Agriculture England Midlands History : Champion : the making and unmaking of the English Midland Landscape / Tom Williamson, Robert Liddiard and Tracey Partida.; Williamson, Tom,
Agriculture England Publishing Early Works To 1800 : Whereas Mr. John Houghton, citizen and fellow of the Royal Society of London : hath published three volumes of collections for improvement of husbandry and trade; and before he undertook the last volume, after a mature consideration, inquisition and consultation receiv'd from his good friends the testimonial following.
Agriculture England Southern : Land, power and prestige : Bronze Age field systems in Southern England / David Thomas Yates.; Yates, David Thomas.
Agriculture England Staffordshire : The Staffordshire reports of Andrew Thompson to the Inclosure Commissioners, 1858-68 : landlord investment in Staffordshire agriculture in the mid-nineteenth century / edited by A.D.M. Phillips.; Thompson, Andrew,
Agriculture England Weald Of Kent Early Works To 1800 : The yeomans prerogative, or, The honour of husbandry. : A sermon preached to some, and dedicated to all the yeomen and farmers of Kent. May 27. 1652. By Nathanael Newbury, master in arts, and minister of God's word at Ludenham, in the said county.; Newbury, Nathanael.
Agriculture England Wiltshire History : A landscape revealed : 10,000 years on a chalkland farm / Martin Green ; with a contribution by Michael J. Allen.; Green, Martin,
Agriculture Englandweald Of Kent Early Works To 1800 : The inrichment of the vveald of Kent: or, A direction to the husband-man, for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent and Sussex : and may generally serue for all the grounds in England, of that nature: as, 1. Shewing the nature of all wealdish grounds, comparing it with the soile of the shires at large. 2. Declaring what the marle is, and the seuerall sorts thereof, and where it is vsually found. 3. The profitable use of marle, and other rich manurings, as well in each sort of arable land, as also for the increase of corne and pasture through the kingdome. Painfully gathered for the good of this iland, by a man of great eminence and worth, but revised, inlarged, and corrected with the consent, and by conference with the first author. By Gervase Markham.
Agriculture Ethiopia : Pathways of change in Africa : crops, livestock & livelihoods in Mali, Ethiopia & Zimbabwe / edited by Ian Scoones & William Wolmer.
Agriculture Eurasia Origin : The origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia / edited by David R. Harris.
Agriculture Europe : The Agricultural situation in the European Union : 1998 report.; European Commission.
Agriculture Europe History To 1500 : Changing natures : hunter-gatherers, first farmers and the modern world / Bill Finlayson & Graeme M. Warren.; Finlayson, Bill.
Agriculture Europe Western History : Early medieval settlements : the archaeology of rural communities in Northwest Europe, 400-900.; Hamerow, Helena.
Agriculture European Union : Agricultural policy in the European Economic Community : Britain and the European Market.; Political and Economic Planning.