Blogg Henry : Henry Blogg of Cromer : the greatest of the lifeboat-men.; Jolly, Cyril.
Bloggers Economic Conditions : (Not) getting paid to do what you love : gender, social media, and aspirational work / Brooke Erin Duffy.; Duffy, Brooke Erin,
Blogs Economic Aspects : (Not) getting paid to do what you love : gender, social media, and aspirational work / Brooke Erin Duffy.; Duffy, Brooke Erin,
Blogs Political Aspects Malaysia : Blogging and democratization in Malaysia : a new civil society in the making / Jun-E Tan and Zawawi Ibrahim.; Tan, Jun-E.,
Blogs United States : Special plans : the blogs on Douglas Feith & the faulty intelligence that led to war / selected and introduced by Allison Hantschel.
Blois France Parks : Hortus regius Blesensis auctus : cum notulis durationis & charactismis plantarum tam additarum quam non scriptarum : item plantarum in eodem horto regio Blesensi aucto contentarum nemini hucusque scriptarum brevis & succincta delineatio : quibus accessêre observationes generaliores (plantarum in eodem horto regio Blesensi aucto contentarum) rei herbariae studiosis valdè necessariae & cognitu perutiles : praeludiorum botanicorum pars prior.; Morison, Robert,
Blome Richard 1705 Description Of The Cities Of London And Westminster : William the Third, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all the nobility and gentry of our kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all other our loving subjects of what degree and quality soever, greeting. : Whereas Richard Blome of London Gent. our cosmographical printer, hath represented unto us, that he hath undertaken the printing a new survey, or description of our cities of London and Westminster, with the liberties and parts adjacent; as also of the several American plantations ...; England and Wales.
Blome Richard 1705 Fanatick History : A short answer to a book called The fanatick history : published with the approbation of divers orthodox divines (so called) and dedicated to the king by Richard Blome (against the Quakers) : which being examined and tried, is found to be a packet of old lies, many of which was seven years since presented to the Little Parliament, and since to other parliaments and protectors, which by us was answered and confuted in the year 1653 many other lies and false reports is gathered up since by them, which herein is answered and disproved : and herein also is a short relation of the twelve changes of governments which have bin in this nation in those eight years, under all of which we have suffered and been persecuted for that truth, which we yet stand witnesses for, against all its opposers / Richard Hubberthorne ; James Nayler.; Hubberthorn, Richard,
Blome Richard 1705 Fanatick History Or An Exact Relation And Account Of : A short ansvver to a book called the Fanatick history: : published with the approbation of divers orthodox divines (so called) and dedicated to the King by Richard Blome. (Against the Quakers·) Which being examined and tried, is found to be a packet of old lies, many of which was seven years since presented to the Little Parliament: and since to other Parliaments and Protectors: which by us was answered and confuted in the year 1653. many other lies and false reports is gathered up since by them: which herein is answered and disproved. And herein also is a short relation of the twelve changes of governments which have bin in this nation in those eight yeares, under all of which we have suffered and been persecuted for that truth, which we yet stand witnesses for against all its opposers. / Richard Hubberthorne. ; James Nayler.; Hubberthorn, Richard,
Blomfield Charles James 1786 1857 : From the Reformation to the permissive society : a miscellany in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library / edited by Melanie Barber and Stephen Taylor with Gabriel Sewell.
Blondeau Peter : The ansvver of the Corporation of Moniers in the mint, at the Tower of London, to two false and scandalous libells printed at London, and lately come forth without date. : The first intituled, The humble representation of Peter Blondeau, as a warning touching severall disorders hapning by money ill-favouredly coyned, and the only means to prevent them. The second intituled, A most humble memorandum from Peter Blondeau. Which not only intends maliciously to sandall [sic] us the Corporation of Moniers, of the Common-wealth of England : but also most falsly to imprint in the hearts and mindes of all people in Christendome, and more especially the good people under the obedience of the Parliament of England; that ... the moneys of the of this Common-Wealth ... are not justly made ... Set forth to undeceive all the good people that have seen or read the said Peter Blondeau's false and scandalous libells.; Corporation of Moniers in the Mint (London, England)
Blondel David 1591 1655 : Vindiciae epistolarum S. Ignatii / autore Joanne Pearson ... ; accesserunt Isaaci Vossii Epistolae duae adversus David Blondellum.; Pearson, John,
Blood Accusation England Early Works To 1800 : The Case of the Jevves stated: Or, The Jewes synagogue opened. : With their preparations in the morning before they go thither, and their doings at night when they come home: Their practices in their synagogues and some select actings of theirs in England, upon record.
Blood Accusation Europe History : Blood libel : the ritual murder accusation at the limit of Jewish history / Hannah R. Johnson.; Johnson, Hannah R.,
Blood Analysis Early Works To 1800 : The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases farther asserted : being an answer to some objections raised against it by Dr. F. Tuthill ... : in which are contained some things relating to the history of blood : as also an attempt to prove what life / by John Colbatch ...; Colbatch, John,
Blood Cells Early Works To 1800 : Disputatio medica inauguralis de sanguificatione. : Quam praeside Deo opt. max. ex authoritate magnifici rectoris, D. Theodori Ryckii ... Nec non amplissimi senatûs academici consensu, & almae facultatis medicae decreto, pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus & privilegiis ritè ac legitimè consequendis, publico examini subjicit Nicolaus vander Kappen, Amstelod.-Batav. Ad diem 28 Maji, loco horisque solitis.; Kappen, Nicolaus van der,
Blood Circulation Artificial Instruments : Mechanical circulatory support : principles and applications / [edited by] David L. Joyce, Lyle D. Joyce, Matthias Loebe.