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M 1503 M93 Z3    
      Die Zauberflöte. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
      Die Zauberflöte : a German opera. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
      The magic flute : Die Zauberflöte : opera in two acts / by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; words by Carl L BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1944
M 1503 M97 C5 / q : A Christmas carol : opera in two acts / libretto by the composer ; based on the story by Charles Dickens.; BJL     
      A Christmas carol : opera in two acts / libretto by the composer ; based on the story by Charles Dick BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1981
M 1503 M98 B7    
      Boris Godunov : opera in four acts with a prologue / Modest Mussorgsky ; libretto by the composer, ba BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
      Boris Godunov : an opera in four acts with a prologue / the subject taken from Pushkin’s dramatic chr BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1968
      Boris Godunov : narodnaia muzykalnaia drama... (po Pushkinu i Karamzinu)... = Boris Godounow : drame BJL  PRINTED MUSIC c1908
M 1503 M98 K4    
      Khovanshchina (The Princes Khovansky) : a national music drama in 5 acts, / completed and orchestra BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1956
      Chowanschtschina : musikalisches Volksdrama in fünf Aufzuge / herausgegeben von P. Lamm ; Bearbeitun BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1963
M 1503 M98 S7 / q : Soroginskach iarmarka.; BJL     
      Soroginskach iarmarka. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1957
M 1503 N3 / q : A Neapolitan festa a ballo, Delizie di Posilipo Boscarecce, e maritime, and Selected instrumental ensemble pieces from Naples Conservatory MS 4.6.3..; BJL     
      A Neapolitan festa a ballo, Delizie di Posilipo Boscarecce, e maritime, and Selected instrumental ens BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1978
M 1503 N63 L9 / q : Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor : komisch-phanastische Oper in drei Akten.; BJL     
      Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor : komisch-phanastische Oper in drei Akten. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1955
M 1503 O3 / q : Officium pastorum : The shepherds at the manger : an acting version of a 13th century liturgical music drama.; BJL     
      Officium pastorum : The shepherds at the manger : an acting version of a 13th century liturgical musi BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1967
M 1503 O3 T1 / q : Contes d'Hoffmann; BJL     
      Tales of Hoffmann. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC  
M 1503 O6(1) / q : Die grossmutige Tomyris / libretto von J.J. Hoe; herausgegeben von K. Zelm.; BJL     
      Die grossmutige Tomyris / libretto von J.J. Hoe; herausgegeben von K. Zelm. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1975
M 1503 O6(2) / q : Tarate : opera en cinq actes avec un prologue ....; BJL     
      Tarate : opera en cinq actes avec un prologue .... BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1978
M 1503 O6(3) / q : Il Bajazet : dramma per musica (reggio 1719) / libretto von A. Piovene [und] I. Zanelli; herausgegeben von M. Ruhnke.; BJL     
      Il Bajazet : dramma per musica (reggio 1719) / libretto von A. Piovene [und] I. Zanelli; herausgegebe BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1981
M 1503 O6(4) / q : Oberon, König der Elfen : Singspiel in drei Akten / Paul Wranitzky ; Libretto von Karl Ludwig Giesecke ; herausgegeben von Christoph-Hellmut Mahling, Joachim Veit.; BJL     
      Oberon, König der Elfen : Singspiel in drei Akten / Paul Wranitzky ; Libretto von Karl Ludwig Gieseck BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1993
M 1503 O6(5) / q : Una corsa rara, ossia, Bellezza ed onesta : dramma giocoso / libretto von L. da Ponte; herausgegeben von G. Allroggen.; BJL     
      Una corsa rara, ossia, Bellezza ed onesta : dramma giocoso / libretto von L. da Ponte; herausgegeben BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1990
M 1503 O6(6) / q : Agnes von Hohenstaufen : grosse historisch-romantische Oper / Gaspare Spontini ; libretto von Ernst Raupach und Carl August v. Lichtenstein ; herausgegeben von Jens Wildgruber; BJL     
      Agnes von Hohenstaufen : grosse historisch-romantische Oper / Gaspare Spontini ; libretto von Ernst R BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 2001
