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LB 1528 W7 : Write ways : modelling writing forms / Lesley Wing Jan.; BJL     
      Write ways : modelling writing forms / Lesley Wing Jan. BJL  BOOK 1991
LB 1529 G7 P3 / q : Patterns of learning : the primary language record and the National Curriculum / M. Barrs ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Patterns of learning : the primary language record and the National Curriculum / M. Barrs ... [et al. BJL  BOOK 1990
LB 1530 P7 / q : Planning primary history for the revised National Curriculum / Tim Lomas ... [et al.].; Education Resources     
      Planning primary history for the revised National Curriculum / Tim Lomas ... [et al.]. Education Resources  BOOK 1996
LB 1531 P9 / q : Primary geography matters : children's worlds : keynote lectures and workshops from the GA's 1993 centenary annual conference / edited by Mike De Villiers.; BJL     
      Primary geography matters : children's worlds : keynote lectures and workshops from the GA's 1993 cen BJL  BOOK 1993
LB 1531 S4 / q : Geography key stage 2 : teacher's resource book / Stephen Scoffham, Colin Bridge, Terry Jewson.; BJL     
      Geography key stage 2 : teacher's resource book / Stephen Scoffham, Colin Bridge, Terry Jewson. BJL  BOOK 1992
LB 1531 W4 / q : Planning primary geography for the revised National Curriculum : Key stages 1 and 2 / Maureen Weldon, Roy Richarson.; BJL     
      Planning primary geography for the revised National Curriculum : Key stages 1 and 2 / Maureen Weldon, BJL  BOOK 1995
LB 1532 A7 : The art of teaching primary science / edited by Vaille Dawson and Grady Venville.; BJL     
      The art of teaching primary science / edited by Vaille Dawson and Grady Venville. BJL  BOOK 2007
LB 1532 B5    
      Science beyond the classroom boundaries for 3-7 year olds / Lynne Bianchi and Rosemary Feasey ; illus BJL  BOOK 2011
      Science beyond the classroom boundaries for 7-11 year olds / by Lynne Bianchi and Rosemary Feasey ; i BJL  BOOK 2011
LB1532 .C43 2017 : Explaining primary science / Paul Chambers, Nicholas Souter.; BJL     
      Explaining primary science / Paul Chambers, Nicholas Souter. BJL  BOOK 2017
LB 1532 D2 : Teaching science creatively / Dan Davies.; BJL     
      Teaching science creatively / Dan Davies. BJL  BOOK 2011
LB 1532 E5 : Enhancing primary science : developing effective cross-curricular links / edited by Lois Kelly, Di Stead.; BJL     
      Enhancing primary science : developing effective cross-curricular links / edited by Lois Kelly, Di St BJL  BOOK 2013
LB 1532 G8 : Growing up with science : developing early understanding of science / edited by Kjell Härnqvist and Arnold Burgen.; BJL     
      Growing up with science : developing early understanding of science / edited by Kjell Härnqvist BJL  BOOK 1997
LB 1532 H8 / q : Five easy steps to a balanced science program for primary grades : kindergarten to grade 2.; BJL     
      Five easy steps to a balanced science program for primary grades : kindergarten to grade 2. BJL  BOOK 2010
LB 1532 L7 : Exploring science in early childhood : a developmental approach.; BJL     
      Exploring science in early childhood : a developmental approach. BJL  BOOK 1991
LB 1532 R5 / q : An early start to technology from science.; BJL     
      An early start to technology from science. BJL  BOOK 1990
LB 1532 S6 / q : Primary technology using stories from history.; Education Resources     
      Primary technology using stories from history. Education Resources  BOOK 1996
LB 1532 T2 : Teaching primary science constructively / edited by Keith Skamp.; BJL     
      Teaching primary science constructively / edited by Keith Skamp. BJL  BOOK 2010
LB 1536 B3 : Developing writing 3-13.; BJL     
      Developing writing 3-13. BJL  BOOK 2000
LB 1536 B9    
      Get them talking, get them writing : if you can't say it, you can't write it! / Alistair Bryce-Clegg. BJL  BOOK 2012
      Getting ready to write : exploring all the crucial development stages before children even pick up a BJL  BOOK 2013
LB 1536 D4 / q : Developing children's writing : teacher handbooks / edited by Jane Hammond.; BJL     
      Developing children's writing : teacher handbooks / edited by Jane Hammond. BJL  BOOK 1988
LB 1536 F5 / q : Writing / Jim Fitzsimmons, Rhona Whiteford.; Education Resources     
      Writing / Jim Fitzsimmons, Rhona Whiteford. Education Resources  BOOK 1989
LB 1536 H2 / q : Handwriting policy and practice in English primary schools : an exploratory study / Anna Barnett ... [et al.].; BJL     
      Handwriting policy and practice in English primary schools : an exploratory study / Anna Barnett ... BJL  BOOK 2006
LB 1536 S2 : Handwriting : the way to teach it / Rosemary Sassoon.; BJL     
      Handwriting : the way to teach it / Rosemary Sassoon. BJL  BOOK 1990
LB 1537 F6 : The fountains : from a project for the construction of an amusement park for birds / project coordinator, Loris Malaguzzi.; BJL     
      The fountains : from a project for the construction of an amusement park for birds / project coordi BJL  BOOK c1995
LB 1537 G7 / q : Something special : seasonal and festive art and craft for children / written and illustrated by Lyn Gray.; BJL     
      Something special : seasonal and festive art and craft for children / written and illustrated by Lyn BJL  BOOK 1990
LB 1537 P8    
      Free time activities for ages 5-7 / Molly Potter. Education Resources  BOOK 2008
