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ML 110 P2 : The directory of tunes and musical themes / Denys Parsons.; BJL     
      The directory of tunes and musical themes / Denys Parsons. BJL  BOOK 1975
ML 111 B9 : Music librarianship : a practical guide.; BJL     
      Music librarianship : a practical guide. BJL  BOOK 1959
ML 111 C6(1) / q : Der Autoren-katalog der Musikdrucke;The author catalog of published music.; BJL     
      Der Autoren-katalog der Musikdrucke;The author catalog of published music. BJL  BOOK 1957
ML 111 C6(2) / q : Code restreint, Limited code, Kurzgefasste Anleitung.; BJL     
      Code restreint, Limited code, Kurzgefasste Anleitung. BJL  BOOK 1961
ML 111 C6(3) / q : Rules for full cataloging.; BJL     
      Rules for full cataloging. BJL  BOOK 1971
ML 111 C6(4) / q : Rules for cataloging music manuscripts.; BJL     
      Rules for cataloging music manuscripts. BJL  BOOK 1975
ML 111 J7 : Music librarianship.; BJL     
      Music librarianship. BJL  BOOK 1979
ML 111 K5 : Printed music in the British museum : an account of the collections the catalogues, and their formation up to 1920.; BJL     
      Printed music in the British museum : an account of the collections the catalogues, and their formati BJL  BOOK 1979
ML111 .K67 2008 : Uniform titles for music / Michelle Koth.; BJL     
      Uniform titles for music / Michelle Koth. BJL  BOOK 2008
ML 111 L8 / q : Musicians and libraries in the United Kingdon.; BJL     
      Musicians and libraries in the United Kingdon. BJL  BOOK 1972
ML 111 M9    
      Code for cataloging music and phonorecords / prepared by a joint committee of the Music Library Assoc BJL  BOOK 1958
      Music and bibliography / edited by O. Neighbour. BJL  BOOK 1980
ML 111 N5 : What to read on the evolution of music.; BJL     
      What to read on the evolution of music. BJL  BOOK 1928
ML 111 R3    
      Organising music in libraries. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Organizing music in libraries. BJL  BOOK 1966
ML 111 R42 : Rism-Bibliothekssigel : gesamtverzeichnis : sigla.; BJL     
      Rism-Bibliothekssigel : gesamtverzeichnis : sigla. BJL  BOOK 1999
ML 111 R42(A,I,1-15) : Einzeldrucke vor 1800 / Redaktion : Karlheinz Schlager [et al.]; BJL     
      Einzeldrucke vor 1800 / Redaktion : Karlheinz Schlager [et al.] BJL  BOOK 2011
ML 111 R42(B III,1-3) : The theory of music, from the Carolingian era up to 1400 : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts.; BJL     
      The theory of music, from the Carolingian era up to 1400 : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts. BJL  BOOK 1986
ML 111 R42(BI,i) : Recueits imprimes, 16e - 17e siecles.; BJL     
      Recueits imprimes, 16e - 17e siecles. BJL  BOOK 1960
ML 111 R42(BII) : Recueils imprimes, 18e siecle / publie sours la direction de f.Lesure.; BJL     
      Recueils imprimes, 18e siecle / publie sours la direction de f.Lesure. BJL  BOOK 1964
ML 111 R42(BIII,1-4) : The theory of music, from the Carolingian era up to 1400 : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts.; BJL     
      The theory of music, from the Carolingian era up to 1400 : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts. BJL  BOOK 1986
ML 111 R42(BIII,5-6) : The theory of music. Vol. V-VI, Manuscripts from the Carolingian era up to c.1500 in the Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal and Spain : descriptive catalogue.; BJL     
      The theory of music. Vol. V-VI, Manuscripts from the Carolingian era up to c.1500 in the Czech Republ BJL  BOOK 2003
