Arundel Marbles : Marmora Oxoniensia ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis, aliisque conflata / recensuit & perpetuo commentario explicavit Humphridus Prideaux ... ; appositis ad eorum nonnulla Seldeni & Lydiati annotationibus accessit Sertorii Ursati Patavini De notis Romanorum commentarius.; Prideaux, Humphrey,
Arundel Marbles Early Works To 1800 : Marmora Oxoniensia, ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis, aliisque conflata. : Recensuit, & perpetuo commentario explicavit, Humphridus Prideaux aedis Christi alumnus. Appositis ad eorum nonnulla Seldeni & Lydiati annotationibus. Accessit Sertorii Ursati Patavini De notis Romanorum commentarius.; Prideaux, Humphrey,
Arundell Of Wardour Thomas Arundell Baron Approximately 1560 1639 : A discharge of five imputations of mis-allegations, falsly charged upon the (now) Bishop of Duresme, by an English baron : Shewing, that no solid or reall answer is to be expected, from the Romish party, to his late booke (against their Masse) so greatly maligned by them.; Morton, Thomas,
Arundell Warner : Warner Arundell : the adventures of a creole / E.L. Joseph ; edited by Lise Winer ; with annotations and an introduction by Bridget Brereton ... [et al.].; Joseph, Edward Lanzer
Arusha African People : Disputes and negotiations : a cross-cultural perspective.; Gulliver, Philip Hugh.
Arusha National Park Tanzania : Imposing wilderness : struggles over livelihood and nature preservation in Africa.; Neumann, Roderick P.,
Aryanization Austria : "Arisierungen", beschlagnahmte Vermögen, Rückstellungen und Entschädigungen. Bd. 1. "Arisierungen", beschlagnahmte Vermögen, Rückstellungen und Entschädigungen in Oberösterreich / Daniela Ellmauer, Michael John, Regina Thumser
Aryanization Congresses : Robbery and restitution : the conflict over Jewish property in Europe / edited by Martin Dean, Constantin Goschler, and Philipp Ther.
Asbestos Toxicology : Malignant pleural mesothelioma / edited by Kenneth O'Byrne and Valerie Rusch.
Asbury Francis 1745 1816 : The journal and letters / Elmer T. Clark, editor-in-chief ; J. Manning Potts, Jacob S. Payton [sub-editors].; Asbury, Francis,
Ascension Day : Christ's ascension into heaven asserted and practically improved : in several sermons / by Joseph Hallet ... whereunto is added by way of preface some account of the pious author.; Hallet, Joseph,
Ascension Ship Early Works To 1800 : A letter vvritten to the right vvorshipfull the Gouernours and assistants of the East Indian marchants in London : containing the estate of the East Indian fleete, with the names of the chiefe men of note dead in the voyage.
Asceticism Psychology : The ascetic self : subjectivity, memory and tradition / Gavin Flood.; Flood, Gavin D.,
Asceticism Sermons Early Works To 1800 : The mortified Christian shewing the nature, signes, necessity and difficulty of true mortification : Resolving divers cases about secret and bosome sins. With a discovery of sincerity: and speciall helps against mens speciall corruptions. By that faithfull minister of Christ Mr. Christopher Love, late minister of Lawrence Jury, London.; Love, Christopher,
Asch Sholem 1880 1957 : The Christianity of Sholem Asch : an appraisal from the Jewish viewpoint.; Lieberman, Chaim.
Asch Solomon : Conformity [electronic resource] / Written by Betsy Sparrow, Ph.D.
Ascham Antony 1650 : The process, and pleadings in the court of Spain upon the death of Anthonie Ascham resident for the Parliament of England, and of John Baptista Riva his interpreter, : who were kill'd by John Guillim, William Spark, Valentine Progers, Jo. Halsal, William Arnet, Henrie Progers. Who are all in close prison in Madrid for the said fact, except Henry Progers, who fled to the Venetian ambassador's hous, and so escaped. / Sent from Madrid from a person of qualitie and made English.; Hierro, Agustín de,
Ascham Antony 1650 Bounds And Bonds Of Publique Obedience : Discolliminium. Or, A most obedient reply to a late book, called, Bounds & bonds, so farre as concerns the first demurrer and no further. : Or rather a reply to bounds onely, leaving bonds to the second demurrer and grand casuist. / By B:.; Ward, Nathaniel,
Ascham Antony 1650 Original And End Of Civil Power : A vindication of Dr. Hammonds addresse &c. from the exceptions of Eutactus Philodemius, in two particulars : concerning [brace] the power supposed in the Jew over his owne freedom, the no-power over a mans own life ; together with a briefe reply to Mr. Iohn Goodwins Gbeisodikai, as far as concernes Dr. Hammond.; Hammond, Henry,
Ascham Roger : Minor Elizabethans.; Johnson, Robert Carl.