassif, Carmem Feijó and Eliane Araújo.; BJL     
      The long-term 'optimal' real exchange rate and the currency overvaluation trend in open emerging econ BJL  BOOK 2011
HF 499 U57 D6(207) / q : Trade, income distribution and poverty in developing countries : a survey.; BJL     
      Trade, income distribution and poverty in developing countries : a survey. BJL  BOOK 2012
HF 499 U57 D6(208) / q : The synchronized and long-lasting structural change on commodity markets : evidence from high frequency data / David Bicchetti and Nicolas Maystre; BJL     
      The synchronized and long-lasting structural change on commodity markets : evidence from high frequen BJL  BOOK 2012
HF 499 U57 D6(209) / q : Multilateral indexed loans and debt sustainability / Alessandro Missale and Emanuele Bacchiocchi; BJL     
      Multilateral indexed loans and debt sustainability / Alessandro Missale and Emanuele Bacchiocchi BJL  BOOK 2012
HF 499 U57 D6(21) / q : The profile of protection in developing countries.; BJL     
      The profile of protection in developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1987
HF 499 U57 D6(210) / q : Development policies and income inequality in selected developing regions, 1980-2010 / Giovanni Andrea Cornia and Bruno Martorano.; BJL     
      Development policies and income inequality in selected developing regions, 1980-2010 / Giovanni Andre BJL  BOOK 2012
HF 499 U57 D6(211) / q : Structural change and economic development : is Brazil catching up or falling behind? / André Nassif, Carmem Feijó and Eliane Araújo.; BJL     
      Structural change and economic development : is Brazil catching up or falling behind? / André N BJL  BOOK 2013
HF 499 U57 D6(212) / q : The synchronized and long-lasting structural change on commodity markets : evidence from high frequency data / Vladimir Filimonov, David Bicchetti, Nicolas Maystre and Didier Sornette.; BJL     
      The synchronized and long-lasting structural change on commodity markets : evidence from high frequen BJL  BOOK 2013
HF 499 U57 D6(213) / q : The Asian developmental state and the flying geese paradigm.; BJL     
      The Asian developmental state and the flying geese paradigm. BJL  BOOK 2013
HF 499 U57 D6(214) / q : Towards more balanced growth strategies in developing countries : issues related to market size, trade balances and purchasing power.; BJL     
      Towards more balanced growth strategies in developing countries : issues related to market size, trad BJL  BOOK 2013
HF 499 U57 D6(215) / q : A BRICS development bank : a dream come true?; BJL     
      A BRICS development bank : a dream come true? BJL  BOOK 2014
HF 499 U57 D6(216) / q : Statistics for international trade in banking services : potential implications for rules for cross-border banking.; BJL     
      Statistics for international trade in banking services : potential implications for rules for cross-b BJL  BOOK 2014
HF 499 U57 D6(217) / q : Internationalization of finance and changing vulnerabilities in emerging and developing economies.; BJL     
      Internationalization of finance and changing vulnerabilities in emerging and developing economies. BJL  BOOK 2014
HF 499 U57 D6(22) / q : Products facing high tariffs in major developed market economy countries : an area of priority for developing countries in the Uruguay round? / R. Erzan and G. Karsenty.; BJL     
      Products facing high tariffs in major developed market economy countries : an area of priority for de BJL  BOOK 1987
HF 499 U57 D6(23) / q : International trade in services, information services and development.; BJL     
      International trade in services, information services and development. BJL  BOOK 1987
HF 499 U57 D6(24) / q : Export expansion, import liberalization and economic growth in Latin America : an analysis of foreign trade multipliers.; BJL     
      Export expansion, import liberalization and economic growth in Latin America : an analysis of foreign BJL  BOOK 1988
HF 499 U57 D6(25) / q : Financial system and policies in Turkey in the 1980s.; BJL     
      Financial system and policies in Turkey in the 1980s. BJL  BOOK 1989
HF 499 U57 D6(26) / q : Determinants of protection and evolving forms of north-south trade.; BJL     
      Determinants of protection and evolving forms of north-south trade. BJL  BOOK 1989
HF 499 U57 D6(27) / q : Protectionist pressures in the 1990s and the coherence of North-South trade policies.; BJL     
      Protectionist pressures in the 1990s and the coherence of North-South trade policies. BJL  BOOK 1989
