Algae United States : Northeast Algal Society keys to the benthic marine algae of the North Eastern coast of North America from Long Island sound to the Strait of Belle Isle / edited by James R Sears.
Algal Blooms Monitoring : Use of algae for monitoring rivers III : proceedings of an international symposium held at the Agence de l'Eau Artois-Picardie, Douai, France, 29 September - 1 October 1997 / edited by J. Prygiel, B.A. Whitton and J. Bukowska.
Algebra Boolean : Boolean systems / Douglas Kaye.; Kaye, Douglas.
Algebra Computer Assisted Instruction : The state of computer algebra in mathematics education / a report of the international symposium on computer algebra in mathematics education held in Hawaii, August 1995 ; edited by John Berry ... [et al.].
Algebra Finite Fields : Arithmetic of diagonal hypersurfaces over finite fields / Fernando Q. Gouvêa & Noriko Yui.; Gouvea, Fernando Q.
Algebra Graphic Methods : The geometrical key, or, The gate of equations unlock'd : a new discovery of the construction of all equations, howsoever affected, not exceeding the fourth degree, viz., of linears, quadratics, cubics, biquadratics ... / by Tho. Baker.; Baker, Thomas,
Algebra History : Griechische Logistik und die Entstehung der Algebra English.; Klein, Jacob,
Algebra Homological Abstracts : Reviews of papers in algebraic and differential topology topological groups and homological algebra / classified by N.E. Steenrod.
Algebra Study And Teaching Secondary England : Algebra : children's strategies and errors : a report of the Strategies and Errors in Secondary Mathematics Project.; Booth, Lesley R.
Algebra Universal Congresses : Proceedings of the Conference on Universal Algebra, October 1969.; Conference on Universal Algebra
Algebraic Fields : Rings, modules, and homology : chapters I and II / by Maurice Auslander ; based on lectures given by M. Auslander during 1959-60, written by J.D.Sally.; Auslander, Maurice.
Algebraic Topology Abstracts : Reviews of papers in algebraic and differential topology topological groups and homological algebra / classified by N.E. Steenrod.
Algebraic Topology Congresses : Symposium on Algebraic Topology / edited by Peter J. Hilton.; Symposium on Algebraic Topology
Algebras Linear Textbooks : Linear algebra : concepts and methods / Martin Anthony and Michele Harvey, Department of Mathematics, The London School of Economics and Political Science.; Anthony, Martin.
Algeria : France in Tunis and Algeria : studies of colonial administration / by W. Basil Worsfold.; Worsfold, W. Basil
Algeria 19th 20th Centuries : Le mouvement revolutionnaire en Algerie de la 1re Guerre mondiale a 1954 : essai sur la formation du mouvement national.; Mahsas, Ahmed.
Algeria Bibliography : Bibliographie de l'Algérie indépendante / Christopher Boyer, Benjamin Stora.; Boyer, Christopher.
Algeria Colonization : Le peuplement, italien en Tunisie et en Algérie.; Loth, Gaston.