Ballantyne James 1772 1833 : Refutation of the mistatements [sic] and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's life of Sir Walter Scott ...
Ballarat Vic Gold Discoveries : The Welsh in an Australian gold town : Ballarat, Victoria, 1850-1900 / Robert Llewellyn Tyler.; Tyler, Robert Llewellyn.
Ballard George Active 1620 : Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. : to all and singuler archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deanes and their officials ... greeting : whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand ... that our poore distressed subiects George Ballard, Iohn Bridgman, and Alice Hughes, widdow ...; England and Wales.
Ballard John 1586 : A proper newe ballad declaring the substaunce of all the late pretended treasons against the Queenes Maiestie, and estates of this realme : by sundry traytors who were executed in Lincolnes-Inne fielde on the 20 and 21 daies of September, 1586 : to Wilsons new tune.; Nelson, Thomas,
Ballast Ships Early Works To 1800 : A true state of the case, in reference to the right of the Corporation of Trinity-House to the ballast-office..
Ballast Ships England Early Works To 1800 : By the King. : A proclamation for cleansing the riuer of Thames of shelues and annoyances, and for ballasting of ships with the sand and grauell thereof.; England and Wales.
Balle William : The Petitioners Case. : Tho. Vernon, Esq;. and Will. Balle, Esq; [bracket] petitioners. Fred. Herne, Esq; Nath. Herne, Esq; [bracket] sitting members. Touching the election for Dartmouth.; Vernon, Thomas,
Ballendine Lord : To His Grace, His Majesties High Commissioner: and the right honourable lords of their Majesties thesaurie and exchequer. : William Clieland Usher--Depute, humbly sheweth, ...; Clieland, William.
Ballet Dancers France Biography Exhibitions : Feminine futures : Valentine de Saint-Point : performance, danse, guerre, politique et érotisme = performance, dance, war, politics and eroticism / sous la direction de commissaire de l'exposition editor, curator Adrien Sina ; texts, Adrien Sina ... [et al.].
Ballet Dancers Italy Biography : The grotesque dancer on the eighteenth-century stage : Gennaro Magri and his world / edited by Rebecca Harris-Warrick and Bruce Alan Brown.
Ballet Dancers United States Biography : Prodigal son : dancing for Balanchine in a world of pain and magic / Edward Villella with Larry Kaplan.; Villella, Edward,
Ballet Denmark : Of another world : dancing between dream and reality : festschrift presented to Professor Emer. Erik Aschengreen, edited by Monna Dithmer.
Ballet Italy History 18th Century : The grotesque dancer on the eighteenth-century stage : Gennaro Magri and his world / edited by Rebecca Harris-Warrick and Bruce Alan Brown.