Arab Spring 2010 Influence : The struggle for influence in the Middle East : the Arab uprisings and foreign assistance / edited by Federica Bicchi, Benoit Challand and Steven Heydemann.
Arabia Southern History : The Portuguese off the South Arabian coast : Hadrami Chronicles.; Serjeant, R. B.
Arabian American Oil Company : Aramco, the United States and Saudi Arabia : a study of the dynamics of foreign oil policy, 1933 - 1950.; Anderson, Irvine H.
Arabian Peninsula Antiquities : Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century [microform] / by H.V. Hilprecht ; with the co-operation of Dr. Benzinger... [et al.].; Hilprecht, H. V.
Arabian Peninsula History 20th Century : Buraimi : the struggle for power, influence and oil in Arabia / Michael Quentin Morton.; Morton, Michael Quentin.
Arabian Peninsula Relations Great Britain : Britain's departure from Aden and South Arabia : without glory but without disaster / edited by Noel Brehony and Clive Jones.
Arabian Peninsular Relations India : Athens, Aden, Arikamedu : essays on the interrelations between India, Arabia, and the Eastern Mediterranean / edited by Marie-Françoise Boussac, Jean-François Salles.
Arabic Afrikaans Dialect : The Afrikaans of the Cape Muslims from 1815 to 1915 / Achmat Davids ; edited by Hein Willemse and Suleman E. Dangor.; Davids, Achmat.
Arabic Afrikaans Dialect History : The Afrikaans of the Cape Muslims from 1815 to 1915 / Achmat Davids ; edited by Hein Willemse and Suleman E. Dangor.; Davids, Achmat.
Arabic Language Dictionaries English Early Works To 1700 : Mahomet vnmasked. Or a discoverie of the manifold forgeries, falshoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mahomet. : With a demonstration of the insufficiencie of his law, contained in the cursed Alcoran / written long since in Arabicke: and now done into English by William Bedwell. ; Whereunto is annexed The Arabian trudgman, interpreting certaine Arabicke termes vsed by historians. Together with an index of the chapters of the Alkoran, for the vnderstanding of the confutation of the booke..
Arabic Language Dictionaries English Early Works To 1800 : Mohammedis imposturæ: that is, A discouery of the manifold forgeries, falshoods, and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed : with a demonstration of the insufficiencie of his law, contained in the cursed Alkoran; deliuered in a conference had betweene two Mohametans, in their returne from Mecha. Written long since in Arabicke, and now done into English by William Bedwell. Whereunto is annexed the Arabian trudgman, interpreting certaine Arabicke termes vsed by historians: together with an index of the chapters of the Alkoran, for the vnderstanding of the confutations of that booke.
Arabic Language Dictionaries French : Dictionnaire arabe-français-anglais : langue classique et moderne = Arabic-French-English dictionary / par Régis Blachère, Moustafa Chouémi et Claude Denizeau.; Blachere, Régis.
Arabic Language Study And Teaching Early Works To 1800 : Introductio ad lectionem linguarum orientalium: : Hebraicæ Chaldaicæ Samaritanæ Syricæ Arabicæ Persicæ Aethiopicæ Armenæ Coptæ consilium de earum studio fœliciter instituendo, & de libris quos in hunc finem fibi comparare debent studiosi ...; Walton, Brian,
Arabic Language Translating : Language, discourse, and translation in the West and Middle East / edited by Robert De Beaugrande, Abdulla Shunnaq, Mohamed Helmy Heliel.