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NA 2880 W7 : On the construction of the vaults of the middle ages.; BJL     
      On the construction of the vaults of the middle ages. BJL  BOOK 1910
NA 2900 D8 / q : Charpentes et tuiles khmeres.; South East Asian Collection     
      Charpentes et tuiles khmeres. South East Asian Collection  BOOK 1973
NA 2920 G3 / q : Gevelstenen in Nederland / door drs. G.A.M. Offenberg met foto's van G. Dekkers.; BJL     
      Gevelstenen in Nederland / door drs. G.A.M. Offenberg met foto's van G. Dekkers. BJL  BOOK 1986
NA 2930 A4 / q : The Great church towers of England.; BJL     
      The Great church towers of England. BJL  BOOK  
NA 2965 R7 / q : The Romanesque frieze and its spectator : the Lincoln symposium papers / edited by D. Kahn.; BJL     
      The Romanesque frieze and its spectator : the Lincoln symposium papers / edited by D. Kahn. BJL  BOOK 1992
NA 3010 D2    
      Old English doorways : a series of historical examples from Tudor times to the end of the XVIII centu BJL  BOOK 1903
      Old English doorways : a series of historical examples from Tudor times to the end of the XVIII centu BJL  BOOK 1903
NA 3020 F3 : The story of English windows.; BJL     
      The story of English windows. BJL  BOOK 1932
NA 3050 G5 / q : The fashionable fireplace / C. Gilbert, A. Wells-Cole.; BJL     
      The fashionable fireplace / C. Gilbert, A. Wells-Cole. BJL  BOOK 1985
NA 3320 C4    
      A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. BJL  BOOK 1862
      A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture. BJL  BOOK 1968
NA 3460 T5 / q : The Italian Renaissance interior 1400-1600.; BJL     
      The Italian Renaissance interior 1400-1600. BJL  BOOK 1991
NA 3469 B2 : The decorative tradition.; BJL     
      The decorative tradition. BJL  BOOK 1973
NA 3502 A1 B3    
      Craftsmen and interior decoration in England, 1660-1820. BJL  BOOK 1981
      Georgian craftsmen and their work. BJL  BOOK 1966
NA 3502 A1 P4 / q : Period houses and their details.; BJL     
      Period houses and their details. BJL  BOOK 1978
NA 3502 A1 T5 / q : Three centuries of architectureal craftsmanship.; BJL     
      Three centuries of architectureal craftsmanship. BJL  BOOK 1978
NA 3502 L8 C9 / q : London : the art of Georgian building / by D. Cruickshank and P. Wyld.; BJL     
      London : the art of Georgian building / by D. Cruickshank and P. Wyld. BJL  BOOK 1977
NA 3502 N7 R7 : Stories in stone : the medieval roof carvings of Norwich Cathedral / Martial Rose and Julia Hedgecoe.; BJL     
      Stories in stone : the medieval roof carvings of Norwich Cathedral / Martial Rose and Julia Hedgecoe. BJL  BOOK c1997
NA 3502 S17 B6 : The Salisbury chapter-house and its Old Testament cycle [depicting events from 'Genesis' and 'Exodus'] : an archeological and iconographical study ... Vol. 1.; BJL     
      The Salisbury chapter-house and its Old Testament cycle [depicting events from 'Genesis' and 'Exodus' BJL  BOOK 1982
NA 3504 V5 T6 : Architecture and truth in fin-de-siecle Vienna / Leslie Topp.; BJL     
      Architecture and truth in fin-de-siecle Vienna / Leslie Topp. BJL  BOOK 2004
NA 3506 P2 W9 : Die Kapitellplastik des Sugerbaus von Saint-Denis : Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 28.; BJL     
      Die Kapitellplastik des Sugerbaus von Saint-Denis : Europaische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 28. BJL  BOOK 1979
NA 3507 A3 B3 / q : The Bavarian rococo church : between faith and aestheticism.; BJL     
      The Bavarian rococo church : between faith and aestheticism. BJL  BOOK 1983
NA 3544 C6 : The decorated style : architecture and ornament, 1240-1360.; BJL     
      The decorated style : architecture and ornament, 1240-1360. BJL  BOOK 1994
NA 3680 S5 / q : Gargoyles and grotesques : paganism in the medieval church.; BJL     
      Gargoyles and grotesques : paganism in the medieval church. BJL  BOOK 1975
NA 3683 G37 B4 : Holy terrors : gargoyles on medieval buildings.; BJL     
      Holy terrors : gargoyles on medieval buildings. BJL  BOOK 1997
NA 3690 B3 : Decorative plasterwork in Great Britain.; BJL     
      Decorative plasterwork in Great Britain. BJL  BOOK 1975
NA 3690 G2 / q : Giacomo Serpotta and the stuccatori of Palermo 1560-1790 / photographs by G. Ffoulke d'Urso.; BJL     
      Giacomo Serpotta and the stuccatori of Palermo 1560-1790 / photographs by G. Ffoulke d'Urso. BJL  BOOK 1984
