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QP 383 B8 : Brodmann's Localization in the cerebral cortex : the principles of comparative localisation in the cerebral cortex based on cytoarchitectonics / by K. Brodmann ; translated with editorial notes and an introduction by Laurence J. Gary; BJL     
      Brodmann's Localization in the cerebral cortex : the principles of comparative localisation in the ce BJL  BOOK c2006
QP 383 H2 : Hand function and the neocortex : [papers from a satellite meeting of the 29th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, held in Melbourne, Aug.24-26, 1983] / edited by A.W. Goodwin and I. Darian-Smith.; BJL     
      Hand function and the neocortex : [papers from a satellite meeting of the 29th Congress of the Intern BJL  BOOK 1985
QP 383 M9 : Motor areas of the cerebral cortex.; BJL     
      Motor areas of the cerebral cortex. BJL  BOOK 1987
QP 383.15 M6    
      The visual brain in action / A. David Milner and Melvyn A. Goodale. BJL  BOOK c1995
      The visual brain in action / A. David Milner, Melvyn A. Goodale. BJL  BOOK 2006
QP 383.17 E9 / q : Executive and cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex : a discussion organized and edited by A.C. Roberts, T.W. Robbins and L. Weiskrantz.; BJL     
      Executive and cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex : a discussion organized and edited by A.C BJL  BOOK 1996
QP 383.2 E5 : Limbic system, learning and pituitary-adrenal function.; BJL     
      Limbic system, learning and pituitary-adrenal function. BJL  BOOK 1972
QP 383.25 G5 : Gateway to memory : an introduction to neural network modeling of the hippocampus and learning / Mark A. Gluck and Catherine E. Myers.; BJL     
      Gateway to memory : an introduction to neural network modeling of the hippocampus and learning / Mark BJL  BOOK c2001
QP 383.3 B2    
      Basal ganglia and behavior : sensory aspects of motor functioning / edited by J.S. Schneider and T.I. BJL  BOOK 1987
      The basal ganglia II : structure and function : current concepts / edited by M.B. Carpenter and A. Ja BJL  BOOK 1987
      The Basal ganglia IV : new ideas and data on structure and function / edited by G. Percheron, J.S. Mc BJL  BOOK 1994
      The basal ganglia : structure and function / edited by J.S. McKenzie, R.E. Kemm, L.N. Wilcock. BJL  BOOK 1984
QP 383.3 F9 : Functions of the basal ganglia / [editors. D. Evered and M. O'Connor].; BJL     
      Functions of the basal ganglia / [editors. D. Evered and M. O'Connor]. BJL  BOOK 1984
QP 383.3 T8 : The basal ganglia III : proceedings of the third triennial meeting ... held June 10-13, 1989, in Cagliari, Italy / edited by G. Bernardi ... [et al.] ; Advances in behavioral biology.; BJL     
      The basal ganglia III : proceedings of the third triennial meeting ... held June 10-13, 1989, in Cagl BJL  BOOK 1991
QP 383.7 B5 / q : Bibliography on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system.; BJL     
      Bibliography on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system. BJL  BOOK 1972
QP 385 B6 : Handedness and developmental disorder.; BJL     
      Handedness and developmental disorder. BJL  BOOK 1992
QP 385 H4 : Left-handedness : manual superiority and cerebral dominance / by Henry Hécaen and Julian de Ajuriaguerra.; BJL     
      Left-handedness : manual superiority and cerebral dominance / by Henry Hécaen and Julian de Aj BJL  BOOK 1964
QP 385 L4 : Left-handedness : behavioral implications and anomalies / edited by Stanley Coren.; BJL     
      Left-handedness : behavioral implications and anomalies / edited by Stanley Coren. BJL  BOOK 1990
QP 385 N4 : Neuropsychology of left-handedness.; BJL     
      Neuropsychology of left-handedness. BJL  BOOK 1980
QP 385 P3 : Speech and brain-mechanisms / by Wilder Penfield and Lamar Roberts.; BJL     
      Speech and brain-mechanisms / by Wilder Penfield and Lamar Roberts. BJL  BOOK 1959
QP 385.5 A6 : Left, right, hand and brain : the right shift theory.; BJL     
      Left, right, hand and brain : the right shift theory. BJL  BOOK 1985
QP 385.5 A8    
      The asymmetrical brain / edited by Kenneth Hugdahl and Richard J. Davidson. BJL  BOOK 2003
      Asymmetrical function of the brain / edited by M. Kinsbourne. BJL  BOOK 1978
QP 385.5 B3 : Left side, right side : a review of laterality research.; BJL     
      Left side, right side : a review of laterality research. BJL  BOOK 1985
QP 385.5 B8 : Hemispheric specialization and psychological function.; BJL     
      Hemispheric specialization and psychological function. BJL  BOOK 1989
QP 385.5 C7 : Human laterality.; BJL     
      Human laterality. BJL  BOOK 1983
QP 385.5 S7    
      Left brain, right brain / Sally P. Springer, Georg Deutsch. BJL  BOOK 1989
      Left brain, right brain / S.P. Springer, G. Deutsch. BJL  BOOK 1985
      Left brain, right brain / Sally P. Springer, Georg Deutsch. BJL  BOOK 1993
      Left brain, right brain : perspectives on cognitive neuroscience / Sally P. Springer, Georg Deutsch. BJL  BOOK c1998
QP 395 H6 : Higher brain functions : recent explorations of the brain's emergent properties : [papers dedicated to the memory of E.V. Evarts] / edited by S.P. Wise.; BJL     
      Higher brain functions : recent explorations of the brain's emergent properties : [papers dedicated t BJL  BOOK 1987