M 1503 O67 L9 / q : Ludus de nato Infante mirificus : ein Weihnachtsspiel.; BJL     
      Ludus de nato Infante mirificus : ein Weihnachtsspiel. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1962
M 1503 P14 B2 / q : Il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero la precauzione inutile : dramma giocosa in 2 atti e 4 parti.; BJL     
      Il barbiere di Siviglia, ovvero la precauzione inutile : dramma giocosa in 2 atti e 4 parti. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 1503 P39 D5 / q : The devils of Loudun : opera in three acts.; BJL     
      The devils of Loudun : opera in three acts. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1970
M 1503 P429 E8 / q : Euridice.; BJL     
      Euridice. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1981
M 1503 P43 L7 / q : Livietta e Tracollo : intermezzo in due parti : edizione critica ... / revisione e realizzazione di L. Bettarini.; BJL     
      Livietta e Tracollo : intermezzo in due parti : edizione critica ... / revisione e realizzazione di L BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1984
M 1503 P43 S4    
      La serva padrona / poesia di G.A. Federico; deutsche Ubersetzung von H.M. Schletterer; neu herausgege BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
      La serva padrona : intermezzi : opera completa per canto e pianoforte. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1947
      La serva padrona : intermezzi : opera completa per canto e pianoforte. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1990
      La serva padrona : intermezzo in due parti : edizione critica... / revisione e realizzazione di L. Be BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1984
M 1503 P435 / q : Peregrinus (The stranger) : an acting version of a 12th-century liturgical music-drama from Beauvais / transcribed and tr. by W.L. Smoldon.; BJL     
      Peregrinus (The stranger) : an acting version of a 12th-century liturgical music-drama from Beauvais BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 1503 P55 E7    
      Ernelinde, princesse de Norvege : tragedie lyrique; paroles de Poinsinet (et Sedaine). BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
      Ernelinde, Tragedie lyrique (1767). BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1992
M 1503 P58 A8 / q : Atys : tragedie lyrique.; BJL     
      Atys : tragedie lyrique. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1991
M 1503 P58 D5 / q : Didon. Vocal score; BJL     
      Didon : (tragedie lyrique en 3 actes / paroles de Mormentel ...; reconstituee et reduite pour piano e BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 1503 P58 R7 / q : Roland. Vocal score; BJL     
      Roland : tragedie lyrique en 3 actes / paroles de Marmontel d'apres Quinault ...; reduite pour piano BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 1503 P7    
      Play of Daniel. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1978
      Play of Daniel : A thirteenth-century musical drama. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1959
M 1503 P71    
      Planctus Mariae (the lament of Mary) : an acting version of a 14th century liturgical music-drama. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
      The play of Herod : a twelfth-century musical drama. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1965
M 1503 P79 G5 / q : Gioconda. Vocal score; BJL     
      La Gioconda : an opera in four acts. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1948
M 1503 P91 V8 : Voina i mir; BJL     
      War and peace [videorecording] / libretto by the composer and Mira Mendelsohn-Prokofiev ; adapted fr BJL  DVD 2004
M 1503 P94 B6    
      La bohème [videorecording] / Giacomo Puccini. BJL  DVD c2001
      La bohème [videorecording] / libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica, after Scènes de la vie de BJL  DVD c2004
      La bohème ... : an opera in four acts / by G. Giacosa and L. Illica; English version of Acts I and II BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1917
      La Boheme : quattro quadri. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 1503 P94 M1    
      Madam Butterlfy : a Japanese tragedy ... / Italian libretto by L. Illica and G. Giacosa, arr. for voi BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1906
      Madam Butterfly : a Japanese tragedy / Italian libretto by L. Illica and G. Giacosa, arranged by Carl BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1907
      Madama Butterfly / by Giacomo Puccini ; libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. BJL  DVD 2001?
