Catalan Literature Italian Influences : The history of the commedia dell'arte in modern Hispanic literature with special attention to the work of Garcia Lorca.; George, David J.
Catalan Poetry : Anthology of Catalan lyric poetry / selection and introduction by Joan Triadú ; edited by Joan Gili.
Cataloging Quality Control : Responsible librarianship : library policies for unreliable systems / by David Bade.; Bade, David W.
Catalogues Book Anecdotes : The auction, or, A catalogue of some useful books lately published : together with a summary of what is treated of in them.; Johnston, Nathaniel,
Catalogues Book England 17th Century : The library of Mr Du Prat, : being a collection of philological, historical and theological books ... will be sold at auction ... 2d of May next 1699. / By John Bullord.; Bullord, John.
Catalogues Book Scotland Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of books to be sold by auction on Munday the sixth of May, 1700. : at Mr. David Freebairns Auction-House, on the north-side of the High-Street- next stair to the Ship-Tavern. The time of sale is from 2 to 6 in the after-noon. The books may be seen the week be,fore [sic] the auction begin.
Catalogues Booksellers England 17th Century : A collection of choice books in English and Latin : containing divinity, philosophy and physick with several other choice mathematical books to be sold by way of auction, or, who bids most in the city of Exon ... begining exact at two of the clock in the afternoon provided there are fourteen buyers do appear.
Catalogues Booksellers England Cambridge : Bibliotheca Sturbitchiana, sive, Catalogus variorum librorum antiquorum & recentiorum plurimis facultatibus insignium : quorum auctio habebitur apud Nundinum Sturbitchianum (propè Cambridg) octavo die Septembris, 1684 / per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond.; Millington, Edward,
Catalogues Booksellers England Catalogues : Bibliotheca Belwoodiana, or, A catalogue of the library of Roger Belwood ... : consisting of an extraordinary collection of common and civil law, divinity, history ... both in Latin and English : with a choice collection of pamphlets and valuable manuscripts, which will be sold by auction on Monday the 4th day of February, at Temple-Exchange ... / by John Bullard.; Belwood, Roger,
Catalogues Booksellers England Humour Early Works To 1800 : Paul's Church-yard. : Libri theologici, politici, historici, nundinus Paulinis (unà cum templo) prostant venales. Juxta seriem alphabeti democratici. / Done into English for the Assembly of Divines.; Birkenhead, John,
Catalogues Booksellers England London Xearly Works To 1800 : Catalogus variorum librorum : ex bibliothecis selectissimis doctissimorum virorum viz. R.D. Johan. Bradford, D.D. R.D. Gulielmi Cooperi, A.M. Londinensium. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini in aedibus Johannis Bridge, vulgo dicto Bridges Coffee-house in Popes-Head-Alley in Cornhil, 14 die Junii 1686.
Catalogues Booksellers England Oxford : On Thursday the 26 of this instant November, 1685, at the auction-house in Ave-Mary-Lane over against the Black Swan, will be exposed to sale to booksellers part of the stock of Mr. Richard Davis, bookseller of Oxford, by way of auction containing these following books ...; Davis, Richard,
Catalogues Booksellers England Tunbridge Wells : A Catalogue of the libraries of two eminent persons : consisting of choice English books in divinity, history, physick, mathematicks, poetry &c., which will be sold by way of auction at Tunbridge-Wells, upon Friday the 8 day of August, 1684.
Catalogues Booksellers Germany Frankfort Early Works To 1800 : Catalogus vniuersalis pro nundinis Francofurtensibus vernalibus, anni M.DC.XX. : Hoc est: designatio omnium librorum, qui hisce nundinis vernalibus, vel noui, vel emendatiores & auctiores prodierunt..
Catalogues Booksellers Ireland 17th Century Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of books in several faculties & languages; : consisting of a choice collection of divinity, philosophy, philology, physick, cosmography, history, mathematicks, chronology; together with a large collection of civil, canon, and common-law-books; as also a curious collection of the newest pamphlets bound and stitch't, to be sold by way of auction at Dick's Coffe-House in Skinner-Row / by John Ware, bookseller. This sale will begin on the second day of May, 1699, at three of the clock in the afternoon. Catalogues may be had at the auction-house; and at my shop in the High-street, over against St. Michael's-Church.; Ware, John,
Catalogues Booksellers Ireland Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of books in several faculties and languages, : being the library of that learned and ingenious gentleman Thomas Scudamore, Esq; deceased. Consisting of a curious collection of the most valuable books of divinity, law, physick, philosophy, cosmography, history, mathematicks, philology, chronology, &c. In the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and other tongues. To be sold by John Ware, bookseller, by way of auction at Dick's Coffee-House in Skinner-Row, Dublin; where the sale will begin on the 14th of November, 1698. Exactly at three of the clock in the afternoon. Of which library the catalogues will be distributed at these places, viz. The shop of Patrick Campbell bookseller at the Blue-Bible in Skinner-Row; the said John Ware's shop over-against St. Michael's Church in High-Street; and at the aforesaid place of sale.; Skidmore, Thomas,
Catalogues Booksellers London England 17th Century : A catalogue of late books: by that reverend divine Mr. Thomas Beverly, : is now published gratis; for the satisfaction of many that desired it, who live remote from London; and with the lowest prices to each book, that they may know how to send for them. / They are printed for, and sold by William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-Street, and John Marshall at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street near Cornhil.
Catalogues Booksellers Massachusetts Boston : The library of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Samuel Lee : containing a choice variety of books upon all subjects, particularly commentaries on the Bible, bodies of divinity, the works as well of the ancient, as of the modern divines, treatises on the mathematicks in all parts, history, antiquities, natural philosophy, physick, and chymistry, with grammar and school-books : with many more choice books not mentioned in this catalogue / exposed at the most easy rates to sale, by Duncan Cambell, bookseller ...; Lee, Samuel,
Catalogues Booksellers Netherlands Early Works To 1800 : Catalogus variorum & insignium librorum : clariss. & celeberrimi viri D. Guillielmi Amesii ss. theologiae doctoris, & professoris olim in illust. Acad. Franekerana.; Ames, William,
Catalogues Booksellers Scotland Early Works To 1800 : A catalogue of books to be sold on Munday the [9] day of February 1713. in the second story of the second house in the Bishops-Closs. [sic] : The sale is to continue till advertisement be given that it's done. The books may be seen a week before the sale of them. The time of sale is from 10 to 12, and from 3 to 5 a clock. Catalogues are to be had at S. R. S's. house in the said Closs. [sic] ... The subjects of the books are philology in Greek and Latine, history, civil and natural, memoirs of statesmen, philosophy experimental, and theology, medicine and law, &c. Printed by the most famous printers, and the best editions, as the books will shew.
Catalogues College Early Works To 1800 : Statuta quædam academiæ Cantabrigiensis in admissione ad gradus &c. legenda, ad quorum observationem singuli tenentur virtute juramonti; University of Cambridge.