      Free time activities for ages 7-9 / Molly Potter. Education Resources  BOOK 2008
      Free time activities for ages 9-11 / Molly Potter. Education Resources  BOOK 2008
LB 1537 S6 : New Nelson handwriting / P. Smith and A. Inglis.; Education Resources     
      New Nelson handwriting / P. Smith and A. Inglis. Education Resources  BOOK 1984
LB1555 : Creative teachers in primary schools / Peter Woods.; Online materials     
      Creative teachers in primary schools / Peter Woods. Online materials  EBOOKS 2019
LB 1555 B3 : Multiple intelligences in the elementary classroom : a teacher's toolkit / Susan Baum, Julie Viens, and Barbara Slatin ; in consultation with Howard Gardner.; BJL     
      Multiple intelligences in the elementary classroom : a teacher's toolkit / Susan Baum, Julie Viens, a BJL  BOOK c2005
LB 1555 B4 / q : The primary learner's toolkit : developing emotional intelligence, instilling values for life, creating independent learners and supporting the SEAL framwork for primary schools / Jackie Beere ; edited by Ian Gilbert ; [illustrations: Les Evans].; BJL     
      The primary learner's toolkit : developing emotional intelligence, instilling values for life, creati BJL  BOOK c2010
LB 1555 B8 : Play-based learning in the primary school / Mary Briggs, Alice Hansen.; BJL     
      Play-based learning in the primary school / Mary Briggs, Alice Hansen. BJL  BOOK 2012
LB1555 .B85 2017 : Building skills for effective primary teaching : a guide for trainees and their mentors / [edited by] Rachael Paige, Sue Lambert, Rebecca Geeson.; BJL     
      Building skills for effective primary teaching : a guide for trainees and their mentors / [edited by] BJL  BOOK 2017
LB 1555 C5 : Children as decision makers in education : sharing experiences across cultures / Sue Cox ... [et al].; BJL     
      Children as decision makers in education : sharing experiences across cultures / Sue Cox ... [et al]. BJL  BOOK c2010
LB 1555 D2 : Learning to teach in the primary school.; BJL     
      Learning to teach in the primary school. BJL  BOOK 1988
LB 1555 E1 : Thinking through pedagogy for primary and early years / Tony Eaude.; BJL     
      Thinking through pedagogy for primary and early years / Tony Eaude. BJL  BOOK 2011
LB 1555 E3 : Key persons in the early years : building relationships for quality provision in early years settings and primary schools / Peter Elfer, Elinor Goldschmied and Dorothy Y. Selleck.; BJL     
      Key persons in the early years : building relationships for quality provision in early years settings BJL  BOOK 2012
LB1555 .E9 : Reflective primary teaching : meeting the teachers' standards throughout your professional career / Tony Ewens and Paul Cammack.; BJL     
      Reflective primary teaching : meeting the teachers' standards throughout your professional career / T BJL  BOOK 2019
LB1555 .E9 2014 : Reflective primary teaching / Tony Ewens.; BJL     
      Reflective primary teaching / Tony Ewens. BJL  BOOK 2014
LB 1555 G1    
      Learning and teaching in the primary classroom / Maurice Galton. BJL  BOOK c2007
      Teaching in the primary school. BJL  BOOK 1989
LB 1555 G5 : What makes a good primary school teacher? : expert classroom strategies / Caroline Gipps, Bet McCallum and Eleanore Hargreaves.; BJL     
      What makes a good primary school teacher? : expert classroom strategies / Caroline Gipps, Bet McCallu BJL  BOOK 2000
LB 1555 G8 : Becoming an outstanding primary school teacher / Russell Grigg.; BJL     
      Becoming an outstanding primary school teacher / Russell Grigg. BJL  BOOK 2015
LB 1555 H2 : Elementary education : a reference handbook / Deborah A. Harmon and Toni Stokes Jones.; BJL     
      Elementary education : a reference handbook / Deborah A. Harmon and Toni Stokes Jones. BJL  BOOK c2005
LB1555 .H287 2011 : Brilliant primary school teacher : what you need to know to be a truly outstanding teacher / Kevin Harcombe.; BJL     
      Brilliant primary school teacher : what you need to know to be a truly outstanding teacher / Kevin Ha BJL  BOOK 2011
LB 1555 H3 / q : Survival skills for teachers : a handbook for primary schools.; BJL     
      Survival skills for teachers : a handbook for primary schools. BJL  BOOK c1987
LB 1555 H4    
      Learning and teaching in primary schools / Denis Hayes. BJL  BOOK 2009
      Planning, teaching and class management in primary schools : meeting the standards. BJL  BOOK 1999
LB 1555 H7 : Helping your child at school : over 300 ways to help your children gain more from their time in school / by Rodney Holt and Elizabeth Holt.; BJL     
      Helping your child at school : over 300 ways to help your children gain more from their time in schoo BJL  BOOK 1988
LB 1555 J1    
      Life in classrooms. BJL  BOOK 1968
      Life in classrooms / reissued with a new introduction. BJL  BOOK c1990
LB 1555 J7 : Developing teaching skills in the primary school / Jane Johnston, John Halocha and Mark Chater.; BJL     
      Developing teaching skills in the primary school / Jane Johnston, John Halocha and Mark Chater. BJL  BOOK 2007
LB 1555 J8 : Joyful teaching and learning in the primary school / edited by Denis Hayes.; BJL     
      Joyful teaching and learning in the primary school / edited by Denis Hayes. BJL  BOOK 2007
LB 1555 K3 : Reflective reader : primary professional studies.; BJL     
      Reflective reader : primary professional studies. BJL  BOOK 2005
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