      Madama Butterfly [videorecording] : Japanese drama in two acts / libretto by Luigi Illica and Giusepp BJL  DVD c2004
      Madama Butterfly : tragedia giapponese in 2 atti / di G. Giacosa e L. Illica (da J.L. Long e D. Belas BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1955
M 1503 P94 M2 / q : Manon Lescaut : dramma lirico in quattro atti ...; riduzione per canto e pianoforte di Carignani nuova edizione a cura di M. Parenti.; BJL     
      Manon Lescaut : dramma lirico in quattro atti ...; riduzione per canto e pianoforte di Carignani nuov BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1960
M 1503 P94 R7 / q : Rondine. Vocal score; BJL     
      La rondine : commedia lirica in 3 atti. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1969
M 1503 P94 T1    
      Il tabarro. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1955
      The cloak : an opera in one act. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1960
M 1503 P94 T7    
      Tosca : melodramma in 3 atti / libretto di G. Giacosa el L. Illica. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1954
      Tosca : opera in three acts / libretto by G. Giacosa and L. Illica, reduction for voice and piano by BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1956
M 1503 P94 T9 : Turandot. Vocal score; BJL     
      Turandot : lyric drama in three acts and five scenes / by G. Adami and R. Simoni ; the last duet and BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1926
M 1503 P95 C5 / q : The sacrificial scene from Circe, for narrator, soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and bass soli, chorus and orchestra / edited by G.M. Cooper.; BJL     
      The sacrificial scene from Circe, for narrator, soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and bass soli, chorus a BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1948
M 1503 P95 D5    
      Dido and Aeneas / newly edited by E.J. Dent. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1925
      Dido and Aeneas / edited by E.T. Harris. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1987
      Dido and Aeneas : an opera ... / edited by C. Price. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1986
      Dido and Aeneas : opera / libretto by N. Tate; edited by E. Harris. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1987
5 additional entries    
M 1503 P95 D6 / q : The masque in Diocesian; or, The prophetess / the words written by Thomas Betterton, the music composed by Henry Purcell; edited by F.J. Bridge and J. Pointer.; BJL     
      The masque in Diocesian; or, The prophetess / the words written by Thomas Betterton, the music compos BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1957
M 1503 P95 F1    
      The fairy queen : an opera / composed by H. Purcell; edited by J.S. Shedlck. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
      The music in The fairy queen : English opera (1692) : the drama adapted from A Midsummer night's drea BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1966
M 1503 P95 K5    
      King Arthur : an opera; written by J. Dryden and composed by H. Purcell. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1897
      The music in King Arthur : a dramatic opera (1691) / the words by John Dryden ; the music by Henry Pu BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1972
M 1503 P95 T2 / q : The Tempest / edited by E.J. Dent.; BJL     
      The Tempest / edited by E.J. Dent. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
M 1503 R17    
      Castor et Pollux, tragedie en cinq actes. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1895
      Hippolite et Aricie, tragedie en 5 actes. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1900
M 1503 R17 A1 : Abaris; ou, Les Boreades / a critical edition; by M. Terey-Smith.; BJL     
      Abaris; ou, Les Boreades / a critical edition; by M. Terey-Smith. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1971
M 1503 R17 G9 / q : La guirlande.; BJL     
      La guirlande. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1981
M 1503 R17 I3 / q : Les Indes galantes, ballet heroique en trois entrees et un prologue / paroles de Fuzelier, partition pour chant et piano transcrite par P. Dukas.; BJL     
      Les Indes galantes, ballet heroique en trois entrees et un prologue / paroles de Fuzelier, partition BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1953
M 1503 R17 P1 / q : Les paladins : comedie lyrique / introd. by R.P. Wolf with a biography of the composer by G. Sadler.; BJL     
      Les paladins : comedie lyrique / introd. by R.P. Wolf with a biography of the composer by G. Sadler. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1986
M 1503 R17 Z8    
      Zoroastre / tragedie lyrique de L. de Cahusac; restitution par F. Gervais. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1964
      Zoroastre : tragedie lyrique en 5 actes. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1880
M 1503 R25 H5 / q : L'heure espagnole ; A Spanish hour ; comedie musicale en un acte.; BJL     
      L'heure espagnole ; A Spanish hour ; comedie musicale en un acte. BJL  PRINTED MUSIC 1932
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