NA 3690 T9 / q : Decorative plasterwork in Gt. Britain.; BJL     
      Decorative plasterwork in Gt. Britain. BJL  BOOK  
NA 3760 D8 / q : Mosaics of the Greek and Roman world / Katherine M.D. Dunbabin.; BJL     
      Mosaics of the Greek and Roman world / Katherine M.D. Dunbabin. BJL  BOOK 2001
NA 3760 L7 : Ancient mosaics.; BJL     
      Ancient mosaics. BJL  BOOK 1998
NA 3770 B4 : Tunisian mosaics : treasures from Roman Africa / Aïcha Ben Abed ; translated from the French by Sharon Grevet.; BJL     
      Tunisian mosaics : treasures from Roman Africa / Aïcha Ben Abed ; translated from the French by BJL  BOOK 2006
NA 3770 D8 / q : The mosaics of Roman north Africa : studies in iconography and patronage.; BJL     
      The mosaics of Roman north Africa : studies in iconography and patronage. BJL  BOOK 1978
NA 3770 J6 : Romano-British mosaics / Peter Johnson.; BJL     
      Romano-British mosaics / Peter Johnson. BJL  BOOK 1987
NA 3770 N3 / q : Roman mosaics of Britain / David S. Neal and Stephen R. Cosh.; BJL     
      Roman mosaics of Britain / David S. Neal and Stephen R. Cosh. BJL  BOOK 2010
NA 3770 R1 : Mosaics in Roman Britain : a gazetteer.; BJL     
      Mosaics in Roman Britain : a gazetteer. BJL  BOOK 1973
NA 3770 S8 : Recueil general des mosaiques de la Gaule.; BJL     
      Recueil general des mosaiques de la Gaule. BJL  BOOK 1957
NA 3770 S9 : The mosaics of Roman Crete : art, archaeology and social change / Rebecca J. Sweetman.; BJL     
      The mosaics of Roman Crete : art, archaeology and social change / Rebecca J. Sweetman. BJL  BOOK 2013
NA 3770 W8 : Mosaics in Roman Britain : stories in stone.; BJL     
      Mosaics in Roman Britain : stories in stone. BJL  BOOK 2005
NA 3780 B7    
      Mosaics as history : the Near East from late Antiquity to Islam / G.W. Bowersock. BJL  BOOK 2006
      Ravenna mosaics. BJL  BOOK 1946
NA 3780 C7 : Saints and spectacle : Byzantine mosaics in their cultural setting / Carolyn L. Connor.; BJL     
      Saints and spectacle : Byzantine mosaics in their cultural setting / Carolyn L. Connor. BJL  BOOK 2016
NA 3780 H5 : Daphni : a guide to the mosaics and their inscriptions / illustrated by Graham Herbert.; BJL     
      Daphni : a guide to the mosaics and their inscriptions / illustrated by Graham Herbert. BJL  BOOK 1978
NA 3780 I8 : Israeli mosaics of the Byzantine period.; BJL     
      Israeli mosaics of the Byzantine period. BJL  BOOK 1965
NA 3780 M2 / q : Materials for the study of the mosaics of St. Sophia, Istanbul.; BJL     
      Materials for the study of the mosaics of St. Sophia, Istanbul. BJL  BOOK 1962
NA 3780 V8 / q : Early Christian mosaics from the fourth to the seventh centuries : Rome, Naples, Milan, Ravenna / introduction by W.F. Volbach.; BJL     
      Early Christian mosaics from the fourth to the seventh centuries : Rome, Naples, Milan, Ravenna / int BJL  BOOK 1943
NA 3788 J2 : Mosaics in the medieval world : from late Antiquity to the fifteenth century / Liz James.; BJL     
      Mosaics in the medieval world : from late Antiquity to the fifteenth century / Liz James. BJL  BOOK 2017
NA 3790 D3 / q : The mosaic decoration of San Marco, Venice / edited by H.L. Kessler.; BJL     
      The mosaic decoration of San Marco, Venice / edited by H.L. Kessler. BJL  BOOK 1988
NA 3790 O1 / q : The mosaics of Rome from the third to the fourteenth centuries.; BJL     
      The mosaics of Rome from the third to the fourteenth centuries. BJL  BOOK 1967
NA 3792 N67 B7 : Messages in mosaic : the royal programmes of Norman Sicily, 1130-1187 / Eve Borsook.; BJL     
      Messages in mosaic : the royal programmes of Norman Sicily, 1130-1187 / Eve Borsook. BJL  BOOK 1998
NA 3860 P21 E2 : Eduardo Paolozzi Underground : [catalogue of an exhibition held at the] Royal Academy of Arts / edited by R. Cork.; BJL     
      Eduardo Paolozzi Underground : [catalogue of an exhibition held at the] Royal Academy of Arts / edite BJL  BOOK 1986
NA 4050 I5 G5 / s : The inscriptional work of Eric Gill : an inventory.; BJL     
      The inscriptional work of Eric Gill : an inventory. BJL  BOOK 1964
NA 4050 I5 G7 : Lettering on buildings.; BJL     
      Lettering on buildings. BJL  BOOK 1960
NA 4104 M1 / q : Glass in architecture and decoration.; BJL     
      Glass in architecture and decoration. BJL  BOOK 1961
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