QP 395 M4 : Tree of knowledge : the biological roots of human understanding / H.R. Maturana and F.J. Varela.; BJL     
      Tree of knowledge : the biological roots of human understanding / H.R. Maturana and F.J. Varela. BJL  BOOK 1992
QP 398 G2 : The integrated mind / Michael S. Gazzaniga and Joseph E. Ledoux.; BJL     
      The integrated mind / Michael S. Gazzaniga and Joseph E. Ledoux. BJL  BOOK 1978
QP 399 B8 : Brain mechanisms underlying speech and language.; BJL     
      Brain mechanisms underlying speech and language. BJL  BOOK 1967
QP 399 B82 : Brain and language.; BJL     
      Brain and language. BJL  PERIODICAL 2005
QP 399 C6 : The cognitive neuropsychology of language / edited by M. Coltheart, G. Sartori, R. Job.; BJL     
      The cognitive neuropsychology of language / edited by M. Coltheart, G. Sartori, R. Job. BJL  BOOK 1987
QP 399 D2 : The symbolic species : the co-evolution of language and the human brain.; BJL     
      The symbolic species : the co-evolution of language and the human brain. BJL  BOOK 1997
QP 399 L2    
      Language and hemispheric specialization in man : cerebral event-related potentials / editor J. Desmed BJL  BOOK 1977
      Language development and neurological theory. BJL  BOOK 1977
      Language functions and brain organization. BJL  BOOK 1983
QP 399 O1 : Language and the brain / Loraine K. Obler and K. Gjerlow.; BJL     
      Language and the brain / Loraine K. Obler and K. Gjerlow. BJL  BOOK 1998
QP 399 W9 : The focusing hypothesis : the theory of left hemisphere lateralised language re-examined.; BJL     
      The focusing hypothesis : the theory of left hemisphere lateralised language re-examined. BJL  BOOK 1992
QP 401 B6 : Physiological correlates of emotion.; BJL     
      Physiological correlates of emotion. BJL  BOOK 1970
QP 401 D1    
      Descartes' error : emotion, reason, and the human brain / Antonio R. Damasio. BJL  BOOK 1995
      Descartes' error : emotion, reason and the human brain / Antonio Damasio. BJL  BOOK 2006
      Looking for Spinoza : joy, sorrow and the feeling brain / Antonio Damasio. BJL  BOOK 2004
QP 401 K1 : The physiology of emotions / A. Simon, editor; C.C. Herbert, associate editor; R. Straus, assistant editor.; BJL     
      The physiology of emotions / A. Simon, editor; C.C. Herbert, associate editor; R. Straus, assistant e BJL  BOOK 1961
QP 401 L4 : The emotional brain : the mysterious underpinnings of emotional life.; BJL     
      The emotional brain : the mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. BJL  BOOK 2004
QP 401 N4    
      Neurophysiology and emotion. BJL  BOOK 1967
      Neurophysiology and emotion. BJL  BOOK 1967
      Neuropsychology of human emotion / edited by Kenneth M. Heilman and Paul Satz. BJL  BOOK 1983
QP 401 P7 : Pleasure, the politics and the reality / edited by David M. Warburton, with the assistance of Maureen Kew.; BJL     
      Pleasure, the politics and the reality / edited by David M. Warburton, with the assistance of Maureen BJL  BOOK 1994
QP 401 R7 : The brain and emotion.; BJL     
      The brain and emotion. BJL  BOOK 2000
QP 401 S8 : Pain : a psychophysiological analysis.; BJL     
      Pain : a psychophysiological analysis. BJL  BOOK 1968
QP 401 T4 : The psychobiology of emotions.; BJL     
      The psychobiology of emotions. BJL  BOOK 1988
QP 401 W6 : Who needs emotions? : the brain meets the robot / edited by Jean-Marc Fellous & Michael A. Arbib.; BJL     
      Who needs emotions? : the brain meets the robot / edited by Jean-Marc Fellous & Michael A. Arbib. BJL  BOOK 2005
QP 402 M8 : Blame my brain : the amazing teenage brain revealed / Nicola Morgan.; BJL     
      Blame my brain : the amazing teenage brain revealed / Nicola Morgan. BJL  BOOK 2013
QP 405 A8 : Attention and orienting : sensory and motivational processes / edited by Peter J. Lang, Robert F. Simons, Marie T. Balaban.; BJL     
      Attention and orienting : sensory and motivational processes / edited by Peter J. Lang, Robert F. Sim BJL  BOOK 1997
QP 405 C6 : Cognitive neuroscience of attention / edited by Michael I. Posner.; BJL     
      Cognitive neuroscience of attention / edited by Michael I. Posner. BJL  BOOK c2004
QP 405 N2 : Attention and brain function.; BJL     
      Attention and brain function. BJL  BOOK 1992
QP 405 N4 / q : Neurobiology of attention / edited by Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees, John K. Tsotsos.; BJL     
      Neurobiology of attention / edited by Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees, John K. Tsotsos. BJL  BOOK c2005
QP 405 S3 : Mechanisms of visual attention : a cognitive neuroscience perspective / edited by Werner X. Schneider, Sabine Maasen.; BJL     
      Mechanisms of visual attention : a cognitive neuroscience perspective / edited by Werner X. Schneider BJL  BOOK c1998
QP 406 B8    
      Brain and memory : modulation and mediation of neuroplasticity / edited by James L. McGaugh, Norman M BJL  BOOK 1995
      Brain mechanisms in memory and learning : from the single neuron to man. BJL  BOOK 1979
QP 406 C6 : The cognitive neuroscience of memory : encoding and retrieval / edited by Amanda Parker, Edward L. Wilding and Timothy J. Bussey.; BJL     
      The cognitive neuroscience of memory : encoding and retrieval / edited by Amanda Parker, Edward L. Wi BJL  BOOK 2002
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