Abyssochryssidae : Classification and systematic relationships of the Abyssochrysidae, a relict family of bathyal snails (Prosobranchia:Gastropoda).; Houbrick, Richard S.
Academic Achievement Europe : The formative years of scholars : proceedings from a symposium held at the Haga Forum, Stockholm, 9-11 November 2005 / edited by Ulrich Teichler.
Academic Achievement Evaluation : Optimising new modes of assessment : in search of qualities and standards / edited by Mien Segers, Filip Dochy, and Eduardo Cascallar.
Academic Achievement Netherlands : Gezin en schoolkeuze bij handarbeiders : proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor in Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden...; Vervoort, Cornelis Everhardus,
Academic Achievement New Zealand : Schools making a difference : let's be realistic! : school mix, school effectiveness, and the social limits of reform.; Thrupp, Martin,
Academic Achievement South Africa : Primary education in crisis : why South African schoolchildren underachieve in reading and mathematics / by Brahm Fleisch.; Fleisch, Brahm.
Academic Achievement United States Testing : Designing middle and high school instruction and assessment : using the cognitive domain / John L. Badgett, Edwin P. Christmann.; Badgett, John L.
Academic Art 19th Century Europe : Art and the academy in the nineteenth century / edited by Rafael Cardoso Denis and Colin Trodd.
Academic Costume : Reverendis et eruditis viris in theologia, medicina, et jure civili doctoribus, academiæ Oxoniensis hæc omnium ordinum habituum academicorum exemplaria quâ par est observantia / D.D. Georgius Edwards.; Edwards, George,
Academic Freedom Great Britain Congresses : Education for personal autonomy : an inquiry into the school's resources for furthering the personal development of pupils / edited by H. J. Blackham.
Academic Industrial Collaboration Canada : How corporate business practices are transforming education : case studies of five Canadian secondary schools / Robert E. White.; White, Robert E.,