Carolingians Historiography : History, Frankish identity and the framing of Western ethnicity, 550-850 / Helmut Reimitz, Princeton University.; Reimitz, Helmut,
Carols 18th Century : The sinner's redemption: : wherein is discovered the nativity of our blessed Lord and saviour Jesus Christ; together with his life on earth, and death upon the cross for all mankind. To the tune of, My bleeding heart.
Carols English 18th Century : Four choice carols for Christmas holidays. : Carol I. On Christmas-Day. Carol II. On St. Stephen's-Day. Carol III. On St. John's-Day. Carol IV. On Innocent's-Day. Being very necessary and proper to be had in all Christian families.
Carols English England Texts : Medieval lyric : Middle English lyrics, ballads and carols / edited by John C. Hirsh.
Carols English Scores : A virgin unspotted (Judea) : a Christmas carol for four part mixed chorus : from The singing master's assistant.; Billings, William,
Carpathian Mountains History To 1500 : Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages : an introduction to early Hungarian history.; Róna-Tas, András.
Carpatho Rusyn Periodicals Bibliography Microform Catalogs : A guide to Ukrainian American newspapers in microform / compiled by Halyna Myroniuk and Alexander Lushnycky = Dovidnyk z ukraïns'ko-amerykans'kykh hazet na mikrofil'makh ; upori︠a︡skyvaly Halyna Myroni︠u︡k ta Oleksander Luz︠h︡nyt︠s︡'kyĭ.; Myroniuk, Halyna,
Carpatho Rusyns Newspapers Bibliography Microform Catalogs : A guide to Ukrainian American newspapers in microform / compiled by Halyna Myroniuk and Alexander Lushnycky = Dovidnyk z ukraïns'ko-amerykans'kykh hazet na mikrofil'makh ; upori︠a︡skyvaly Halyna Myroni︠u︡k ta Oleksander Luz︠h︡nyt︠s︡'kyĭ.; Myroniuk, Halyna,
Carpeaux Jean Baptiste 1827 1875 : Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux : sculptor of the Second Empire / Anne Middleton Wagner.; Wagner, Anne Middleton,
Carpenter Nathanael 1589 1628 : Commentum de terræ motu circulari : duobus libris refutatum. Quorum prior Lansbergi[i], posterior Carpentari[i], argumenta vel nugamenta potius refellit. Opera, Alexandri Rossaei, Aberdonensis. Ad Lansbergium & Carpentarium, ex Persii Saytra I.; Ross, Alexander,
Carpenter Richard 1670 : A discours apologetical; : wherein Lilies lewd and lowd lies in his Merlin or Pasqil for the yeer 1654. are cleerly laid open; his shameful desertion of his own cause is further discovered; his shameless slanders fullie refuted; and his malicious and murtherous mind, inciting to a general massacre of Gods ministers, from his own pen, evidentlie evinced. Together with an advertisement concerning two allegations produced in the close of his postscript. And a postscript concerning an epistle dedicatorie of one J. Gadburie. By Tho. Gataker B.D. autor [sic] of the annotations on Jer. 10.2 and of the vindication of them.; Gataker, Thomas,
Carpentry Mathematics : The art of measuring, or, The carpenters new rule described and explained : furnished with variety of scales, fitted for the more speedy mensuration of divers superficies and solids, with all necessary requisits appertaining thereunto, as a plain and easie introduction to the principals of geometry, which is the ground and foundation of all kind of mensuration : together with the description and use of the logarithmical tables of proportions in arithmetick and geometry, also their particular application in the measuring of superficies and solids ... / composed and published by W. Leybourne ... ; unto which is annexed a supplement, containing the description of the line of numbers, with its use explained and illustrated in divers practical examples of mensuration, by John Wiblin ...; Leybourn, William,
Carpentry Tables : The art of measuring, or, The carpenters new rule described and explained : furnished with variety of scales, fitted for the more speedy mensuration of divers superficies and solids, with all necessary requisits appertaining thereunto, as a plain and easie introduction to the principals of geometry, which is the ground and foundation of all kind of mensuration : together with the description and use of the logarithmical tables of proportions in arithmetick and geometry, also their particular application in the measuring of superficies and solids ... / composed and published by W. Leybourne ... ; unto which is annexed a supplement, containing the description of the line of numbers, with its use explained and illustrated in divers practical examples of mensuration, by John Wiblin ...; Leybourn, William,
Carpentry Tables Early Works To 1800 : The art of measuring, containing the description and explanation of the carpenters new rule : Fnrnished [sic] with variety of scales. Fitted for the more speedy mensuration of superficies and solids. Also certain geometrical problems, a table of logarithms to 10000, and some uses of the same exemplified in arithmetick and geometry: but more particularly applied to the mensuration of superficies and solids, as board, glass, pavement, wainscot, plaistering, tyling, timber, stone, brick-work, and gauging of cask. The third edition with additions, by W. Leybourn. To which is added a supplement; being the description of the line of numbers, with its use, in divers practical examples of mensuration, of singular use for work-men, artificers, and other ingenious persons delighting therein.; Leybourn, William,