Algebraic Fields : Rings, modules, and homology : chapters I and II / by Maurice Auslander ; based on lectures given by M. Auslander during 1959-60, written by J.D.Sally.; Auslander, Maurice.
Algebraic Topology Abstracts : Reviews of papers in algebraic and differential topology topological groups and homological algebra / classified by N.E. Steenrod.
Algebraic Topology Congresses : Symposium on Algebraic Topology / edited by Peter J. Hilton.; Symposium on Algebraic Topology
Algebras Linear Textbooks : Linear algebra : concepts and methods / Martin Anthony and Michele Harvey, Department of Mathematics, The London School of Economics and Political Science.; Anthony, Martin.
Algeria : France in Tunis and Algeria : studies of colonial administration / by W. Basil Worsfold.; Worsfold, W. Basil
Algeria 19th 20th Centuries : Le mouvement revolutionnaire en Algerie de la 1re Guerre mondiale a 1954 : essai sur la formation du mouvement national.; Mahsas, Ahmed.
Algeria Bibliography : Bibliographie de l'Algérie indépendante / Christopher Boyer, Benjamin Stora.; Boyer, Christopher.
Algeria Colonization : Le peuplement, italien en Tunisie et en Algérie.; Loth, Gaston.
Algeria Commerce Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : By the King, a proclamation, requiring all ships and vessels, trading from the plantations in the way of the Algerines, to furnish themselves with passes..; Great Britain.
Algeria Foreign Relations France Early Works To 1800 : The speech of Hadgi Giafer Aga embassador from the Divan of Algier to His most Christian Majesty at Versailes. : Together with the French kings answer to the said embassador.; Ja'far Aghā,
Algeria Foreign Relations Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : A letter written by the governour of Algiers, to the States-General of the United Provinces of the Low-Counteys [sic], &c. in relation to the signing the peace concluded between them; Algeria.
Algeria History 1990 : Algeria : anger of the dispossessed / Martin Evans and John Phillips.; Evans, Martin,
Algeria History 1990 Bibliography : Bibliographie de l'Algérie indépendante / Christopher Boyer, Benjamin Stora.; Boyer, Christopher.
Algeria History English Expedition 1620 1621 Early Works To 180 : Algiers voyage in a iournall or briefe reportary of all occurrents hapning in the fleet of ships sent out by the King his most excellent Maiestie : as well against the pirates of Algiers, as others: the whole body of the fleete consisting of 18. sayle. Viz. Sixe of his Maiesties ships. Ten marchants ships. Two pinnaces. Vnder the command of Sir Robert Mansel knight, Vice-admirall of England, and Admirall of that fleet: and a councell of warre appointed by his Maiestie. The accidents of euery particular moneth (since the first setting forth) being in this discouery, expressed by one that went along in the voyage.; I. B.,