ML 111 R42(BIV,1) : Manuscripts of polyphonic music, 11th-early 14th century.; BJL     
      Manuscripts of polyphonic music, 11th-early 14th century. BJL  BOOK 1966
ML 111 R42(BIV,1-2 Suppl.1) : Manuscripts of polyphonic music, 11th-early 14th century.; BJL     
      Manuscripts of polyphonic music, 11th-early 14th century. BJL  BOOK 1993
ML 111 R42(BIV,2) : Manuscripts of polyphonic music, c.1320-1400.; BJL     
      Manuscripts of polyphonic music, c.1320-1400. BJL  BOOK 1969
ML 111 R42(BIV,3-4) : Handschriften mit mehrstimmiger Musik des 14, 15 und 16. Jahrhunderts / beschrieben und inventarisiert von K. van Fischer, und hrsg. in Zusemmessarbeit mit M.Lutol.; BJL     
      Handschriften mit mehrstimmiger Musik des 14, 15 und 16. Jahrhunderts / beschrieben und inventarisier BJL  BOOK 1972
ML 111 R42(BIV,5) : Manuscrits de musique polyphonique, XVe et XVIe siecles : Italie / catalogue par N. Bridgman.; BJL     
      Manuscrits de musique polyphonique, XVe et XVIe siecles : Italie / catalogue par N. Bridgman. BJL  BOOK 1991
ML 111 R42(BIX, 1)    
      Hebrew notated manuscript sources up to circa 1840 : a descriptive and thematic catalogue with a chec BJL  BOOK 1989
      Hebrew notated manuscript sources up to circa 1840 : a descriptive and thematic catalogue with a chec BJL  BOOK 1989
ML 111 R42(BIX,2) : Hebrew writings concerning music, in manuscripts and printed books from Geonic times up to 1800.; BJL     
      Hebrew writings concerning music, in manuscripts and printed books from Geonic times up to 1800. BJL  BOOK 1975
ML 111 R42(BV,1) : Tropen-und Sequenzenhandchriften.; BJL     
      Tropen-und Sequenzenhandchriften. BJL  BOOK 1964
ML 111 R42(BVI, 1-2) : Ecrits imprimes concernant la musique / publié sous la direction de F.Lesure.; BJL     
      Ecrits imprimes concernant la musique / publié sous la direction de F.Lesure. BJL  BOOK 1971
ML 111 R42(BVII) : Handschriftlich Überlieferte lauten und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15 bis 18 Jahrhunderts : beschreibender Katalog.; BJL     
      Handschriftlich Überlieferte lauten und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15 bis 18 Jahrhunderts : beschr BJL  BOOK 1978
ML 111 R42(BVIII 1.i-ii) : Das deutsche Kirchenlied, DKL : Kritische Gesantausgabe der Melodien / herausgegeben von K. Ameln, M. Jenny and W. Lipphardt.; BJL     
      Das deutsche Kirchenlied, DKL : Kritische Gesantausgabe der Melodien / herausgegeben von K. Ameln, M. BJL  BOOK 1975
ML 111 R42(BX) : The theory of music in Arabic writings (c.900-1900) : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts.; BJL     
      The theory of music in Arabic writings (c.900-1900) : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts. BJL  BOOK 1979
ML 111 R42(BXa) : The theory of music in Arabic writings (c.900-1900) : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in libraries of Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Russia, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, and Supplement to BX.; BJL     
      The theory of music in Arabic writings (c.900-1900) : descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in librari BJL  BOOK 2003
ML 111 R42(BXI) : Ancient Greek music theory : a catalogue raisonne of manuscripts.; BJL     
      Ancient Greek music theory : a catalogue raisonne of manuscripts. BJL  BOOK 1988
ML 111 R42(BXII) : Manuscrits persans concernant la musique.; BJL     
      Manuscrits persans concernant la musique. BJL  BOOK 1996
