Agriculture India Assam Economics : Studies in the economics of farm mangement in Nowgong District (Assam) : combined report (1968-69 to 1970-71).; India.
Agriculture India Bombay Finance : Price control and food supply : with special reference to Bombay city / C.N. Vakil, J.J. Anjaria, D.T. Lakdawala.; Vakil, Chandulal Nagindas.
Agriculture Italy Piedmont : Agricoltura, industria e commercio in Piemonte dal 1814 al 1848.; Bulferetti, Luigi.
Agriculture Italy Sicily : Untersuchungen zum Naturpotential in Südost-Sizilien, im Hinblick auf ihre Bedeutung für die agrare Landnutzung.; Gerold, Gerhard.
Agriculture Mali : Pathways of change in Africa : crops, livestock & livelihoods in Mali, Ethiopia & Zimbabwe / edited by Ian Scoones & William Wolmer.
Agriculture Mexico : Campaigns against hunger / E. C. Stakman, Richard Bradfield, Paul C. Mangelsdorf.; Stakman, Elvin Charles.
Agriculture Middle East History To 1500 : Changing natures : hunter-gatherers, first farmers and the modern world / Bill Finlayson & Graeme M. Warren.; Finlayson, Bill.
Agriculture Nepal Economics : Social relations and agricultural production in Nepal's Terai. by D. Feldman and A. Fournier. : Journal of Peasant studies, v. 3, no. 4, 1976. : Development studies / by D. Feldman and A. Fournier.; Feldman, David Jonathan Peretz.
Agriculture Origin Congresses : The widening harvest : the Neolithic transition in Europe : looking back, looking forward / edited by Albert J. Ammerman and Paolo Biagi.
Agriculture Papua New Guinea Trobriand Islands : Coral gardens and their magic : a study of the methods of tilling the soil and of agricultural rites in the Trobriand Islands.; Malinowski, Bronislaw,