Agriculture And Politics Europe : Fascist pigs [electronic resource] : technoscientific organisms and the history of fascism / Tiago Saraiva.; Saraiva, Tiago,
Agriculture And State Bangladesh : Sonar Bangla? : agricultural growth and agrarian change in west Bengal and Bangladesh / edited by Ben Rogaly, Barbara Harriss-White, Sugata Bose.
Agriculture And State China Congresses : Rural development in transitional China : the new agriculture / edited by Peter Ho, Jacob Eyferth, Eduard B. Vermeer.; European Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China
Agriculture And State Cuba : Sustainable agriculture and food security in an era of oil scarcity : lessons from Cuba / Julia Wright.; Wright, Julia.
Agriculture And State Denmark : Policy networks under pressure : pollution control, policy reform and the power of farmers.; Daugbjerg, Carsten.
Agriculture And State Europe Case Studies : Structural reform measures in agriculture : report adopted by the Committee of Agriculture and by the OECD Council.; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Agriculture And State India West Bengal : Sonar Bangla? : agricultural growth and agrarian change in west Bengal and Bangladesh / edited by Ben Rogaly, Barbara Harriss-White, Sugata Bose.
Agriculture And State Jamaica : Report / Jamaica Agricultural Policy Committee.; Jamaica, Agricultural Policy Committee.
Agriculture And State Malaysia : An assessment of farmers' participation in integrated agricultural development projects in peninsular Malaysia.; Bahaman Abu Samah.
Agriculture And State New Zealand : Reforming EU farm policy : lessons from New Zealand / R.W.M. Johnson with a commentary by Richard Howarth.; Johnson, R. W. M.
Agriculture And State United States Congresses : The Vanishing Farmland Crisis Critical Views of the Movement to Preserve Agricultural Land / ed. by John Baden. Publ. for the Political Economy Research Center.
Agriculture And State Vietnam : The power of everyday politics : how Vietnamese peasants transformed national policy.; Kerkvliet, Benedict J. Tria.