ML 111 R42(BXIII.1) : Hymnologica Slavica. Band 1, Hymnologica Bohemica, Slovaca, Polonica, Sorabica : Notendrucke des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts / [bearbeitet von Jan Kouba und Marie Skalická].; BJL     
      Hymnologica Slavica. Band 1, Hymnologica Bohemica, Slovaca, Polonica, Sorabica : Notendrucke des 16. BJL  BOOK c2012
ML 111 R42(BXIV) : Les manuscrits du processional : v.I : Autriche à Espagne.; BJL     
      Les manuscrits du processional : v.I : Autriche à Espagne. BJL  BOOK 1999
ML 111 R42(BXIV,2) : Les manuscrits du processional : v.II : France à Afrique du Sud.; BJL     
      Les manuscrits du processional : v.II : France à Afrique du Sud. BJL  BOOK 1999
ML 111 R42(BXV) : Mehrstimmige Messen in Quellen aus Spanien, Portugal und Lateinamerika, ca. 1490-1630 : Drucke, Handschriften und verlorene Quellen / beschrieben und inventarisiert von Cristina Urchueguía.; BJL     
      Mehrstimmige Messen in Quellen aus Spanien, Portugal und Lateinamerika, ca. 1490-1630 : Drucke, Hands BJL  BOOK c2005
ML 111 R42(BXVI) : Catalogue raisonné of the Balinese palm-leaf manuscripts with music notation / Tilman Seebass ; with the collaboration of Hedwig I.R. Hinzler.; BJL     
      Catalogue raisonné of the Balinese palm-leaf manuscripts with music notation / Tilman Seebass ; BJL  BOOK 2015
ML 111 R42(BXVII) : Die Triosonate : Catalogue Raisonné der Gedruckten Quellen / herausgegeben von Ludwig Finscher, Laurenz Lütteken und Inga Mai Groote ; bearbeitet von Cristina Urchueguía, Gabriela Freiburghaus und Nicola Schneider.; BJL     
      Die Triosonate : Catalogue Raisonné der Gedruckten Quellen / herausgegeben von Ludwig Finscher, BJL  BOOK 2016
ML 111.5 I5 : Gramophone record libraries : their organisation and practice / edited by H.F.J. Currall.; BJL     
      Gramophone record libraries : their organisation and practice / edited by H.F.J. Currall. BJL  BOOK 1963
ML 111.5 S4 : Record collecting : a guide for beginners / with a chapter on collecting jazz records by Alexander Ross.; BJL     
      Record collecting : a guide for beginners / with a chapter on collecting jazz records by Alexander Ro BJL  BOOK 1949
ML 112 B5 : Die Notendrucker und ihre Verleger in Frankfurt am Main von den Anfanger bis etwa 1630.; BJL     
      Die Notendrucker und ihre Verleger in Frankfurt am Main von den Anfanger bis etwa 1630. BJL  BOOK 1970
ML 112 C1    
      Editing early music. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Editing early music. BJL  BOOK c1995
ML 112 C5 : Cinq Catalogues D'Editeurs De Musique A Paris (1824-1834).; BJL     
      Cinq Catalogues D'Editeurs De Musique A Paris (1824-1834). BJL  BOOK 1976
ML 112 D2 : Editing early music : notes on the preparation of printers copy.; BJL     
      Editing early music : notes on the preparation of printers copy. BJL  BOOK 1963
ML 112 D4 : musikverlags Nummern : eine auswahl von 40 datierten Listen 1710-1900.; BJL     
      musikverlags Nummern : eine auswahl von 40 datierten Listen 1710-1900. BJL  BOOK 1961
ML 112 D5    
      Dictionnaire des éditeurs de musique francais : De 1820 à 1914 / Anik Devriès, Fran BJL  BOOK 1988
      Dictionnaire des éditeurs de musique francais : des origines à environ 1820 / Anik Devri BJL  BOOK 1988
      Dictionnaire des editeurs de musique francaise. BJL  BOOK 1979
      Edition et commerce de la musique gravee a Paris dans la premiere moitie du XVIII siecle. BJL  BOOK 1976
ML 112 D6 : La stanpa musicale a Milano : Fino all aus 1700.; BJL     
      La stanpa musicale a Milano : Fino all aus 1700. BJL  BOOK 1961
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