Central America Description And Travel Early Works To 1800 : A new survey of the West-Indies : being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America / by Tho. Gage ... ; setting forth this voyage from Spain to S. John de Ulbua, and thence to Zalapa, Tlaxcatta, the city of angels, and Mexico ; with a description of that great city, as in former times, and at present ; likewise his journey there through Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, &c. with his abode XII years about Guatemala, his wonderful conversion and calling to his native country, with his return through Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Porto bello, Cartagena, and Havana ; with an account of the Spanish navigation thither their government, castles, ports, commodities, religion, priests and friers, negro's, mulatto's, mestiso's, Indians, and of their feasts and solemnities ; with a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called poconchi or pocoman.; Gage, Thomas,
Central America Economic Conditions 1979 : The Central American crisis : sources of conflict and the failure of U.S. policy / edited by Kenneth M. Coleman and George C. Herring.
Central America Economic Integration : Instruments of economic integration in Latin America and in the Caribbean / Inter-American Institute of International Legal Studies.; Inter-American Institute of International Legal Studies.
Central America Race Relations History : The business of empire : United Fruit, race, and U.S. expansion in Central America / Jason M. Colby.; Colby, Jason M.
Central America Social Conditions 1979 : The Central American crisis : sources of conflict and the failure of U.S. policy / edited by Kenneth M. Coleman and George C. Herring.
Central American Agouti : The natural history of the Central American agouti (Dasyprocta punctata).; Smythe, Nicholas.
Central Electricity Board : British experiments in public ownership and control : a study of the Central Electricity Board, British Broadcasting Corporation, London Transport Board.; O'Brien, Terence Henry.
Central Electricity Generating Board : Central Electricity Generating Board : a report on the operation by the Board of its system for the generation and supply of electricity in bulk.; Great Britain.
Central Europe Finance : The development and reform of financial systems in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by John P. Bonin and István P. Szekely.
Central Europe History : East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500.; Sedlar, Jean W.
Central Government : Policy and change in Thatcher's Britain.; Cloke, Paul J.