Allen William 1532 1594 Copie Of A Letter Written By M Doctor Allen : A briefe discouerie of Doctor Allens seditious drifts : contriued in a pamphlet written by him, concerning the yeelding vp of the towne of Deuenter, (in Ouerrissel) vnto the king of Spain, by Sir William Stanley. The contentes whereof are particularly set downe in the page following.; G. D.
Allen William 1532 1594 Defense And Declaration Of The Catholike Ch : Tvvo treatises written against the papistes : the one being an answere of the Christian Protestant to the proud challenge of a popish Catholicke: the other a confutation of the popish churches doctrine touching purgatory & prayers for the dead: by William Fulke Doctor in diuinitie.; Fulke, William,
Allen William 1532 1594 Treatise Made In Defence Of The Lauful Powe : [A treatise against the Defense of the censure, giuen upon the bookes of W.Charke and Meredith Hanmer, by an unknowne popish traytor : in maintenance of the seditious challenge of Edmond Campion ... Hereunto are adjoyned two treatises, written by D.Fulke ... ]
Allen William 1686 Answer To Mr J G His Xl Queries : VVater-dipping no firm footing for Church-communion: or Considerations proving it not simply lawful, but necessary also (in point of duty) for persons baptized after the new mode of dipping, to continue communion with those churches, or imbodied societies of saints, of which they were members before the said dipping; and that to betray their trust or faith given unto Jesus Christ to serve him in the relation and capacity, whether of officers, or other members, in these churches (respectively) by deserting these churches, is a sin highly provoking in the sight of God. Together with a post-script touching the pretended Answer to the Forty queries about Church-communion, infant and after baptism. By John Goodwin, a servant of God in the Gospel of his dear Son.; Goodwin, John,
Allen William 1686 Danger Of Enthusiasm Discovered : Enthusiasm above atheism, or, Divine inspiration and immediate illumination (by God Himself) asserted : and the children of light vindicated : in answer to a book entituled, The danger of enthusiasm discovered / by George Whitehead.; Whitehead, George,
Allen William 1686 Some Baptismal Abuses Briefly Discovered : Cata-baptism: or new baptism, waxing old, and ready to vanish away. : In two parts. The former containes LVIII. considerations, (with their respective proofs, and consectaries) pregnant for the healing of the common scruples touching the subject of baptism, and manner of baptizing. The latter, contains an answer to a discours against infant-baptism, published not long since by W.A. under the title of, Some baptismall abuses brielfy discovered, &c. In both, sundry things, not formerly insisted on, are discovered and discussed. / By J.G. a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.; Goodwin, John,
Alliances Early Works To 1800 : A brief enquiry into leagues and confederacies made betwixt princes & nations, with the nature of their obligation : composed in the year 1673, when England and France were confederates in a common war against Holland, and England made a separate peace with Holland, leaving France engaged in the war / by Sr. P.M.; P. M.,
Alliances Poetry : The loving ballad to Brother Johnathan. / By Martin F. Tupper ...; Tupper, Martin Farquhar,