Brigands And Robbers Great Britain Early Works To 1800 : An act for the better suppressing of theft upon the borders of England and Scotland, : and for discovery of high-way men and other felons. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, an. Dom. 1656.; England and Wales.
Brigands And Robbers Great Britain History : British outlaws of literature and history : essays on medieval and early modern figures from Robin Hood to Twm Shon Catty / edited by Alexander L. Kaufman.
Brigands And Robbers Legal Status Laws Etc Great Britain Early Works To : An act for the better suppressing of theft upon the borders of England and Scotland, and for discovery of highway men and other felons. : At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the 17th day of September, An. Dom. 1656.; England and Wales.
Brigands And Robbers Nigeria : Armed banditry in Nigeria [electronic resource] / evolution, dynamics, and trajectories / edited by John Sunday Ojo, Folahanmi Aina, Samuel Oyewole.
Brigands And Robbers Scotland : A proclamation anent some rebels, robbers, fugitives, and thieves, who are, or have been, lately in arms in the braes of Lochaber; Scotland.
Brigands And Robbers United States Biography : Jesse James : the life, times, and treacherous death of the most infamous outlaw of all time / by Frank Triplett.; Triplett, Frank.
Briggate England Maps : Norfolk [cartographic material] : sheet TG 32 NW.; Great Britain.
Brigges Agnes : The disclosing of a late counterfeyted possession by the deuyl in two maydens within the citie of London
Briggs Augustine : London, March 3, 1681 : the citizens of Norvvich presented this follovving address to the Lord Paston, and Augustine Briggs, Esquire, members chosen by them, to serve in the Parliament at Oxford, after it has passed the Common Seal of the city.
Briggs Henry 1561 1630 : Tables of interest· : Whereby questions of interest or use of money, and valuations of pruchases, leases, annuities, or pensions for yeares or moneths, at 5, 6, 7, and 8 in the hundred, and according to 13, 14, 15, and 16 yeares purchase, may with greater ease be answered, then by any other tables here-tofore published. Written and printed in Dutch: but the description and use of them, here set out in English, so as any that understands not the Dutch tongue, may without difficulty make use of them. By Ri. Lever. These tables have beene carefully examined both by other tables of the same kind, and Mr. Briggs logarithmes, and thereby found true.; Lever, Richard,
Briggs Henry 1561 1630 Arithmetica Logarithmica : A nevv booke of gauging : Very usefull and necessary for all vintners, salters, bruers, coopers, and all others that deale in liquid commodities, in all cities, and townes through-out the whole kingdome. Whereby any one that can but adde and subtract may (by a ruler of foure foote long, having one side divided into inches, and each inch divided into ten parts) very easily and exactly gauge any wine, oile, ale or beere vessell, according to that taught by that famous geometrician of worthie memorie, M. Henry Briggs in his treatise of Arithmetica logarithmica. By Henry Bond, practitioner in the mathematicks, and reader of navigation to the mariners of the Kings Maiesties Navy at Chattam.; Bond, Henry.
Briggs John : A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Capt. John Briggs at Dunstable, March 23, 1694/5 / by Thomas Harrison.; Harrison, Thomas.
Briggs Thomas Approximately 1610 1685 : An account of some of the travels and sufferings of that faithful servant of the Lord, Thomas Briggs : and also several testimonies concerning his faithfulness to the Lord and diligence in his service till death.; Briggs, Thomas,
Briggs William 1642 1704 : The memorial of Doctor William Briggs, relating to St. Thomas's Hospital, &c..
Bright Edward D 1656 : Moses his death: : opened and applyed, in a sermon at Christ-Church in London, Decemb. 23. MDCLVI. at the funeral of Mr. Edward Bright, M.A. Fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and minister of the Gospel there. / By Samuel Jacombe M.A. Fellow of Queens Colledge in Cambridge, and pastor of Mary Woolnoth, Lumbardstreet, London. With some elegies.; Jacombe, Samuel,
Brightman Thomas 1562 1607 Judgement Or Prophesies What Shall Befal : A revelation of Mr. Brightmans revelation, : wherein is shewed, how all that which Mr. Brightman on the revelation, hath fore-told concerning Germany, Scotland, and England, hath beene fulfilled, and is yet a fulfilling, comparing his writings, and our times together. In a dialogue betweene a minister of the gospell, and a citizen of London, whereby it is manifest, that Mr. Brightman was a true prophet.
Brightman Thomas 1562 1607 Revelation Of The Apocalyps : An advertisement to everie Godly reader of Mr. Thomas Brightman his book. namely [sic], A revelation of the apocalyps. In which advertisement is shewed how corruptly he teacheth, that notwithstanding all the sinns & abhominations that are in the Church of England, and by him shewed, yet that it is blasphemous to separate from it; L'Écluse, Jean de.
Brightman Thomas 1562 1607 Reverend Mr Brightmans Iudgement Or Prop : A revelation of Mr. Brigtmans [sic] revelation : wherein is shewed how all that which Mr. Brightman on the revelation hath fore-told concerning Germany, Scotland, and England, hath beene fulfilled, and is yet a fulfilling : comparing his writings and our times together : in a dialogue betweene a minister of the gospell, and a citizen of London, whereby it is manifest that Mr. Brightman was a true prophet.
Brighton England : Homophobia [electronic resource] / by Annie Kossoff
Brighton England Buildings Structures Etc Guidebooks : Sussex. East : with Brighton and Hove / by Nicholas Antram and Nikolaus Pevsner ; with contributions by Charles O'Brien and Richard Morrice.; Antram, Nicholas,