HF 499 U57 D6(28) / q : Notes on a possible multilateral framework for international trade in banking services.; BJL     
      Notes on a possible multilateral framework for international trade in banking services. BJL  BOOK 1990
HF 499 U57 D6(29) / q : Availability of intermediate and capital goods in import-restrained debtor countries.; BJL     
      Availability of intermediate and capital goods in import-restrained debtor countries. BJL  BOOK 1990
HF 499 U57 D6(3) / q : External assistance to least developed countries : an anonymous country's case.; BJL     
      External assistance to least developed countries : an anonymous country's case. BJL  BOOK 1982
HF 499 U57 D6(30) / q : Republic of Korea's financial reform : what are the lessons? / [by] Alice H. Amsden and Yoon-Dea Euh.; BJL     
      Republic of Korea's financial reform : what are the lessons? / [by] Alice H. Amsden and Yoon-Dea Euh. BJL  BOOK 1990
HF 499 U57 D6(31) / q : A sequence of errors? Some notes on the sequencing of liberalization in developing countries.; BJL     
      A sequence of errors? Some notes on the sequencing of liberalization in developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1990
HF 499 U57 D6(32) / q : The implications for developing countries' exports earnings growth of an increase in the share of imports by developing countries from each other : a simulation analysis.; BJL     
      The implications for developing countries' exports earnings growth of an increase in the share of imp BJL  BOOK 1990
HF 499 U57 D6(33) / q : El acuerdo de libre comercio entre estados unidos y Canada y su impacto sobre el comercio de America Latina y el Caribe.; BJL     
      El acuerdo de libre comercio entre estados unidos y Canada y su impacto sobre el comercio de America BJL  BOOK 1990
HF 499 U57 D6(34) / q : "1992" financial services and the Uruguay round.; BJL     
      "1992" financial services and the Uruguay round. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(35) / q : Financial liberalisation in New-Zealand, 1984-90.; BJL     
      Financial liberalisation in New-Zealand, 1984-90. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(36) / q : Financial liberalization in developing countries : a neo-Keynesian approach.; BJL     
      Financial liberalization in developing countries : a neo-Keynesian approach. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(37) / q : The Philippine financial sector in the 1980s.; BJL     
      The Philippine financial sector in the 1980s. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(38) / q : The use of computer technology in the insurance sector of developing countries.; BJL     
      The use of computer technology in the insurance sector of developing countries. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(39) / q : The multilateral negotiations on banking services : context and selected outstanding issues.; BJL     
      The multilateral negotiations on banking services : context and selected outstanding issues. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(4) / q : Development strategies for the 1980s : old myths and new ideas.; BJL     
      Development strategies for the 1980s : old myths and new ideas. BJL  BOOK 1982
HF 499 U57 D6(40) / q : Financial policies in developing countries : issues and experience / Y. Akyuz and D.J. Kotte.; BJL     
      Financial policies in developing countries : issues and experience / Y. Akyuz and D.J. Kotte. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(41) / q : Trade policy reform and economic performance : a review of the issues and some preliminary evidence.; BJL     
      Trade policy reform and economic performance : a review of the issues and some preliminary evidence. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(42) / q : Technology and competitiveness in the textile industry / G. Kell and J. Richtering.; BJL     
      Technology and competitiveness in the textile industry / G. Kell and J. Richtering. BJL  BOOK 1991
HF 499 U57 D6(43) / q : On financial deepening and efficiency.; BJL     
      On financial deepening and efficiency. BJL  BOOK 1992
HF 499 U57 D6(44) / q : Finance for growth : lessons from Japan.; BJL     
      Finance for growth : lessons from Japan. BJL  BOOK 1992
HF 499 U57 D6(45) / q : Indebtedness, sovereign risk and the spread : the example of Hungary and the Euromarkets.; BJL     
      Indebtedness, sovereign risk and the spread : the example of Hungary and the Euromarkets. BJL  BOOK 1992
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