Cark England Maps : [Lancashire] [cartographic material] : sheet SD 37 NE.; Great Britain.
Carl Elector Palatine 1651 1685 : A Congratulatory poem upon the arrival of His Electoral Highness the Prince Palatine of the Rhine : nephew to his Highness Prince Rupert.
Carl Gustaf Brig : Briggen Carl Gustaf 1875-1889 : under österbottniska segel i ångans tidevarv / med företal och kommentarer av Christoffer H. Ericsson.; Norrvik, Christer.
Carlam Hill Farm England Maps : [Carlam Hill Farm [cartographic material] : Yorkshire, East Riding 211.15].; Great Britain.
Carleill Christopher 1551 1593 : A breef and sommarie discourse vpon the entended voyage to the hethermoste partes of America: / Written by Captaine Carleill in Aprill 1583. for the better inducement to satisfie suche marchauntes of the Moscouian Companie and others, as in disburcyng their money towardes the furniture of the present charge: doe demaunde forthwith a present returne of gaine: albeit their saied perticuler disburcements are required but in verie slender sommes: The highest beeyng twentie and fiue pounde. The second at twelve pound ten shillynges. And y[e] lowest at sixe pound fiue shillinges.; Carleill, Christopher,
Carleson Lennart : Festschrift in honour of Lennart Carleson and Yngve Domar : proceedings of a conference at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, May 1993 / organizer: Matts Essen ; editor: Anders Vretblad.
Carleton George 1559 1628 : Romphaiopheros = the sword-bearer. Or, The Byshop of Chichester's armes emblazoned : in a sermon preached at a synod by T.V. B. of D. sometimes fellow of Queenes Colledge in Oxford, and now pastor of the church at Cockfield in Southsex.; Vicars, Thomas,
Carleton Tho Thomas : The confider in falshood confounded. : Being an answer to an abusive book lately published by William Wright of Dublin, against Thomas Carleton his tenant in the first place: And Will. Edmondson, John Burnyet, Abraham Fuller, and Franc. Randall, arbitrators, in the second place; equally chosen to end some difference between the said William Wright and Thomas Carleton, &c.; Carleton, Tho.
Carleton Thomas 1636 1684 : The memory of that faithful servant of the Lord Thomas Carleton, reviv'd. : Being a collection of several of his vvritings in the ensuing volume as a testimony of his zeal for promoting the blessed truth and establishing of Friends therein. : Also some testimonies concerning his faithfulness and perseverance in the way of the Lord, unto the finishing of his course here with joy, which was the 18th day of the ninth month, 1684.; Carleton, Thomas,
Carlisle England Church History Sources 19th Century : The Diocese of Carlisle, 1814-1855 : Chancellor Walter Fletcher's 'Diocesan book', with additional material from Bishop Percy's parish notebooks / edited by Jane Platt.; Church of England.
Carlisle England History : Carlisle & its corporation / lecture by R. S. Ferguson ... Mayor of Carlisle. Delivered to the Carlisle Scientific Society on Tuesday March 7th 1882.
Carlisle England History 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A letter from an eminent person in the northerne army: : how Sunday night, March 5. 1647. a party of horse and foot came to the wals of Carlile, and having ladders, entred the castle, broke open the gaole, wounded the governour, let out the prisoners, and retreated into Scotland. With the proceedings of the Parliament in Scotland. Also a letter concerning the Lord Inchequin March 13. 1647. Imprimatur Gil. Mabbot.; Eminent person in the northerne army.
Carlisle England History Siege 1644 Early Works To 1800 : A true copie of the articles whereupon Carlisle was deliver'd June 8. 1645. : after it had beene block't up a whole yeare and three weekes, and endured 42 weekes close siege.
Carlisle James Hay Earl Of Approximately 1612 1660 : A declaration by James Earl of Carlile, Lord of the Caribee Islands, or province of Carliola. Manifesting his care of, and affection to, the good and welfare of the inhabitants of the island of Barbadoes, and of all other people under his government.; Carlisle, James Hay,
Carlo I Duca Di Mantova 1580 1637 : A relation of the novv present warres, betweene the illustrious L. Charles Emanuel, D. of Sauoy, Piedmont, &c. and the L. Cardinal of Mantua, D. of Montserrat; seconded by the King of Spaine : The Emperors decree, and the Duke of Sauoy his letter to the Emperor, wherein the whole occasion of the warres is briefly declared. Translated out of the Latin copie.; Charles Emmanuel
Carlos Prince Of Asturias : Don Carlos y Felipe II / traduccion [del frances], exordium, tablas cronologicas ... A. Escarpizo.; Gachard, Louis Prosper.
Carlton Communications : Carlton Communications Plc and Granada Group PLC and United News and Media plc : a report on the three proposed mergers / Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry by the Command of Her Majesty, July 2000.; Great Britain.
Carlton England Maps : Carlton & Elston [cartographic material].; Great Britain.